
Exchange Event I

Jujutsu High...

Exchange Tournament Event...

The bright glow of the sun illuminated the entire school, bathing the serene environment with goodness and grace.

Almost all the students and some higher ups of the institution were gathered on the main campus for the event of the year; Exchange Event between Tokyo Jujutsu High and Kyoto Jujutsu High.

While most of the students were gathered in their most prestigious hall, sitting in two distinct groups, three higher ups began giving speeches of the history of Jujutsu, the mission and vision of the great school.

Among the Tokyo students, a group sat right in the middle of students, giggling and laughing from time to time, instead of paying attention to the lecture from the men on the podium.

The group consisted of Kenshin, who was seated beside Satoru and Suguru. Ieiri and Utahime sat adjacent Makoto and Nanami, while Hiroshi and Haibara sat alongside each other trying to rizz up a few second year girls.

"I cant believe they excluded all second years from this event...I miss beating up those dweebs from Kyoto.." Reminiscing the good old days, Satoru sighed and looked at his best friend.

"I heard the group from Kyoto is no joke. You guys should be careful.."

Suguru chipped in and said while looking at the team of first years.

"I think we can take them. After all, I alone I'm a one man army.." Hiroshi jumped right in with a sassy comment and Nanami was the first to roll his eyes in annoyance.

"You can rest easy, Kenshin, while you guys handle the Kyoto students, we'll make sure to handle things on the inside. Trust me, he won't be able to escape.."

Satoru patted his shoulder, as Suguru nodded along, and Kenshin who had been silent all along finally heaved a sigh and nodded.

After deciding on the plan with the group, he had called Toji to assure him. Toji instead had insisted to want to join in on the fun, however, Kenshin refused. Kenzo still had a telepathic hold on Toji's family and he didn't know what would happen if Kenzo decided to go crazy.

At the very least, by staying with his family, he would be able to recognize any change and act instantly to protect them.

After having made that decision, even Kenshin felt uneasy, as if something was about to go wrong, terribly wrong with this.

"I welcome you all to this year's exchange event. Now this year's event would be a bit different from that of the other years."

Stepping up to the podium, Yaga's deep voice was enough draw the attention of all the students.

"In this year's event, four students would be chosen from each school, and the teams would be placed on either side of the school's field. Four red flags would be hidden in four distinct areas in the field and the team with the most red flags win.."

He spoke with a serious look, as everyone nodded in understanding, including the group of higher ups seated behind him.

"Now for the students from Kyoto, please walk towards me as I mention your name...

Kamo Izanami, first Grade."

A young girl with relatively short dark hair dressed in standard Jujutsu High uniform walked out with a prideful expression.

"Izanami? Good name.." Suguru and Haibara nodded in appreciation.

"Inumaki Ichiro..First Grade..." a young boy with short blonde hair who had the length of the neck of his Jujutsu uniform reaching up to his lips walked out with a deadpan expression.

"Inumaki? Kamo? Aren't those like part of the great Jujutsu clans along with the Gojo clan?"

Hiroshi asked with a raised brow, as Suguru nodded in response.

"Tanaka Kasumi, Special Grade.." The moment Yaga finished mentioning that name, the whole place went silent for a few seconds, as a young beautiful girl with dark yellow hair walked out, fiddling with a small piece of paper in her hand.

Her facial expression was like that of an aloof immortal empress, looking both unapproachable and apathetic.

"Not bad.." Satoru was the first to evaluate with his six eyes, and even he nodded in satisfaction.

"And finally, Yamamoto Ryu...First Grade.." A tall and lanky youth wearing a white blindfold over his eyes walked out, carrying a katana on his back, with a walking stick in his hand, which he used to direct his path.

"His cursed energy...there's something about it....it's sharp, almost to the point of being razor sharp." Satoru commented, giving them a hint of their opponents good points.

"I've heard of him before, they call him blind sword Ryu. I've never seen him in action before, but sources say he exorcised a High first grade cursed with just a swing of his sword.."

Nanami spoke with a serious expression. Being someone who normally did not say much, his words held much value.

"He's strong, but if that's all he has going for him, then he's not enough to threaten us.."

Makoto finally spoke as well, stating matter of factly. Not that he didn't put the blind guy in his eyes, rather, the feats he had seen Kenshin execute during missions simply overshadowed the blind guys feats. It was just that simple.

"Now from Tokyo Jujutsu High..." Yaga cleated his throat, and looked towards his students with a small smile.

"Akihito Hiroshi, Second Grade.." Tidying his clothes and patting his hair, the lazy show off walked out with a confident smile, while the others merely rolled their eyes.

"Kento Nanami, First Grade.."

Sighing, the blonde haired sheathed his blade at his back and walked out with an emotionless expression.

"Zen'in Makoto, First Grade."

Walking out in his haori like uniform, his expression was aloof, and an subtle icy aura swirled around him. He was like a prince from a novel, coupled with his handsome looks.

Sitting within the higher ups, Naobito Zen'in nodded in appreciation, watching his offspring slowly walk and stand by his teammates.

"And finally, Hayato Kenshin, Special Grade.."

Gently arising from his seat, Kenshin walked out with both hands in his pockets. His rolled up sleeves revealed the tattoo on his left arm, and with his slightly unbuttoned shirt and messy hair he was like the prince of an International Yakuza.

Walking forward, his pupils simply rested on the person seated beside Naobito Zen'in, a handsome man in a robe, with stitch like scars on his forehead, who had a simple and gentle smile on his forehead.

"Both teams would now be transported to either side of the field, and then, the exchange event will commence.."

Yaga spoke and dropped the mic in his hand onto the podium and walked away.


"Oi, Yaga, why don't we make a bet. If my school wins this event, your school would have to allocate a year's worth of resources to us, and will receive a year's worth of missions from us and vice versa.."

Sitting with a small room, most of the higher ups were gathered, with the intention to watch the exchange event. Sitting beside each other, Yaga and Gakuganji could be help but place bets, being assistant Principals from both schools.

"Oi everyone we brought popcorns and drinks!!!"

The next moment, the door to the room opened as Satoru and Suguru walked in holding onto a bunch of popcorns and sodas and began sharing them to the bunch of old men, who could only sigh and accept this gesture of kindness.

"Hey! You brats! What are you doing here?!!"

Yaga roared out furiously, but Suguru flashed him a small smile and turned his gaze towards the handsome gentleman with stitch like scars on his forehead and handed him a pack of popcorn and some drinks.

"How can such a great event be witnessed without some snacks. Not everything has to be done the old fashioned way, you know.."

Satoru laughed and took a seat behind them after sharing all of the popcorn and drinks, as his eyes slowly rested on the handsome gentleman whom Suguru had served earlier, Kenzo Nakamura...


Meanwhile, at the edge of the forest, Tokyo Jujutsu High's team casually rested, waiting for the event to commence.

"Alright team, here's the deal. Makoto, your ice manipulation would be a great counter for the Kamo clan girl's blood manipulation. Nanami, your technique should give you a way to cancel out that blindfold guys sword abilities. From what I deduced, his technique should be rather simple, allowing him to cut through anything with cursed energy with his sword. Since your technique has similar properties, then your attacks would basically cancel out each other..."

Hiroshi began assigning roles, as the others listened carefully. He might be the weakest combat wise, but in strategic and technical abilities none of them could hold a candle against him.

"I think I'll take the Inumaki guy. I should be able to find a way to counter his cursed speech as we battle..

As for the Special Grade girl, I'll leave her to you, Kenshin. Her cursed technique seems a bit special considering the properties and peculiarities of her cursed energy. Also I did notice her playing with a price of paper in her hand. Could be related to her technique or not.."

Hiroshi spoke and looked at Kenshin who simply nodded and went along.



Upon hearing the sound of their bell, all of them instantly rushed in, utilizing impressive speeds an agility at once.


"That Kenshin guy, his cursed energy output is no joke. Honestly it feels terrifying.."

On the other side of the field, the Kyoto students discussed and planned wanting to take the win for their school this time.

Remembering what he had felt, Ryu, or blind sword Ryu spoke, while the others looked at him.

"Cursed energy output isn't the only factor in a battle." Izanami from the Kamo clan spoke with a prideful gaze.

"Their team is almost as strong as ours, however they have a weak point we should explore. The second grade guy. Once we take him out first, we can gang up on the others and take them down as well, no one said it had to be a fair fight."

She explained as the others merely shook their heads.


Upon hearing the bell, their faces hardened and they blasted into the forest at immense speeds, ready for whatever would get thrown at them.
