
Chapter 95 : "R-18" I Think

You and I are trapped in a loop. Death and rebirth. And every time the universe is rebuilt there is one constant. You and me.

 — Eobard Thawne


Jude slowly set aside the microscopic measuring instrument, his gaze fixed on the door with solemnity. If he read correctly, the yellow figure he just encountered was none other than the Reverse Flash, Eobard Thawne.

However, the situation seemed perplexing. Reverse Flash hailed from the 25th century and was known as one of Flash's old adversaries. Why would he assist ARGUS in dealing with him? This discrepancy puzzled Jude.

The little spider, recovering from the ground, inquired with a hint of dread, "Mr. Herbert, was the yellow figure you mentioned the Reverse Flash?"

"That's correct. Similar to the Flash, he possesses super-speed abilities. You should have realized it at that moment," Jude replied.

"Um, even my spider sense didn't have time to react. Fortunately, he was merely searching for something and not intending harm; otherwise, we could have been in serious trouble."

Observing the disarray in the laboratory, Jude commented, "Peter, tidy up. We're done for today. You can head home."

Glancing at the abandoned symbiote on the shelf, Jude showed little concern. Having already removed numerous tentacles in advance, he could replicate the symbiote, albeit with a slightly extended timeframe.

The real concern lay with the ARGUS. Amanda Waller seemed to be directing her focus on him. Considering Waller's ruthless personality, Jude realized he needed to be prepared to take preemptive actions when necessary.

At that moment, Jude's phone rang, and upon answering, he found Ivy on the other end.

"Jude, I just got a call from Alfred. It seems ARGUS intends to exert pressure on Wayne Group. Alfred advises us not to antagonize this organization, let alone expose the video online. It's as if nothing happened."

After a moment of contemplation, Jude responded, "Understood. The laboratory was attacked, and the symbiote was stolen. It appears that the ARGUS is involved in everything."

"Did you and Peter get hurt?" Ivy inquired anxiously.

"No, the attackers were solely interested in the symbiote and showed no intention of causing harm. However, it indicates they have reservations and don't want to escalate matters."

Concerning the video, Ivy hesitated before asking, "What about the video?"

"Keep it for now; don't release it. Consider the matter closed," Jude advised.

"Then our efforts were in vain," Ivy remarked.

Jude chuckled, "I had a backup plan in place, so let them be prepared for a surprise."

After tidying up the laboratory, the little spider departed, leaving Jude to contemplate how to deal with Reverse Flash. Given Amanda Waller's vengeful nature, retaliation seemed inevitable.

However, Jude considered Waller's agents mere pawns, and the real threat was Reverse Flash. Although uncertain if Amanda possessed other cards, Jude felt confident in his ability to counteract extremely fast opponents.

Reflecting on the speedsters, Jude acknowledged their awe-inspiring capabilities but concluded that their real danger lay in sneak attacks. Frontal combat, he believed, would be simpler to handle.

Considering countermeasures, Jude entertained various options, from simple glass-ball tactics to more complex methods like the ice used by the Cold Captain. He mused on creating glue or manipulating gravity fields, confident in his ability to handle extremely fast opponents.

One concern lingered—the speedsters' lethal technique of vibrating molecules at high speed to insert hands into victims' bodies. As he contemplated this, Jude looked down at his chest.


Returning to the hotel, Jude found it was already early morning. Despite a day of intense activity, he felt invigorated rather than fatigued.

As he wiped away sweat, Jude decided to grab some breakfast. Just as he was changing, Ivy entered the room, rubbing her eyes.

Observing Jude's naked form, Ivy nonchalantly asked, "Did you not come back last night?"

"No, I was doing some research to prepare for potential dangers."

"ARGUS?" Ivy inquired.

"It's one of them, but the real threat lies beyond the sky and in other dimensions."

Although not fully understanding, Ivy acknowledged, "It sounds impressive. I thought you were out having fun."

Jude frowned, examining himself in the mirror and then glancing at Ivy in her nightgown.

"Want to have some fun?" he suggested.

Ivy, momentarily surprised, shrugged, "Sure, why not?"

The two embraced, and after a passionate moment, Ivy's sleepy eyes transformed with newfound energy.

"So, you enjoy the excitement in front of the mirror?" Ivy teased.

"Of course, and many other ways too."

(The following twenty thousand words are omitted.🫣 )

As the clock struck eight, Ivy stood up.

"Time for round two!"

"Don't you have work?" Jude questioned.

"I'm the president; who dares to control me? I'm taking the lead this time."

With that, she moved closer.

Jude felt the heat, and only one thought remained in his mind.

"Can you resist this skill of twenty years?"


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