
People Of This World

"Who are you?" Sarah questioned the person standing in front of her in a soft voice. "That was nothing like I expected from my first battle! Where is the intensity, the thrill and the hardship that I was looking for? if this is what This word calls a fight, then i don't want to become the 'Greatest magician'. Give me back the will that I have lost due to this fight, you weakling of a beast!" the person shouted.

Sarah was confused. What did this person say? How can anyone be so arrogant about their strength?

Even though he had the skill to support his claim, How can anyone demean an opponent so rashly? Moreover, the person even said something about becoming the Greatest magician. How much does this person think of himself? After the unknown fighter calmed down and started looking towards her, she asked again ," Who are you? What are you doing in the forest of sinners?" The unknown man answered,"I am James...No Samuel Merlin. I own a farm nearby. I was on my way towards a town located inside this forest regarding some business. Pardon me for being rude, but can you tell me which way the town is?"

Sarah replied," The nearest town to this place is The Victory Town. It is located towards the at around 13 paces from here." She was still not satisfied with the answer that the person named Samuel gave her. She asked," What business do you have in town? With your battle skills I doubt that you own a farm. Are you a spy from the Raven wing Kingdom? Answer me!" She knew about the evil deeds of the nefarious people of the Raven wing Kingdom. The were corrupt, dishonest and had no sense of morality. "Raven wing? Which Kingdom is that?" Samuel answered. He obviously did not know anything about the places and Kingdoms that existed in this world. He was illiterate about the language of this world." Then where is this farm at? Don't tell me it's inside this forest because there is no way any farm could thrive without getting destroyed here. This place has many bronze, a few silver and one or two gold ranked beasts. Nobody would survive here." she said in an aggressive tone.

"Listen, if you think that I am a spy or something, I don't care, I was going towards the town for getting some work. I don't know you, and neither do I have any interest in getting to know you. I have always lived in the farm that was managed by my family. I don't have any obligation to tell you where I am going, nor any need to follow you. I just have to reach the city for which I have a map right here. If you don't have anything else to say, then scram!" Samuel angrily commented at Sarah's useless accusations. Sarah was speechless. She had not expected such an answer from this boy. However, she did not dare to utter a single word in front of him. She knew how bad his temper was currently. Angering him would only lead to her demise from his wrath. After a few moments, Samuel kept his godly failure of a sword inside his bag and got ready to leave. Just at that moment, Sarah said," Wait! I am sorry for my previous accusations and the behavior that I showed you. If you don't mind, will you help me get out of this forest safely? I can show you the way towards Victory Town." When Samuel heard this, he started laughing."I already told you, Remember? I HAVE a MAP. I don't need your help." Sarah was surprised. She did not think that her actions would have such

consequences. She now truly regretted her behavior. Only the strong are allowed to have such a temper! She apologized to Samuel by saying,"Please! I am sorry! I did not want to anger you by my actions. I will not repeat this mistake again! As you can see I am not in the condition to fight. I only ask for you to take me to the town! I am willing to pay you for it. around 700 heart coins! Please help me!" Samuel looked at the bruises on her hands and said "OK, I'll take you to the town, but I don't want your money. Just tell me more about the town on the way." Samuel replied. He was angry because of the whole situation that happened in the forest, but he wasn't a bad person. And so, Samuel and Sarah started their march towards the Victory city.
