
Doron Village and the end of a Dream

"Welcome home Ray" my mother welcomed us, "and also I wish you a very Happy Birthday,... Now go and wash your bodies…"

"Yes! Mom, "I sulked

" I will prepare a feast tonight....So don't leave a single trace of dirt on you." mom commanded while pointing our unclean clothes.

"Where's dad? ," I asked while inspecting around.

"He went to send you your birthday gift... Little did we knew that you would remember your birthday...," she grinned.

Urg and Keigo were unexpectedly popular in the village. They were busy chatting with the village folks. I went and dragged them to do the waterfall to take a bath. It was fun having a bath together with them. Their personality was quite opposite to each other, but they both get along really well, at least when I am present with them. When we returned home, my Dad greeted me.

"OOOH there....The birthday boy," he teased while rubbing my hair. Keigo and Urg greeted my parents and sat for lunch. My dad handed me a pair of new clothes, which were really according to my taste.

"Thanks Dad"

"Say that to your mom... She worked all night to sew all that"

I grabbed my parents around my arms and said "Thank you mom and dad"

Urg turned his face while Keigo had a huge grin on his face. The Village head arrived at the doorstep and called out to us.

"Come out.... The whole village is having a feast today."

"Ok, we are coming," my dad replied.

Like mentioned by the Village head, all the villagers gathered on the streets and there were tables decorated with food and lined on the street. Everyone wished me and the toast began.


[So this was what mom meant by a feast... This was all prepared in no time, It shows how much they like me. They all left their jobs in between and began preparing for the feast. This really is a place which I can call home]*ray.

Some people began entertaining by displaying their magic or to put it simply, say, party tricks.… while others started to drunken dance. It was great to see the village, which was as silent as night during my birthday day two years ago, now bustling with all these things... The entire village was like a family. Even Urg and Keigo were a part of it.

"So you turned 19 this year.... Shall I begin searching for a bride. We soon want to see our grandchildren," my mom agreed with what my dad said.

All the girls' attention turned towards me, followed by a sudden eerie silence. Keigo distributed insect catchers among the girls and Urg announced, "The first person to catch the insect gets to keep it. So pounce on the count of 3....2...1....Go" and so everyone chased the insect which was me in his scenario.

[What is this unexpected turn of events.... I always dreamt of marrying a girl who would take care of me, strong enough to fight alone, and more notably, she would always greet me with a loving smile as I would grab her waist and...….]*ray.

Lost in my thoughts while being chased by a bunch of girls, a smug look appeared on my face. To check whether they were still chasing me, I slowly turned behind..... And to make things even worse, I noticed Urg leading all the girls with a bug catcher on his hand left hand and chanting a trap spell from his right to capture me.

Failing to catch me before dusk (sunset) the event ultimately resulted in my win. Some girls sighed in their loss while others were happy that I was happy not caught by anyone.

"Guess we will have to wait for the next year;" my dad reassured the girls.

As I looked around, I noticed Urg and Keigo having a secret talk behind a tree so I secretly snuck close to them to eavesdrop on them.

"Are you sad that you were unable to catch Ray?," Keigo teased.

"No, why would I?"

"I saw you using trap spell on the girls who got close to him"

"It was for him, but ultimately the girls fell on it"

"Ok, I believe you," Keigo reassured sarcastically.

It would be awkward for me to cut into the conversation, so I decided to forget what I heard and called them for dinner. It was a feast again, but this time they filled the streets with colorful lamps and lights.

Having my tummy's fill, I went to sleep at the top of Doron Hill (the only hill of Doron village) under the Hefty berry tree (Hefty berry - red-colored berry- not any benefits). The pleasant smell of the tree, the twinkling stars and the enchanting cool breeze.... Made me so drowsy that I began to lose my consciousness and the thought which came to my mind said," I hope these days lasts forever.....and ever...."----------

................. "Wake up"......(SFX--splash splash) ......"How long are you going to sleep"..."How are you even able to sleep at this moment".........(SFX--splash splash).... [Oh! What was this.?.....a dream? Yes, maybe.... They say a person recalls his happiest moments before he is about to die.... May, I have never woken from my dreams..... May, have I stayed in my dreams forever...]*Ray.
