
Return of the Strongest Angel

"Are you sure you can beat this game?" It was a question quite commonly asked of Gabriel, all of his friends and family were worried for him. All because of his obsession with this game of his. They knew of its hellish difficulty and were worried it might consume his life. But Gabriel was not, as even with doubts coming from every person he talked to, he still persevered. And finally, after so many years of playing, Gabriel did it, he beat the game. But that was not the end, a cryptic trait, one that foretold something. And as of the next day it was finally revealed. Not only was he pulled into the game, but it was turned into reality, his stats, his hard earned character. It was all gone. But this did not deter Gabriel. All he did was smile, grasp the stars in the night sky. "I will conquer this again." There was no doubt in his mind, for he had done it once, and even if this was reality now, the whole world taken to this hellish tower, there was no doubt that he would beat it, after all he had already done it once. What was a second time.

SpacesSnips · ファンタジー
42 Chs

Angel - 9

A giant swamp, leading to a marsh, then a slightly wetter plains. Filled with kobolds and other such creatures.

The most prominent of which would have to be the lizardmen. Descendents of wyverns, who were in turn descendents of Greater Wyverns, and so on until those became descendents of dragons.

It was because of this diluted blood that they were quite powerful, some could even awaken this bloodline enough to become a threat to those higher level than them. But that was all.

A threat.

They were nothing more than that. And so his spear pierced through the strange leather they wore, taking the heart of one and at the very same time, using the body as a shield.

He turned his head, and in the moment he did, the other lizardmen had died, its body torn to pieces, finger by finger.

"Thanks" He grunted out, leaning against a nearby tree. In the distance the city stood tall and proud. Letting those lost know where shelter would be.

"No problem." Another replied, the one that had saved his ass. Not that he thought that he needed saving.

"Should we get going?"

"Yep, s'posed to meet them around the gate, around this time." He looked to the sun, mentally calculating the time.

A skill he had picked up on during his years working as a farmhand, and even further. It was supposed to be his way of rebellion, counting the hours and minutes to the dot.

But it ended up being quite a useful skill, letting him estimate the time of such matters and other useful times.

"It is?"


And with that he reached his arm around the women, letting her lean against him, both of their weapons off to the side.

They knew they were safe, and even against that, they were together. Comrades, they feared nothing.

"Hmm… we should probably go."


"Is that all your going to say?" She chuckled, her laugh melodic against the silence of the marsh.


This time she full on giggled, letting out a laugh as they both strode forth to the next meeting point.

They had been out here for who knows how long, but actually, now that she thought of it, he would probably know.

'Nah… don't want to disturb this.' Was her only thought. Even as they came across others, their bodies battered. Yet just like them, they all had content smiles.

Their strength had grown, and so too had their bonds.

Before this she could have never seen herself with a person such as him, but now, they were practically inseparable.

"I thank you all for coming, for all the work that you have endured." The angel began, unknowingly fingering the pendant that he wore over his neck.

The sound of marching soothed her, the way that those that did so, did it with such a rhythm. It was such a familiar sound.

So familiar and so soothing that she could do nothing as she drifted to and from sleep. Only to be woken hours later.

"Lady" The soldier whispered, respectfully nudging her from her sleep and back to the waking world.

"Yes, have we arrived?" 

The soldier nodded before marching back to his place in line. 

She wore a smile as she took the large hat from the rack beside her, the staff from her side, and strapped her boots once more.

Then with a wave of her hand staff she floated through the air. Letting the peasants carefully watch her.

She floated through the gates, winking and smiling at the bewildered guards. All the while laughing on the inside.

It was so amusing. To her at least.

But as he went further, floating above rooftops and observing the state of the city, she found it weird. 

There was fear in the air and not the usual fear that she was accustomed to, no, the witch found herself shivering herself.

There was an air to the place. As if some sort of presence had taken to it.

"Lady Amanda." A voice spoke to her side, startling her out of her thoughts.

"Lord Vahn." She greeted, bowing in a typical manner.

Then after the greetings had been observed Amanda was led through the building and to some sort of restaurant.

Food was served and she picked at it, greedily eating with grace.

"I was not expecting a visit of your caliber to grace our humble city."

Vahn began and with that same look he was famous for. It was one that frustrated all the lords, something about him being impossible to gamble against.

He had some sort of unbreakable poker face.

But that didn't bother Amanda, no, in fact it was quite interesting.

'I do truly wonder what must be done to break that face.'

It was tempting to attempt something right now, but she restrained herself.

"There were rumors that the local Baron was burned at the stake for some inane crime."

She was expecting him to deny it, or to deflect with some evidence of some sort. After all that was the type of man he was. Principled to the wrong things.

But no, he merely turned his gaze to her, settling those piercing eyes on her before opening his mouth to reply.

"Yes, he was a… disgrace, his art a blight on this town. And there are others, we are… currently searching for these accomplices."

"Well if that isn't ominous."

"To you maybe."

Her eyes widened at that statement, the way his eyes glittered and the swiftness of the response.

"Was that a threat?"

She practically growled her reply out, but with a bit of restraint it came out the way she wanted it to. With just the right amount of grace.

"Of course not."

And with that he rose, waving at the waiter and leaving a generous tip.

"Enjoy your food."

Amanda could only watch as he went away, as her own servants opened the door and hurried the other patrons out. 

Yet when they were gone, when there were no wandering eyes, she could do nothing but scowl. At the food, at the world, and at that accursed Knight.