
Return of the Strongest Angel

"Are you sure you can beat this game?" It was a question quite commonly asked of Gabriel, all of his friends and family were worried for him. All because of his obsession with this game of his. They knew of its hellish difficulty and were worried it might consume his life. But Gabriel was not, as even with doubts coming from every person he talked to, he still persevered. And finally, after so many years of playing, Gabriel did it, he beat the game. But that was not the end, a cryptic trait, one that foretold something. And as of the next day it was finally revealed. Not only was he pulled into the game, but it was turned into reality, his stats, his hard earned character. It was all gone. But this did not deter Gabriel. All he did was smile, grasp the stars in the night sky. "I will conquer this again." There was no doubt in his mind, for he had done it once, and even if this was reality now, the whole world taken to this hellish tower, there was no doubt that he would beat it, after all he had already done it once. What was a second time.

SpacesSnips · ファンタジー
42 Chs

Angel - 8

Blood poured over golden hair, staining it with a certain red that just wouldn't go away. Not even with a thorough wash. 

Certain soaps and water was able to veil it to a certain extent, but with the one wash, it just wouldn't go away.

But still, it bothered Gabriel a bit to see the golden hair he had come to love stained with such a crimson red.

It would go away with a bit more of a wash, but that was for tomorrow's him, for now Gabriel sat over the couch, letting his hair dry in the warm air from the recent shower he had taken.

All the while fingering a certain amulet that he had placed over the table.

It glowed an ominous blue, as if searching for something. It didn't bother him though, as Gabriel knew it was not harmful.

Not one bit.

As this little amulet had quite a simple effect. It wasn't the most powerful, but it was quite important for the long term development of his newly minted army..

Most were still scattered about, living in and surviving in numerous fields. Each filled with deadly beasts and even deadlier conditions.

But Gabriel knew of their grit, of the training that he had overseen. It was enough.

Yet even so he worried that he had not done enough, that he had sent them there to die. But those were just thoughts, cruel realities that his mind had come up with.

But even so he still distracted himself, searching the amulet with a discerning eye.

[Annala's Amulet]

[Given to her by a dear friend this amulet carries the wealth of mana that her friend had placed in it. Yet because of the hardships and trials that Annala had come to face, it had turned hopeful, with a tinge of a certain wish. One for comrades.]

The description was quite vague. But to Gabriel it gave all that was needed to discern the effects, and that was even without him already knowing what effect it held.

In simple terms it was a buff, an area of effect on those you fought with. It gave resistances to both bleed and poison.

It was as the legend went, Annala went forth on her journey, facing trap and poison, facing enemies that thought to kill her. All alone, naught a comrade in sight.

But it was that wish for one that manifested in this amulet. Using the power within, and the countless wishes that added up throughout decades of travel, the amulet had been imbued with the power to grant those the wielder fought with a resistance to the same forces that Annala had struggled with.

But the question now was not how to use it. It was who to give the amulet to.

"Gabriel?" The door opened, squeaking a bit as Rosa peaked her head into the room and to Gabriel.


Gabriel responded, turning his head to meet Rosa's own.

She held a pillow in her arms, her face turned away in a blush almost immediately. Then after a moment she just closed the door and placed the pillow on the same couch. 

Her head fell upon the pillow, scattering her brilliant black hair about. Her eyes closed and she snuggled closer, pulling the blanket that had scattered off to the side onto her.

"Gabriel." She spoke once more. Rosa's voice was more firm, with a tint of something more in it.

"Snuggle me will you… please."

For a moment Gabriel's hand struggled with decisions, but then he sighed, looking to the ceiling, a small smile gracing his features.

And in the night, the glow of the moon gracing its rays upon the lucky few, Gabriel rose, his hand snaking towards the blanket.

He pulled it off of her and with his small frame snuggled closer. Her scent was intoxicating, the way that she blushed and pulled him in closer.

Morning came, the towel that had clung to Gabriel's hair had fallen from its confines. And with a wet thump it startled both of them into wakefulness.

A bashful smile graced both of their features, bringing them fully into the waking world. 

Gabriel was the first to move, he pushed the blanket from its place and startled to his feet. Twirling up a storm as he rushed through the room and into the bathroom.

The bits of red that had clung to his hair, that scarlet red, it had faded a bit. But with one more wash over it was done.

It faded to the same golden features that he had grown so fond of.

Yet still, he stood there, stock still. His mind racing over the implications. But there was no one dense enough in this world that could misinterpret something as clear cut as that.

Yet it still begged the question, why, why had she done something so… so… so forward. 

Gabriel fingered the amulet that he wore, letting the cold metal shock him a bit with its temperature.

Then he turned to the door, and with a breath opened it. Steam flooded into the main room, veiling his vision for a moment. But that was all.

As it was soon replaced by a healthy meal, cooked by none other than Rosa. Whatever had caused that change in mood had reverted.

The moment he walked through and into the kitchen he found her wearing that same expression. Impassive as always.

"Ros-" She shushed him, a finger on her lips and a small shush to her voice.

And with that breakfast finished.

There was no longer anything to worry about. Both ate quietly, leaving the room how it was, the dishes in the sink and to be cleaned by the maid that came once a day.

Light flooded both of their eyes, blinding them for a moment as they reached through the crowd and towards their destination.

The fields outside of town. Not that Rosa knew of this, as she merely followed Gabriel, happy to oblige to all of her lord's needs and wants.