
I'm Alive?!

"Give up, Xun Yu. You're reign as the Moonlight Emperor ends here. Not only have you been ambushed, we've gotten rid of your comrades that were on their way here! Hahahaha!"

Xun Yu, surrounded by three mystical-looking plants, became enraged. His white and blue robes fluttered violently as he landed on the ground and glared at the 10 men that came to ambush him.

"You're target is me, so why did you go after my friends?!" Xun Yu couldn't hold his composure at all. His emotions flowed out of him like an overflowed cup of water.

It spilled ceaselessly.

"Well, well, well. It seems you're not so cold-hearted now are you? Don't worry, what was that girl's name? Chin Chai? Oh yeah, I made sure to enjoy her before killing her! Funny thing is, I didn't even kill her myself, she did it!"

Xun Yu was crestfallen. His Emperor Qi fluctuated violently around him. He stood still for a long period of time while gritting his teeth.

Finally, he looked up at the group of men wearing black and white robes tattered in unknown blood.

"You bastards!" Xun Yu flew into the air as his Emperor Qi fluctuated, transforming into a bright blue moon that cascaded down upon the group of men. Its artificial moonlight made Xun Yu look imposing.

The men on the ground only let out wicked laughs with wide grins on their faces.

"Don't worry, you'll reunite with those friends of yours real soon!" One of the men said while pulling out a thin but long sword. Its blade was both black and white and radiated a conflicting aura.

Such an aura would mess up anyone's energy flow, but it was no problem for the members of the YinYang Division Sect.

Each of the men followed suit, drawing their weapons.

Without any more waiting, they flew into the air, transforming their Emperor Qi into various weapons or attacks that flew at Xun Yu with terrifying speed.

From the view of an onlooker, a radiant blue moon was standing before dozens of black and white weapons and spells that attacked it relentlessly. Dozens of black and white winds were created in the process of the battle.

Xun Yu waved his hand and the moon trembled. Suddenly, a dozen more moons half the size of Xun Yu himself had appeared all around him. The moons then began shooting blasts of Emperor Qi at their foes.

The Emperor Qi clashed against the YinYang weapons, causing various humming sounds to be heard and dozens of Emperor Qi discharges flying out into the expanse.

"Give up, Xun Yu! Even though we're no match for you, our sect leader is! If you give up your heavenly medicines and fruits, he'll be generous and kill you swiftly!" One of the men mocked.

Xun Yu was alerted by this and instantly began observing the area, trying to locate their sect leader. He looked across the barren battle-ridden land, various weapon marks from hundreds of years ago still remained.

"We'll see about that!" Xun Yu waved his hand again, causing the dozens of smaller moons to come back and transform. They combined together and transformed into 4 separate swords.

Each sword was light blue and black while containing a mystical and profound aura. Despite taking the form of swords, they were still lunar celestial bodies.

Xun Yu pointed forward with a soul-piercing glare. The swords adhered to their master's will and flew out, clashing against the enemies again. Xun Yu didn't stop here though.

He held both his arms in the air, as if holding up the gigantic moon behind him. He then formed a gesture with his hands, as if he was grabbing pieces of the moon. After putting his hands down, swords accompanied each hand.

There were also pieces of the gigantic moon missing.

The swords were far better than the ones made from the mini-moons. They were thin and long, were slightly curved, had dark blue tones, and held an indescribable lunar aura that illuminated the space around Xun Yu.

Xun Yu then crossed the swords in front of him and shouted.

"Moonlight Emperor Body, awaken!"

All of a sudden Xun Yu's body began glowing extremely bright. His aura began outshining the moon behind him, making other's mistake him for the moon itself.

Wings made strictly of Moonlight Emperor Qi formed on his back, infecting the air around him with a thick lunar aura. A gigantic blue halo appeared above his head and Xun Yu's black hair turned light grey.

And finally, a formidable armor attached itself to Xun Yu's body. It was dark blue and gave off a dangerous feeling to others. It looked incredibly ancient as well, while containing an aura that felt older than the universe itself.

"D-Damn! He's half a step into the Great Emperor realm already! He's even unlocked some of his Moonlight Emperor Body!" One of the men said.

The others became nervous as well, not daring to fight too recklessly now. They were very aware of Xun Yu's reputation as one of the greatest Emperors in the mortal realm. Because of this, they were now cautious and on edge.

But, since their sect leader was participating in the battle as well, their nervousness evaporated rather quickly.

"You think we're scared of you just because of that little show you put on? Our sect leader is half a step into the Great Emperor realm as well!" One of the men said, trying to restore their morale.


"Just give up already!"

"Xun Yu, it's over!"

Xun Yu didn't bother responding to any of them and just attacked. His eyes narrowed as he suddenly vanished from his original position, along with the moon behind him. All of the men looked around, trying to find him, but it was no use.

Suddenly, one of them felt a dangerous aura behind them and looked back. To their horror, Xun Yu was already in the process of cutting their body into three pieces.

They felt Xun Yu's Emperor Qi invading their body and destroying it from the inside.

"Argh!" The man screamed in agony as he watched the tragedy befall him. Before he could process anything, he had already died. After dying, he tried to escape with his cosmic soul.

Sadly, Xun Yu erased it easily with his Emperor Qi.

"You're all dead!" Xun Yu's anger overtook his tone, sowing fear into the men's hearts.

Though, they still fought valiantly. Unfortunately, they were all slain in a matter of seconds. Xun Yu floated idly in the air, as if waiting for someone or something.

"As expected. Despite being put up against all 10 of the elders of my sect, you still slayed them all rather easily. The Great Emperor realm is really something that shouldn't be underestimated. Unfortunately, I'm a step into that realm just as you are, so I ask, do you wish to die peacefully, or die in the worst way possible?"

Xun Yu's mood was already ruined so he didn't respond. He only waved his hand, creating hundreds of mini-moons. Their aura fused together, essentially creating a massive lunar domain.

"...I'll kill you!" Xun Yu roared angrily. His assemblage of moons combined themselves, transforming into three more gigantic moons. The aura around Xun Yu grew even more terrifying when the moons appeared.

"Brilliant! I think you should at least know the name of the one you'll be slain by! I am Sect Leader Ma Yang!" The YinYang sect leader joyfully exclaimed.

As he did this, he activated his YinYang Emperor Body. His already long black and white hair navigated to the purest form of their colors. Both his eyes were black and white now, and two dragons appeared behind Ma Yang.

He didn't use any weapons, only his hands and legs for combat. One side of his body was covered with Yang Emperor Qi and the other side was covered with Yin Emperor Qi.

The YinYang dragons flying behind him suddenly roared as armor donned his body. It was a dull grey armor that gave of an extremely powerful aura. Despite it having such a conflicting aura and element properties, it only gave Ma Yang an even greater power boost.

Ma Yang's expression grew ecstatic as he hastily approached Xun Yu. The twin dragons rotated around him, making him look incredibly intimidating.

Xun Yu pointed his sword at Ma Yang and approached him with immense speed. They flew at each other with their weapons out, ready for combat!

Ma Yang punched at Xun Yu with his right fist, sending boundless Yin Emperor Qi at him. The Yin Emperor Qi fluctuated as it came in contact with Xun Yu's blade. A loud humming sound was produced, along with large amounts of Emperor Qi flying out from the attack.

Ma Yang threw another attack with his left fist, quickly meeting Xu Yun's other blade. Xun Yu flew back and landed on the ground, melee fighting while flying was too troublesome for him.

He suddenly transformed 4 of the gigantic moons into thousands of swords the awaited Xun Yu's commands. They exuded a collective divine aura that would leave anyone dumbfounded.

Ma Yang grew even more excited and rushed to the ground. He immediately continued his assault at Xun Yu, trying to get even a single hit in. Xun Yu somehow blocked and dodged his every attack!

"Good reflexes, but I don't think you'll be able to defend against this!" Ma Yang said. He put his hands together, as if he was firing something at Xun Yu. Suddenly, bother the dragons spun around his arms and out at Xun Yu.

He gritted his teeth before sending his swords at the dragons, hoping to fend both of them off. Fortunately, the swords defended against the dragons but Xun Yu could feel the power difference.

He knew Ma Yang had been half-step into the Great Emperor realm for longer than him. Meaning he probably had more experience and control over his own powers.

Meanwhile, Xun Yu had only stepped only been half-step into the Great Emperor realm for less than a day!

"You made a grave mistake trying to leave those measly swords to fight my dragons!" Ma Yang mocked. He snapped once and somehow the dragons became phantom-like.

Xun Yu's swords could no longer physically touch the dragons, but somehow the dragons could still touch the swords.

He watched in disbelief as the twin dragons destroyed his swords one after the other. Eventually, all the thousands of swords he made were destroyed.

Xun Yu was only brought out of his daze when he felt Ma Yang's presence extremely close to him. He looked down, feeling an imminent sense of danger, and quickly realized that Ma Yang's fist had gone entirely through his chest.

Xun Yu's face turned pale and he let go of his swords. Ma Yang had a wicked smile on his face as he ripped his hand out of Xun Yu's chest. Along with it, his heart.

"You were in way over your head, brat. Hopefully in your next life you can learn not to act so arrogantly, or else this'll happen to you all over again." Ma Yang said with a condescending and arrogant tone.

He crushed Xun Yu's heart right in front of his face and swiftly destroyed Xun Yu's soul. All that was left was Xun Yu's intangible mind that was overfilled with various thoughts.

"I-I'm really dead?!"


"How did he do that?!"

"My friends..."

"This isn't fair!"

"I swear... I'll get my revenge one day!"

"That bastard..."

"Can't believe I was ambushed..."

Xun Yu's mind remained unusually roaming around his body before he finally lost all consciousness.




"Mmmmmgh! Why is it so stuffy in here?" Xun Yu said while yawning and stretching. His eyes quickly contracted as he realized something mind-boggling.

He immediately looked around, noticing he was in some room that felt oddly familiar to him.

"Red Haven Sect...? I'm alive?!" Xun Yu couldn't believe it.
