
Return of the Hardworking S-Rank Adventurer

This Novel is under Hiatus, for revision. ~~~NOTE~~~ The cover used is for temporary use only and is from Pinterest.

RDream · ファンタジー
27 Chs

The Plan to Arm the Otherworlders with Runic Artifacts!

The moment Arturo, Knight Agustin, and Blacksmith Orlan arrived at the workshop that was located at the backside of the blacksmith shop, Blacksmith Orlan immediately started crafting Arturo's Golden Badge.

"Still… I am amazed that the Princess was able to meet you—a Rare Land Elemental User, Sir Arturo!" Blacksmith Orlan said after stealing a glance towards Arturo.

"It must have been the deities' will for me and the princess to meet," Arturo said that made Blacksmith Orlan and Knight Agustin glance at him—probably thinking that Arturo likes the Princess.

Arturo did not mind them that much, and simply continued, saying, "I and my family were once commoners who needed to survive in different ways—including being an adventurer! Fortunately… My knowledge and experience were needed by the princess to 'take care' of the otherworlders!"

"So… With the chance to change me and my family's life around, while being able to contribute greatly for, not only the Kingdom but everyone else's interest—including the otherworlders… I did not hesitate to accept her highness' offer to be an advisor!" Arturo added.

Then, he paused for a few seconds and sighed before complaining, saying, "That aside… I did not realize that the otherworlders are quite troublesome to deal with! Some of them were easy to talk to and follows as I told, whilst some… despite all the warnings I gave them… remained stubborn and still held into the principles that they have from their previous world!"

Knight Agustin could only force out a smile and nod in response before saying, "I understand how you feel, Sir Arturo! To be honest… Before the Mass Summoning Ritual was even approved by the Kingdom High Council, her highness was in objection of such idea—knowing that such issues might arise."

"However… Other Countries were already headstrong to do a Mass Summoning Ritual this year! Add up the fact that the nearby ambitious Kingdoms are attempting to attack us despite the treaty… His majesty, King Anmeer, had no choice but to also do a Mass Summoning Ritual!" Knight Agustin added.

Blacksmith Orlan simply gazed back to the gold badge he was forging before interjecting into the conversation, saying, "The otherworlders might be troublesome to handle, but… With the slave marks, they could be transformed as great pawns of the Kingdom!"

Arturo simply nodded in agreement and said, "Well... That's most likely to happen! They are perfect pawns against monsters and opposing countries after all! However… The problem is that they are as weak as a newly born baby, and they don't even have Runic Artifacts—what much more Ancient Artifacts!"

Artifacts are items that store a soul of a being inside it—including the being's skills, mana capacity, mana regenerative capability, and such. Thus, Artifacts were, so far, the only non-living things known to contain and generate mana on their own.

That said, despite being the unique and powerful weapon of humans in the world of Larwan, the topic of Artifacts itself was a very complex matter to be discussed.

That is why information about them was kept simple in all regards.

First of all, there were two major classifications of Artifacts—namely the Ancient Artifacts and the Runic Artifacts.

The Ancient Artifacts are the first known versions of artifacts to be used by humans. They are artifacts that do not have Runic Formations embedded in them to seal the soul of a certain deceased being.

Most of the Ancient Artifacts are formed through a soul-binding contract, similar to the artifacts found in the Room of Treasures.

And, yes… All the artifacts found in the Room of Treasures are considered Ancient Artifacts.

Unfortunately, there wasn't that much information available, even to the Royal Family, about the Room of Treasures and where the Artifacts inside it comes from. Everyone just knows that they could only enter that room once in their life and that they could only take one Ancient Artifact with them out of it—with the exemption of the 'bug' that spatial storage can offer.

Going back to Ancient Artifacts… Since, most of the time, the owner of these artifacts formed a contract with the souls inhabiting the items… the ability or skills, mana related capabilities, and such of the said artifacts are often more powerful compared to Runic Artifacts.

That said, Ancient Artifacts are often bounded to a certain user, as per contract formation. Thus, unless the previous owner of a said Artifact perishes and the 'new' owner successfully makes a contract with the soul in the artifact… no other being can manifest the artifact's power, no matter what's the case.

Moving on…

Runic Artifacts, on the other hand, are artifacts that have runic formations engraved in them. The runic formation acts as a seal to forcefully bind a being's soul into an item—including some of their previous skills, mana-related capabilities, and such.

That said, the power output of such artifacts is restrained compared to Ancient Artifacts. Add up the fact that most souls sealed in such artifacts are the souls of weak and common monsters… It is to be expected that they have a weaker damage output or power compared to Ancient Artifacts.

On the bright side, Runic Artifacts are, mostly, not soul bound—unlike Ancient Artifacts, and can be wielded by any being who lays their hands on them. On top of that, they can be mass-produced by blacksmiths—by crafting 'Blank Artifacts' or artifacts with no soul sealed on it yet, then use the 'Blank Artifacts' to kill monsters or other beings to seal its soul to the said item after its death, thus successfully creating a Runic Artifact.

Of course, this has hidden downsides—like being easily stolen [minor down side], or causing self-damage on the user because of misuse or lack of information about such artifacts.

That all said… Arturo, who lived in the underworld for years, knew even blacksmithing to create an improvised artifact—regardless of whether it is an Ancient Artifact or a Runic Artifact.

At this moment, he just didn't have the luxury to do things by himself—especially that there are a lot of eyes watching over him. Besides… It's not like Blacksmith Orlan would even 'kindly' allow him to borrow his crafting tools and equipment.

Well… It's not a problem for Arturo, since he got the 'sponsorship' of Princess Anmeerale. Hehe! [The Author Chuckles.]

Going back to the story…

Blacksmith Orlan stole a glance towards Arturo—as if he understood the hidden meaning in Arturo's words. Then, he simply asked, "Sir Arturo… Don't tell me that you are planning to arm these otherworlders?"

Knight Agustin could not help but glance towards Arturo—also curious about his answer to Blacksmith Orlan's question.

Arturo simply smirked in response before saying, "Of course! The more powerful they are, the more advantageous for us! Besides… Like what you said earlier… The otherworlders have slave marks on them! So, what's the need for us to be worried against them!"

"It's way scarier to think about being against opposing countries with otherworlders equipped with Runic Artifacts, while our own 'pawns' do not have one!" Arturo said confidently. Then, he added, saying, "If that happens… Our force would be at a disadvantage, right? So… I think that we should be worried more about the threats that other countries pose, rather than the 'theoretical' threats that these otherworlders would!"

Knight Agustin simply nodded in agreement and said, "Well… The Princess still has the final say in this matter, but… Since Sir Arturo seems adamant on that stance… Unless Sir Keihro and Sir Quadriyo object… I think that's most likely to happen."

Arturo simply smirked and said, "If not… Then, why would I personally choose a blacksmith shop that is specialized in making Blank Dagger Artifacts?"

Knight Agustin could only force out a smile as if he knew what Arturo had in mind.

On the other hand, Blacksmith Orlan simply glanced towards them and said, "Hoo… It seems like our shop's production capability would be tested soon!"

Arturo and Knight Agustin could only force out a smile in response.

But before the two of them could say a word, Blacksmith Orlan took out the thick metal pot containing the melted golden metal from the Kiln and started pouring it in a nearby mold of a badge with a flower design in it.

Blacksmith Orlan asked, "But, if I may… Can I ask why did you choose my smithy, Sir Arturo? I mean… There are other shops that also specialized in Blank Dagger Artifacts…"

Arturo simply smirked in response before saying, "I have no specific reason, to be honest! I just happen to pass through your shop and was about to check it earlier. But I was summoned by the Princess, so, I had to postpone it for a bit."

"I had no particular reason as to why I chose your smithy, so, don't worry!" Arturo added as the mold was completely filled with the gold material.

Blacksmith Orlan could only shake his head and sigh in response before saying, "Then… Can I expect that you're also here to place advance orders for Runic Artifacts?"

Arturo simply shook his head in response and said, "No! I want to place an order on hundreds of Blank Dagger Artifacts! And… I want to have them as soon as possible! So that by tomorrow morning… We'd already have several Runic Artifacts ready when the Princess asks!"

"You got to think two steps ahead, Blacksmith Orlan!" Arturo said before his face wore a mischievous smirk.

Sorry for the delayed update guys, I was busy Irl for a few days.

RDreamcreators' thoughts