
Return of the Dragon God

The gods are mighty but are also a bored lot as they look for entertainment in everything they do. But when they commit taboo by messing with time, they will come to realize why time manipulation is a taboo thing to do. Reeds life has bin one misfortune after another his race almost completely destroyed are now aimless wanderers but with the gods sending him back to the past he takes this chance and tries for a better life.

Rezac356 · SF
25 Chs


Reed took a dragon bus to Ayers Street, where the auction house is, and he was very happy to see a lot of dragons in the auctions stables. An auction must be starting soon. Quickly, he heads in and goes to the counter. The receptionist asks if she could help him he asks for an assessor to assess a product, and the receptionist states that the auction is about to start, so even if the product is good he would have to wait for the next auction to sell it Reed says he is fine with that so he was quickly shown to a room were an old man was waiting "We don't have much time please show me the product and tell me what it does."

Reed explained what the breakthrough potion was capable of while pulling out 5 of them.

"Boy, if you're going to lie, do it with believable material as not even the best alchemist can make a breakthrough potion at 70% guaranteed success, let alone 100%."

Reed keeps his cool and just tells the assessor that he can have the potion tested. The assessor looks at Reed, then the potion, then finally sighs and gets to work, checking the potions viability, and comes back with an ugly expression. How can a kid who just got his dragon mark make such a heaven defying potion. This thought goes through the assessors mind as he sends a message to the owner of the auction house.

Lady Anally Shira was having a very bad day. The center piece of the upcoming auction wasn't here, and she was just told that the person that was going to auction it wanted more benefits she told him he ither takes what was agreed or nothing and the bastard said he was going to her competitor unless she agrees on what he wants and she hit the roof when she learned what it was, no way, not even if the 9 hells froze over would she give him that and now this, a fucking twerp that says he made a breakthrough potion with 100% guaranteed success rate. Bull shit.

When she made it to the room where the assessor was, she took a moment to compose herself and entered only to have the assessor drag her over to his instruments and point at the display 100% was on it she couldn't believe it to really make a 100% success rate is impossible or at least it should be, but here it was.

Reed kept quiet throughout the entire process as Lady Shira looked him over he could hear the gears turning in her head.

"It's rare to meet such a young alchemy genius. Would it be too much trouble to know which alchemy family you are from." Lady Shira says with a big smile. Reed ponders what to say but decided it was better to be truthful. "I'm not from an alchemy family. My name is Reed, and I'm from the Getlset family." Lady Shira stopped for a minute and said "Getlset you wouldn't happen to be Martin's son, are you?"

Reed stops for a second but nods his head. Lady Shira gives the biggest smile yet "Oh I knew it, you're little Reed, it's been years since I last saw you. You've grown up so well, but I should have realized you look a lot like your father at that age. Ok, how many of these potions do you want to auction?"

"My lady, are you joking? Even a grandmaster alchemist wouldn't be able to..." As the assessor was speaking, Reed cut him off by saying,"I got 31 potions." As Lady Shira hears this the next instant, the assessor barks."Impossible, not even a grandmaster can do such a feat." Reed nods and says he has 15 for the master rank, but the others aren't the same even though the amount of 15 master rank breakthrough potions makes his eyes pop out when he heard the rest he practically fainted but Lady Shira's eyes are practically glowing as she says "But that's 30 what the last one." As Reed has a disappointed look, the assessor seems to calm down, but the next sentence practically kills him."The last one is something of a failure it's for an immortal rank breakthrough potion with only a 50% success rate." The assessor practically dies only 50%, you little brat. Even the greatest grandmaster can only guarantee a 10% success rate and only if they have the best ingredients and at least 5 days of seclusion.

Lady Shira claps her hands in glee as she says "Well it looks like we have our center piece hurry up and hand them over. I'll get everything set up, and you will wait here." After Reed hands over his ring, she runs out of the room. The assessor is in the corner dying while Reed takes a seat.

After a few minutes, Lady Shira comes back and tells Reed he will be joining her in her VIP seating area. Reed notes that she was telling and not asking, so he had no choice but to accept.

When they got to the seating area, there was a young woman sitting there already, and when she saw them, she said "Mother the auction is about to start. What was taking you so long?" As she looks at Reed. "Why, I was just inviting your little brother to the VIP area, that's all." When Lady Shira dropped that bomb, both Reed and her daughter looked stunned stupid, and Reed thought when did I have a 4th sister. Lady Shira sits down and starts to explain, "I am very good friends with your mother Reed, and I was and still am betrothed to your father it's just my family still insists that your father hasn't met there criteria to let us marry. You also know that your sister Mana was born when they weren't married, yet it is the same for Ingrid here is the same reason her last name is Getlset rather than my family's name." Reed and Ingrid stare at Lady Shira, then look at each other and a few things started to make sense for Reed as in his last life after contracting the dragon slayer sickness his father was removed from the Wings of Havoc and became despondent also he knew Ingrid but more as someone that would help him when he needed it and now he knows why to both instances.

As Reed is thinking about the past, Lady Shira says that he should call her mother from now on. Ingrid, however, learning he made some heaven defying potions, couldn't help but ask how he did it, and Reed answers with "It requires one to break down the ingredients to their most basic components." And when Ingrid asked how it was done. An aged but firm voice added, "I wouldn't mind learning just that myself."