

A battle had erupted in heaven.The angels went against their Queen and sent her to reincarnation on earth.Shiku ,the ex-queen of angels had to start from scratch to the top and decide if she will avenge her first death by destroying the heavens,or kill all the angels.

GGL_manga · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs


It took less than a second for three figures to disappear just after the mysterious person had arrived.Two were known while the third...was still a scary mystery.It's not like,the students were seeing this as new,no.sixty years ago,the city's great scientists had developed power crystals.Each crystal had a different type of energy with different powers from different kinds of energies.They had been able to achieve this when two astronauts discovered a black hole that seemed completely different from the other black holes that seemed to revolve around it.This one produced miraculous clouds of different colours.When they got in contact with it,they had become super natural.One no longer needed gas containers in space, nor did they need breathing for life while the other was capable of performing crazy speed and agility.

After the discovery,the City Lab had been created by the government inorder to utilize this power.They sold these crystals very expensively that only one or two people in the whole city had these power.

Ling's life had turned to a complete mess since the first fight club class.He did not understand which emotions he needed to choose at this condition.He felt like crying or screaming but was unable to as he stood there motionless.It was hard for a teenager to control such situations that they had no choice as they suffered mentally.

The students were silent the whole time as they absorbed the condition to understand but none of them had even the smallest of the idea of what's happening.

'I... promised her ... protection...,'he spoke with a broken sentence under his breath,'...and I just lost...the two of them.Where are they?'the pain was great.'I have to be strong.. '

Ling had a crazy idea on him and must get what he wanted if he wanted to ever see them alive again.

Two whole weeks had passed after the incident without any signs of the missing students around or returning.The situation in the principal's office was so tense.

"Relax sir,it's not only your daughter that is missing,"the principal was annoyed by the man's behaviour.

"RELAX?You are telling me to relax?"a tall man with short blue hair was beyond angry as he asked this,"So what?Will you send out a search team ?or are you still going to continue to swing your obesities on that chair?"The man had just mocked the principal's fat body.

"So far you have done nothing at all.Are you nuts?"a female joined in.

These were Erin's parents.Their hearts had 'stopped' as soon as they heard this tale.

Leaning forward on the table,the principal sighed,"As soon as the City's Security Force was here minutes after the incident,the investigation had started.This is also what I told the other lost girl's mother."He remembered how broke she was from her two children going missing.He didn't know how to help her about her son, because in his report,only the daughter was gone.He also remembers that she said that the only thing she knew is that her son had written her a heart breaking letter before leaving and going missing.She had spent this two weeks weeping.


Alarms went on as red lights flashed the whole building.The security became two times tight as soldiers were running all over searching everywhere.It was very strange to have military soldiers in a lab.But this was the reason why, there was an invader.

Sweat was wetting up his whole body as he bent behind a huge counter table.Yes,he could see the exit just metres away from where he was,but he couldn't dare move an inch.soldiers were everywhere.While some small aeronautical robots scanned every corner.He slightly bent further down as green scanning rays almost touched his head from behind.

It was just days before this, that Ling had made up a life risking decision.He had no choice since he couldn't tell his mother about the situation.He instead wrote her a note stating that she shouldn't worry about him or his sister.That they will return after a week or so.

He had made an oath.He covered himself properly as he used the underground sewer tunnel to get into the building.He knew where he will pass,so he prepared himself with a good smelling perfume.He successfully got to one of the rooms unnoticed.The door to the room wasn't properly shut.Great computers and electronics were all over.But that wasn't what he was looking for.What he saw at the centre was what he wanted and was amazing just looking at it.Ling removed the mask on his face to get a clear view.It was a red crystal that glowed brightly.It was encased in a cube made of glass then raised by a cylindrical platform that was about two feet high.This wasn't a problem as he broke the glass.Surprised,no security alarm was heard.But then they screamed as he took the crystal that perfectly fit on his palm but disappeared after the contact with his hands.He escaped from the room and now he was behind the counter.

One soldier came close to his position but soon decided to go back before he checked behind the counter.He suddenly stopped,held his gun tightly in position,as he sniffed the air.

"Why did I take that perfume with me?!"Ling cursed inwardly as the soldier was approaching his position.This act had also caught the attention of the others as they followed behind.