
Retiring as an Incompetent Queen

“Down with the villain!” The townspeople rioted at the gates while Yu Yan calmly sipped her tea, occasionally nodding and raising her fist along with the riots like she was cheering on a football match. “Down with the villain!” she hollered along with them, on the balcony above. One of the townspeople snarled, “Do you have no shame? You kill us, and then you mock us?” Oh, right. She blinked, remembering. She was the villain. Oops. It had been two weeks since Yu Yan, a lazy millionaire’s daughter, transmigrated into the body of an incompetent Queen in a novel she read. Twenty years before the actual novel takes place, the villagers are set to riot and take over the Kingdom. “Aiyoo, if they want to riot, let them riot. If they get tired, send them water. If they need more people, go send the guards to riot with them. Easy.” She’s read enough books to know that the butterfly effect is dangerous. But this time, she won’t die. “Belluse, have you made the preparations?” “Yes, Your Majesty. The carriage is ready.” Fake her death, run away to the villages of the neighboring country to her secret mansion, die there, and hope for the best. Let the male lead sort out the country in twenty years. Of course, she didn’t expect the male lead to come find her. “Uh..Your Former Majesty…” He hesitated. “Your personal attribute says ‘Immortality.’” .... *updates every Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays* *600-1.2k words each chapter* *starting to get published on Royal Road* *contact me on instagram @enna.core for questions or just to talk*

incarnadine · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Into the Unknown


Why do humans fear the unknown?


Count Dubois, or more commonly known as Principal Dubois, ran Vya Academy.

He shared his politically powerful wife's Radical beliefs, but was an anti-Royalist instead. It was a wonder he had been let to run the Academy, but again there were many wonders in the world.

In actuality, he was the result of a 'political diversity' catfight the Council had a decade ago. Perhaps it was staged, so there would be less anti-Royalists in the Council. Either way, he was here.

"Principal Dubois!" an assistant opened the door to his office. "The applicants for the teacher's assistant position are here, ready for you to interview."

The count looked up from the pile of papers on his desk, sighing tiredly as his drooping eyelids were flung open with the promise of more work.

He sometimes wished all catfights between the Council would cease, to end the paperwork that followed him in his nightmares for future generations.

But, here he was.

Still here.

"I need to personally interview them?" he asked, raising an eyebrow and failing.

'I can't even feel my face.'

"Yes, Principal Dubois." The assistant hesitated. "You've been doing this for the past ten years…"

"Alright, alright." The count waved his aide off, rising from his creaking chair. He felt too old for this as he made his way through the halls.

Students greeted him. Children of the nobility, all talented prodigies.

He didn't even remember their names. The famous ones he named, "Number One," "Number Two," in order of how powerful they were.

The count stopped before the interviewing rooms just as the assistant placed a paper application in the count's hands. The count scanned the summary of the first applicant.

[Name]: Ingrid Rook

[Hometown]: Rook, Rella Territory

[Age]: 29

[Gender]: Female


~ Elemental Master (Air)

[Air Manipulation] Master (Specialty)

[Air Sensing] Master

[Air Summoning] Master

[Air Shifting] Beginner

~ Swords Master

[Swordsmanship] Master

"Her capabilities seem good," the count mused. "Which room?"

"The first one."

"Alright, then. You stay outside, it'll go better that way." The count opened the door.

He was met with a masked figure.

Dark hair in a tight bun, with a scar peeking out of the face-covering and arching across the neck; a gleaming hilt of a sword was attached to the belt. A shorn half-length cloak without its hood hung over a lanky - or was it petite? - figure, and sharp eyes gleamed behind the mask.

'Callused hands,' the count noted, 'she looks trained.'

After taking a seat, the count spoke.

"Is the mask really mandatory?"

A blunt question.

The figure didn't seem alarmed. "I prefer it this way while assisting, since it's more discreet. I prefer not to take it off unless necessary, but if the interview needs it, I will." A curt, yet polite response.

'Ah. She's probably the type to view attention as unnecessary. Swordsmen really are eccentric.' The count didn't mind, though.

His wife was eccentric. His mansion was eccentric. Hell, even the butlers in the Dubois county were eccentric. As long as the benefits outweighed the costs, the count would even hire one of the fluffy noble puppies that his children liked to play with, that got enraged at a single sound.

But man, he was tired.

"Why did you choose us?" he began. A standard question.

"I've always-"

"Cut to the chase. Is the pay? Title? Just the motive is needed."

The figure didn't flinch.


"The title, probably. As long as the pay's alright, the title is worth more," she replied. "Would you like me to demonstrate my abilities?"

"No, it's alright. I'm convinced…Ingrid, was it?"

A pause, as if she was raising her eyebrows.

"Is there any form of protocol I need to know about, Your Lordship?" the figure asked, a bit cautiously. "I-"

"No," the count repeated, "like I said, it's alright. You can start tomorrow, but my assistant outside will give you the tour. You'll be assigned to Professor Stefano Ricci, our Elemental Magic Theory professor; I assume you're adept in elemental theory?"

After receiving a nod, the count continued, "If it doesn't work out, you'll be dismissed after a trial period of a month. Five vacation days are provided, and, after a year of work, the number will rise to ten. Monthly pay, as on the offer, is two silver. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask my assistant."

He could see Ingrid blinking, as if absorbing this information.

"I'm sure you know," she said slowly, "that I'm a commoner…"

'You're probably shocked by how easily you got in…'

"Commoner or not, this interview is now over," the count replied tactfully. "My assistant is waiting for you outside. I'll be waiting for you to report to duty tomorrow."

Callused hands.

Darting eyes.

A calm disposition, and calmer eyes.

A sharp aura.

Years of training and experience, perhaps by herself.

A desire to grow, and meld with others if needed.



Yu Yan had killed two people in less than a month.

No, she had murdered one, framed the other one, and watched as her first victim's family members went after her second 'victim.'


A Baron's illegitimate son had attempted to get Yu Yan fired from her post simply because she failed to respond to his romantic advances. Perhaps he had a scar feti$h? It obstructed her endgame, drawing attention to her.

Either way, she had gutted him in an alleyway. The Baron in question had seven illegitimate children, and four legitimate ones, but still had needed to put on some façade of revenge. Otherwise, his authority would be questioned.

'My lines are moving...'

So, Yu Yan had made it easy for him, tucking a scarf belonging to another teaching assistant into the illegitimate son's pocket before murdering him with a knife also belonging to said teaching assistant.

She had made sure the other teaching assistant, who had attempted to sabotage some of her demonstrations, had no alibi.

Two birds, one stone.

There was no trail that could be led back to her, as she had used [Air Shifting], and the murder had been practically wrapped up in a pretty package for the masses to eat up.

"And so, those are the basics of Will and Core, the two fundamental cornerstones of magic. I'm sure all of you know, that most people ignore 'Core,' and tend to focus solely on 'Will.' However, just 'willing' your magic to harness an element without understanding what you're harnessing can lead to a backlash, an obstacle that prevents most from Mastering their respective elements, as proposed by Magic Theory pioneer, Professor Carlos Hernandez," Professor Ricci said, "your homework is investigate and write a report on said obstacle, and the harmfulness of leaving out Core, with minimum length of two scrolls, by next class. Class dismissed."

By listening to and asking Professor Ricci about the theory behind concepts, Yu Yan had mastered [Air Shifting] after mulling over his teachings. This meant she could transform not just her arms and legs, but her entire body into air. It was how she had murdered the Baron's son, and she could now travel along the wind currents.

It had only been a few weeks, but with access most of the Academy's resources, she had improved.

'Ah, the sweet benefits of Vya Academy.'

The second-years gradually left the classroom.

All she needed to do in the lessons was to assist Professor Ricci was a couple demonstrations. Sometimes, she would even do demonstrations as an individual. That was what the other teaching assistant tried to sabotage, in a fit of revenge? Anger? Whatever was the case, Yu Yan really didn't care.

They were dead now, anyways.

Besides, it was just a teaching assistant and an illegitimate baron's son.

Although the case was investigated, there was little to no evidence and the count was probably too tired to suspect anything else.

Keeping her head down was the utmost priority.

The students had been wary of her mask, but after a couple days, the simmering interest had died down.

'Leveling up' was the main thing to do.

Yu Yan sighed, saying goodbye to the Professor, ducking her head down. Professors were qualified when they Mastered two elements. Mastery meant mastering both Summoning and Manipulating - mastering one more element could mean the difference between life and death, which was why Yu Yan had decided on something…

She made her way to the library, where she spent most of her breaks, with a nod to the librarian. Inside the school hallways, no one really noticed her. Yu Yan tried to use her abilities as little as possible, and that had helped her image of being 'quiet.' Even the chattiest noble children didn't disturb her much.

After finding a Water Manipulation book, she leaned her back against a discreet corner, and continued from where she left off.

It was amazingly detailed and impeccably written, compared to the ones sold at Rook's local bookshop.

The first-year class was the last class of the day.

Since the rules said that both the staff and the students weren't allowed to take their books back to their rooms, Yu Yan mainly read them at the library.

An hour passed, and the students returned to their dorms, as the librarian gestured for her to leave.

"Teaching Assistant Rook?"

"Ah, sorry. I'm going."

Yu Yan cleaned up the fountain pen she was using to take notes, and her note-scroll, pushing them into her bag as she headed back to the inn.

Another restless night.


Yu Yan: "keeping my head down is the utmost priority"

Also Yu Yan: *proceeds to murder two people*

this proves: intelligent =/= always rational

all jokes aside, Yu Yan's character development is kind? of? clear? at least I hope so...

incarnadinecreators' thoughts