
Requiem of a Godslayer

Caius Withide was just a farm boy. He lived working the fields with his family. There was magic in his blood, so he was used to the usual inspections that were meant to scout young sorcerers. Despite this, his blood was thin. He never thought magic would awaken in his veins. But when it inevitably does, how will he handle it?

Fatal_Peasant · ファンタジー
30 Chs

Chapter 12

The next day was quite an adventure. Eva woke me up at first light to ensure she could browse the market before leaving. After discussing it, we agreed that we shouldn't spend an entire day doing what whatever it was Eva wanted.

It was mainly because she couldn't come up with many things to do in a small village, and we had told everyone at the farm we wouldn't be long, so adding an extra day onto our trip might concern them a bit.

Our first stop was at a little clothing store. We weren't in there long, as Eva quickly decided they didn't have anything she wanted. We bounced around similar stores and stands around the market place, grabbing some things rarely.

After about an hour of this, we decided it was finally time to head out. But first, I needed to get a new axe. Well, I didn't need it, but I thought it might be a good idea. Just in case.

Knowing just the place to get it, I headed to the town forge. Max and Val's father, Mr. Foeman, still ran the forge here, and he was very good at his job. As we got near, I asked Eva to go and retrieve our horses while I got the axe.

Pushing open the doors of his forge, I was greeted by the familiar room, with Mr. Foeman standing behind the counter talking to another man. In the same moment I recognized this man as one of the robed individuals from the night prior, I heard him say,

"You wouldn't happen to know where I could find a young man by the name of Caius Withide, would you? I've been asking around all morning." He spoke with a bit of an accent that I couldn't place.

Mr. Foeman let a hearty laugh out of his forest of a beard, before exclaiming in his gruff voice, "Well of course I could. He's right behind ya! It's good to see you, kid."

The stranger turned around to face me, allowing me to make out the features of his face. This was the one I hadn't seen enter the MEB Building. He had sharp features, tan skin, and short blonde hair.

Then, I recognized the ears. This man was an elf. It's not common finding them outside of Eladar, especially not this far north. You could expect to find them in Odoran, but not the Empire.

"Well, that is a stroke of very good fortune, then." The Elf wizard spoke. Christoph was his name, if I remembered correctly.

He strode over to me, offering a hand to shake. After a moment's consideration, I took it. "I am very glad to have ran into you here, Mr. Withide. I am here, with my partner, on behalf of the Therian Mage Association and the Therian Mage Academy. Do you think we could take a seat, for a bite to eat, and talk some things over?"

Now, I was very interested in what these mages wanted from me. I did some math, and figured I could fit a brunch in before Eva and I left.

"I think we could. I have some business with Mr. Foeman here, so how about I finish that up, while you go find that partner of yours, and we'll meet at Tommy's Town Inn, in about a quarter of an hour?" I replied with a smile on my face. Tommy's Inn was surely where they had stayed the night before, as it was the only inn this town had.

A tiny smirk spread across his face as said, "In a quarter of an hour, then," before taking his leave of the building.

I made my way over to Mr. Foeman's counter. With a hint of surprise, he said, "Movin' up in the world, aren't ya, boyo?"

"Something like that," an edge of uncertainty in my voice.

"I never trusted those big city folk. Always seem like they're up to no good." Mr. Foeman seemed like he had more to say, but chose not to.

"I don't think I trust them, either."

Concluding our transaction, I was now 50 copper poorer, and one axe heavier. I found Eva halfway between the forge and the stables. She seemed to be having a hard time guiding Dasher while on Daisy's back.

"Eva, go entertain yourself for an hour. Something came up. I'll find you, and then we'll leave."

"What? Are you serious? You make me go get the horses, just for us to not leave? What are-" sensing how long her complaint list was about to be, I shut it down quickly.

"Look, it's important. I find you in an hour. Don't get lost."

With that, I took my leave. I could tell she was fuming, but she didn't follow after me.