

Raja was fighting a legal case in court fir long. His wife was pushing him too much. He made friendship with Selena who was also a worried person. The case wad getting delayed and the judge was trapped in a murder case having extramarital affair. He killed own wife in hospital and escaped. But sleuths were chasing him. The story goes on to end in a multi cornered affair in which hatred turns into interesting combination couples.

Brajendra_Jha · 都市
9 Chs


Raj reached house of Manish almost sleeping on the way from station. He couldn't sleep in train ad the passanger on opposite berth was snoring as well as farted loudly. He was ashamed of such uncivilised people. He kept imagining Selena sleeping with Manish while his sister slept with dose of drug.

He found Selena pacing outside the house briskly as if awaiting for his arrival and on starting from station.She asked him to be silent by putting a finger on her lips and took him to the bedroom where she slept.

He found Manish sleeping on the coach. He wanted to hit him hard to kill thinking he availed Selena the previous night and was now sleeping.

Selena held his arm and spoke in a hushed tone, 'he has slept with difficulty after three days. He couldn't get sleep even after consuming sleeping pills. I have patted him to sleep.

Jyoti was taken to hospital before Manish returned. He fainted after knowing this. Hopefully he will be awake after a few hours. You also take a bath and change clothes. You are looking terrible and smelling awful.

'I will listen to details after you freshen up. You seem to have rested better than me,' told Selena. Raj sat down in a chair by the side of wife. who went to sleep in the bed.

It pained him deeply whenever Selena talked with dirty mind and low thoughts and felt like getting free from bondage of marriage. It never happened beyond thinking or at times heated arguments restraining physical hitting. Today she was careless and totally unprotected but he controlled himself and didn't take advantage to break the rule framed by the two.

'It was a typical conjugal relationship,' concluded Raj.

He also took a nap sitting in chair and was suddenly woken up by the loud call of Manish, 'When did you come? How suddenly you have come without intimation? Is it all well there?'

Raj was worried and thought how this man was looking absolutely normal after the hospitalisation of wife. He rubbed his eyes to ensure that he was fully awake and said, 'In fact my wife wanted me here urgently.'

'She is super sensitive woman. My wife has been admitted as she was having repeated convulsions. I was on tour and returned after getting a call from Selena. I was more worried for her.

'Jyoti was suffering from depression and underwent treatment for a longtime. She recovered to great extent and behaved normally. Now she was worried about having a child and also enjoying labor pain. Doctor said that this is temporary and she will overcome this by proper tendering and caressing.' Manish further told.

Later in the evening she sent a message of well being to me when in fact I was busy. This is our understanding to send messages when on tour and not to disturb working. She sounded confident to manage herself without taking much help from maid Sunidhi. In the past also she managed everything including business needs without making mistakes. Doctor says this happens when the first time pregnancy happens.

'What happened to Selena? Why is she still sleeping? I was extremely worried and slept very late at night. She kept awake and something worried her. She gave me pills to sleep and, thereafter, I could sleep. Now I am normal and can manage myself,'

Manish suddenly asked after controlling himself. He walked into the room where Selena slept in the bed of Jyoti in night dress of Jyoti. Raj just watched from a distance. Manish went near her and checked her soiled dress showings rude handling. He touched her face lovingly. Then he searched the bed around and looked satisfied. He came out from the room and told Raj to get ready.

Raj walked into the bedroom room and closed the door before going to take a bath. He searched Selena's dress particularly pajama and his doubt was confirmed. Manish slept with her after returning from tour finding Jyoti absent. Manish was not resisted and Selena never bothered to change dress even knowing about the arrival of husband.

Suddenly Manish held the pulse of Selena in hand and panicked. 'Get the car to take her to hospital. She is sinking,' he shouted.

Raj also panicked and both took her to the nearest nursing home in an emergency. Doctor checked and reacted, 'She is sinking due to loss of water and must be given saline. What could be the reason?' the doctor asked.

It was Manish who answered, 'She has taken sleeping pills after the hospitalisation of sister yesterday night. She was alone at home and underwent extreme stress you can imagine.'

Now the doctor started giving saline and washed Selena's abdomen doubting the overdose and gave other necessary treatment. The day passed and at late night doctor declared her out of danger. They relaxed a bit but Raj was totally unnerved. None could know the reason for the incident. Next day Selena was back and both Manish and he were nursing her. They could never imagine the turn of events and doubted the intention of each other.