
L and Coil

A/n: I don't own any of the anime/manga/cartoon/songs/music references that might appear on this fic, all I own is the idea and the OC's I might use later on in the story.

I hope you enjoy the chapter.


Ozpin looked out of his tower and watched his students pass through the gates without care. It was already Saturday and it was Haven Academy's turn to go out. Ozpin simply watched them go with Ironwood at his side and with several holograms behind him.

"It's been a while now, I think it is time to talk about information I have gathered on the possible intruders and the traitor among you as well." L's voice rang through the room as his signature hologram appeared in-front of the four headmasters. His voice was as modulated as it had been the last time they had spoken.

Ozpin took a sip from his coffee and turned around to face the hologram in the room. Now paying attention to the unknown detective he sat down and took out several files from a drawer in his desk.

"Yes, I've reviewed your possible suspects, but I have some questions as to your reasoning." The headmaster said looking at the hologram.

"Ozpin, we can't trust this guy! We shouldn't consider anything he says!" Leonardo's voice seemed to shake and tremble as he spoke through his hologram.

"I agree, a man who does not even show his face to his allies is not a man whose opinion I trust." Theodore said as his hologram crossed his eyes and stared at the other headmasters.

"I will not state my opinion in this Professor Theodore, I will simply state facts." L's modulated voice was certain, objective and seemed to hold an amused undertone as he spoke with the headmasters.

"As for your doubts in my suspects, I would reassess who you can actually trust Ozpin, not everything is as it seems." L said as his hologram started to flicker as the light coming from the scroll used to show his hologram turned on and off.

"Keep in mind that those infiltrated will always aim to either kill those who are on top or to attain information. Considering your position I wouldn't find it impossible to assume that the traitor amongst you is trying to kill Ozpin… After all, he is the one who holds the most power among you four." L's scroll blew up, leaving no evidence it existed to begin with.

Ozpin was a patient man, he could wait for years without getting to the answer of a certain question but still remain calm and composed. But for some reason, not being able to know who in his midst might be reporting to Salem made him nervous, made him impatient and frustrated.

"Put Coil on speaker." Ozpin interlocked his own fingers and stared at the hologram in-front of him. The hologram showed a red-haired man wearing a skull mask inside a luxurious hotel.

"Well well well, if it isn't my employee!" Coil was sitting down on a purple armchair while drinking some kind of orange beverage.

"We've paid you Coil, now you do your part." Ozpin looked at Coil and gave the headmasters a smirk as he pulled files from underneath his purple armchair.

"Of course!" He took papers out of the files and then stared at them for a minute before saying anything.

"L was last seen in the Bloulevale hotel on 17th avenue at six in the afternoon. He was registered to the twentieth floor and signed in with the name of Rem Ryuk." He answered, surprising the headmasters.

"Can we assume you've seen L's face?" Ironwood questioned, taking a step forward and awaiting an answer from the detective.

"I don't know? Have I?" Coil answered, grinning in-front of the headmasters who simply glared at him.

"Very well." He said in his usual monotone tone of voice while shaking his head.

"I have never seen L in my life." He answered, surprising the headmasters in the room.

Leonardo clenched his fists and glared at Coil who comfortably sat down on his armchair. "Then ho-"

"Simply put, in my last assignment with L I placed a tracker on his shoes. He's been wearing the shoes for a very long time and still hasn't noticed." Coil took out his scroll and showed it in-front of the screen where the headmasters were, in the scroll a small orange dot appeared, moving around a small room. Coil zoomed out of the room and showcased a hotel labeled in the screen as Boulevale hotel 17th avenue.

"Thank you Coil, as per the other investigation, did you read the files I sent you?" Ozpin asked. Coil nodded and took out more files from under his armchair.

"Yes, brilliant deductions made Ozpin." Coil said slapping the papers with the back of his hand as he looked at the files.

"If I didn't already know I'd call you a brilliant detective slash genius." He said staring at the files.

"Thank you." Ozpin couldn't help grinning as Coil nodded.

"Yes, it is very likely one of these teams is the intruder in Beacon given the evidence in these files." He said, putting the files down somewhere in-front of him.

"Ozpin, I'm going to warn you right now." Coil said as his hologram leaned back on a sofa and drank out of what seemed to be a glass of wine. He sipped it and smiled at the other headmasters. Ozpin leaned closer to the hologram and opened his ears for whatever advice Coil had to give him.

"I suspect one of these teams, whichever is guilty to damage or hack the CCT tower to impede global communications later on." Coil warned Ozpin who widened his eyes.

'How did I not think of this before?' He questioned, staring at the hologram in-front of him along with the other headmasters who looked at Coil with degrees of discomfort and disgust.

"How certain are you of this Coil?" Ozpin asked, looking at the detective who grabbed his chin and rested his cheek on his knuckle as his arm was supported by the armchair.

"I'd say it's almost certain." Coil took another sip of the glass. "I hope you will invest more on me after this little tip, I risked my life getting it after all." He said, staring at Ozpin who sighed.

"Unless you don't want a way for me to negate the hacking and possible bombing." He said, surprising the other headmasters.

"B-Bombing?!" Ironwood screamed looking at the hologram of the boy who simply smirked and nodded.

"Oh yes, there is a high chance that the people infiltrating Beacon will also bomb the CCT tower. Hand me another 100 thousand lien and I might tell you when it will happen, and help you prevent it." The detective smirked.

L wasn't greedy, money wasn't something he had ever been worried about before, but with the increasing dangers of Remnant he felt like he needed some kind of defence, a safety net in case something happened. He needed the money not only for the equipment needed, for the preparations needed, but he also needed the money to raise future detectives to take his legacy after he died, him being the last detective capable of using his mind in this world wasn't enough.

A small bell noise was heard through the hologram as L smirked victoriously. "The attack will be at the same day of the dance, that is the day where the CCT will have the least amount of guards. As for the preparations… Leave that to me, just make sure to keep an extra amount of guards in the CCT tower rather than the dance." L shut off his hologram and walked towards his desk. He took a sip out of his wine glass and smiled.

"I love grape juice..." He took a carton box which had the message <Grape Juice, extra sweet> on the packaging. He put more of the juice on the glass and drank it entirely.

Satisfied with the juice, he moved towards his bed and took off the wig on his head. His red hair completely disappeared, showing his natural pitch black hair.

"Hmm… I wonder what mask I should wear, and what hair color I should have?" He asked himself as he took the contacts off his eyes showing his dull black eyes. He opened his closet and saw several different wigs of different colors along with different masks which most would find creepy. Taking one and quickly swapping it with the one he had on, L closed the closet and sat down on his bed.

He opened a letter he had received from Pyrrha along with a box. He had checked beforehand and there was nothing suspicious around the box, no gunpowder smell, and the metal detector said nothing about it, so he simply took it off and saw a cake. He opened the letter and read it.

<Don't forget about the dance Light, here's a cake, it's your favorite>

L smiled and took a piece of the cake.
