
Ballroom dancing

The door of the entrance to the communications room of the CCT tower was violently opened, revealing Ozpin and Ironwood who quickly jogged towards the front of the room, where L sat, on top of one of the desks.

"Coil, we got your message." Ozpin said, looking around the room and finding nothing at all. They saw all of the guards either knocked out or dead at the front of every entrance in the tower. "Did you manage to apprehend whoever was behind this?" Ironwood stepped forwards, with both his hands behind his back.

"No, but I have asserted that they are not trying to destroy our communications just yet." L said getting into a more comfortable position. He now laid down on the desk with his back against it, he wasn't L right now, no currently he was Coil, the second best detective, and as such he had to act like it. His voice wasn't monotone, instead it carried some emotion behind it, however anyone would be able to tell that he was hiding his true intentions under his voice.

"Oh? What would their goal be then?" Ozpin asked, making Coil sigh.

"It is quite unfortunate to say that I did not figure this out alone." Coil lied while staring at the metallic ceiling above. "I'll send you a report later, I have a date I am late to." He said, getting up from the table and standing up on the ground.

"You can't leave because you have a date! This is an emergency!" Ironwood yelled, striding towards the detective, "Not to mention we can't leave communications down!" Ironwood violently grabbed Coil's shoulder, a big mistake on his part. Suddenly everything around Ironwood changed direction, up became down and down up, all he felt was his back hitting against the ground and something tightly grabbing his right arm.

"It would be wise not to sneak up on me, general, I tend to have negative reactions to such actions." Coil let go of the general's arm and slowly made his way to the exit. "Just turn the communications tower back on after I leave the building." The detective left the building.

"What happened?" Ironwood asked, still on the ground, shocked by the speed at which everything changed. Ozpin hummed and put his weight on the cane he held with both hands.

"Hmmm, he threw you over his shoulder onto the ground. Quite an interesting technique." Ozpin extended his hand to the general, who gladly took it and then pulled him up to his feet. They both saw Coil slowly make his way to the emergency stairs and then sighed.

The two headmasters did nothing to stop the detective from leaving. Instead they stared at the different desks in the room, examining any of them in case there was a bomb or something dangerous inside.

While the headmasters searched for bombs, Coil changed back into Light Yagami, by turning his blazer the other way around and changing his contacts and wig again, making him a brunette with brown eyes once again. He re-joined the party and saw Pyrrha stand alone on the balcony from outside the auditorium. Walking back inside the party he approached her and tapped her shoulder twice.

"What is a beautiful lady such as yourself doing alone in a night such as this?" He asked, making her turn around and see Coil.

"Well, the person I brought to the dance ditched me out of nowhere." She shot back, grinning at L – or Light rather – who shook his head.

"I am sure the gentleman had a reason for leaving someone such as yourself." He defended, making Pyrrha roll her eyes as she extended her hand.

"Well, will you give me this dance?" She asked as Light took her hand and bowed while kissing her knuckle. "Of course." He said, looking at her amused expression. Both of them made their way to the dancefloor and danced slowly to the beat of the music.

"So, where were you Light?" Pyrrha asked.

"Off doing some detective business I presume?" Pyrrha she deduced, making Light look at her in the eye and nod.

"Yes, one of my clients called and I had to answer, the call took too long." Light half-lied, as he danced with the red-haired girl who narrowed her eyes. She could never truly know whether he was lying or not, his facial expression was always vacant and emotionless, only smiling at sweets or when he solved a tough case. She took doubts from her head and sighed, doubting her childhood friend would do no good. She knew he wasn't the kind of person to cause harm in others, but she still couldn't help but worry, he had a knack for getting into unneeded problems… Mostly because he actively went out to find the problems, be it murder, extortion or robery, he was always there, trying to solve a case, like an idiot dog chacing after it's own tail, except that most times, this idiot dog managed to catch it's tail… all of the time.

"Does your case have something to do with the fact I can't use my scroll?" asked Pyrrha, looking at her friend's eyes, he looked back at her and simply nodded, there was no reason to hide that much information after all.

"And tell me Light, what are you going to do about the people who started freaking out about their scrolls?" asked Pyrrha, making L's lips slightly tup upwards – a motion Pyrrha did not miss. Pyrrha stared into her friend's eyes for a few seconds and then felt her scroll buzz.

"What?" she questioned, looking around her. The ball room was filled with buzzes and whispers, so much so Pyrrha questioned if she was in actuality inside a beehive.

Pyrrha looked back at her childhood friend, she looked at him in the eyes and could't help but ask, "How did you –"

"– I re-activate the communications tower without being inside?" interrupted Light in his usual monotonous voice, "Let's just say I had help."

Pyrrha sighed and then shook her head, she would never understand him. She took his hand and started to dance with him once again.

"This brings back memories doesn't it?" Pyrrha asked, looking at Light who nodded.

"When we were forced to dance in that class for kindergarten, yes I recall." Light told Pyrrha as they both continued dancing.

"Yes, although I recall you skipping the dancing classes after that." Pyrrha smiled, looking at her friend, who looked back and nodded.

"Yea, you were always good at dancing weren't you?" Pyrrha smiled, looking at her childhood friend. She truly cared for him, almost too much, she was like a big sister, taking care of her little brother. She honestly didn't understand how a human could eat so many sweets and not get a stomachache or rotten teeth, but Light never got either. It was already bad enough that he didn't get fat because he used his brain to a nearly impossible extent, but one who eats too many sweets has to have some kind of reciprocation… Well Light didn't, it was something she always envied about him, and as a good big sister she had once upon a time tried to make him eat less sweets, but those tries were useless, even if she stopped supplying him with sweets, he still found them somehow, it was like they were drawn to him and vice versa – as a sane person would – she gave up on trying and supplies him with sweets instead… The classic: if you can't beat them, join them.

"Hey Light, I'm just curious about something." Pyrrha said, looking at Light.

"Yes?" Light asked back, looking at Pyrrha.

"What would you do if you had no sweets?" She said, making Light stop his thought process and look at her, anything the boy was thinking in parallel stopped once that one question was asked.

"That's a scenario I hope never comes true." He answered, making the girl laugh.

Light danced around the ballroom, and although most would have their mind in the moment, that wasn't the case – Light – L it didn't matter what name he had, he always had to be a step in front of those who go against justice. Those who were against him.

He had hard evidence of Cinder plotting Beacon's fall, and now – having all the records of the students at his disposal he could say with certainty that Lionheart was also involved. The case of the possible attack on Vale could be shut and close right now – but L didn't want to shut it down, not yet.

'I don't know who Salem is exactly yet, I also don't know her ultimate goal.' thought L, dancing around the ballroom with Pyrrha who seemed to be enjoying her time with the detective.

L looked around the room, Cinder wasn't coming back, which was very weird in nature, running away from the ball now will only raise suspicion and have Ozpin closer to her tail – L gave a glance at the front door as he danced, no signs of Cinder arriving yet.

'A briefing with Salem?' questioned the detective, looking at his "date" for the night.

"Hey Light, I wanted to ask a question," said Pyrrha, Light looked at her emerald green eyes and saw her take a deep breath, 'what kind of question could it be?' asked the Detective, effectively getting to a conclusion.

"From your various glances at my mask and your absentmindedness while we were dancing I deduce the subject of your question is my face, is it not?" questioned L, his voice as empty as ever, making Pyrrha blink and chuckle.

"As always, you are right." she said, making Light nod, "I think I've seen your face before, but I can't remember what it looked like," she said, staring at Light who stared back with his dead looking eyes, "I can only remember a little bit, you had black hair I think." she said, making L hum, "Hmm, perhaps your memory is playing tricks with you – I do not recall letting you see my face ever."

Pyrrha narrowed her eyes at her childhood friend before slowly nodding, she wasn't sure if what Light said was true, but would accept what he said nonetheless.

"So…." Pyrrha looked down for a few seconds before letting her eye drift towards her masked friend.

"I will not take off this mask." he said, making Pyrrha sigh.
