
Reject Humanity, Return to Monke

Ordinary day, ordinary life, that is until, I found myself getting stabbed to death by my fellow student for reasons unknown to me. Then some kind of holographic window prompting me to reincarnate appeared while I was busy drifting through the infinite darkness of the void. Of course, I pressed yes, it’s boring here, then found myself to be a dungeon master… As a fucking monkey no less…

IAmGuavaFruit · ファンタジー
255 Chs

Spy Makes his Rounds

~ Third Person POV ~

"This place isn't so bad." Daniel nodded as he continued munching on the meatballs he bought earlier from the local residents.

They are the demi-humans, with their animal traits in full view.

In front of him was the stall where he bought the meatballs lathered in sauce. Its aroma tempts even the most vegan of all people.

Though, that might not apply to the extremist vegans.

"You bet your hairless ass it is, young man." The demi-human manning the stall, who seemed to be a boar beastman, laughed good-heartedly as he served up some more meatballs on a platter, before lathering them with the tantalizing sauce. "Here, take some. On the house."

"Thanks." Daniel smiled, his hand reaching for the platter with five meatballs, all gigantic in size. "By the way, could you tell me about this place?"