
Chapter 6

The next day

Alex got up, cleaned and dressed, and went downstairs to eat breakfast

"Good morning Alex, did you have a nice sleep?" asked Charlie

"Good morning dad, yeah I had a good sleep," replied Alex as he went and sat down on the dining table

Bella could be seen cooking something in the kitchen.

"Dad doesn't know, does he... " Alex whispered

Turning towards Charlie, Alex whispered to him

"Dad, next time please just get cereals to eat for breakfast"

Charlie looked at his son's distraught expression and moved his eyes to Bella and back to him.

Alex nodded

Charlie whispered

"It can't be that bad right?"

"I don't know what you're imagining but it's worse" replied Alex in a whisper

"Good morning Alex, breakfast is ready," said Bella as she served a plate with 2 eggs and some sausage for both Charlie and Alex

'You can't mess up eggs and sausages right?' Thought Alex and Charlie simultaneously as they each grabbed their forks and went for the egg.

'I take it back' both thought

"So, what do you think it's been a pretty long time since I cooked anything, how does it taste?" asked Bella

"It's good Bella," said Charlie while trying to not make an expression

"It's shit," said Alex as he got up and went to the trashcan so that he can spit it.

"Alex is just being too harsh Bella, it's ok really," said Charlie while trying to pacify his daughter that looked like she was ready to punch Alex

"Is that right Alex?" asked Bella

"No, it's not, the eggs are disgusting because who in their right mind adds whatever that is which I'm almost sure is milk to their egg and the sausage looks like coal, that's how burnt it looks," replied Alex

And so the house of Charlie swan was engulfed in screams

After a while, they died out and Bella and Alex got out of the house and went inside the car, and drove to school.

After about 15 minutes they arrived at the school parking lot

Grabbing the handle of the car, this time carefully so that he wouldn't rip it apart

Alex got outside the car and looked around noticing that mostly the sensation of new transfer students had already died out mostly

"Hey, Alex buddy!"

Turning around and finding a hulking giant giving him a grin.

'That sure wasn't how I was expecting my morning' thought Alex

"Hey Emmet, good morning," said Alex

"Wanna come with me while we wait for classes to start?" Emmet asked

Turning back to Bella only to notice that she wasn't there anymore.

Searching for her while his eyes moved at supernatural speeds, Alex found her in seconds

Bella seemed to be engrossed in a conversation with Jessica and Angela and was already heading inside the school

Turning back to Emmet, he gave a nod

"Sure Emmet, not like I got anything else to do"


Walking with Emmet toward his family, however, wasn't something Alex was expecting

"Hey Alex, good morning," said Alice exited

"Good morning to you too Alice" replied Alex

The others didn't give him a good morning, simply nodding at him and so Alex did the same

"Where's Edward and Edythe? Don't see them anywhere?" asked Alex

"They're going on a trip to some cousins of ours in Alaska" replied Alice

"I see" deciding to not intrude further since he already knew what was happening, Alex turned to Emmet who was inviting him inside the car so they could listen to some music

Getting inside the car which for this world was one of the newest models but for him, it simply was an old car.

"What music do you like Alex?" asked Emmet

"Well, I mostly like Rap and Hip-Hop" answered Alex

"Ah we got completely different tastes then, most of my family enjoy classical music," said Emmet

'Yeah because all of you are older than my grandfather' thought Alex

"Well it's not like I don't appreciate music, it can be of any genre," said Alex

Emmet's face turned brighter at the comment and then started picking out classical songs and explaining them to Alex for half an hour until the time for classes to start coming.

"Time to go if we don't want to be late," said Alex to Emmet

"Yeah, you go first since I got some stuff to take from the trunk" replied Emmet

"Sure, see you later."

Noticing that he and Emmet were probably the last to start heading to the school as everyone else was either at the doorway or already in the school halls

Alex sped up his walking speed and midway had to stop since his speed was accelerating to inhuman speeds.

'Still can't control it completely huh." Alex asked himself

Getting inside the school, and starting his first class which happened to be Chemistry, Alex laid his head on the desk and dozed off until the end.

With him dozing off in most classes and then deciding to skip Lunch, the time to go home came faster than he expected

Giving his goodbyes to Emmet and Alice as well as Bella's friend group, Alex got in the orange truck and waited for Bella

A few minutes later she came and started it up, driving off towards their home.

"Do you know why that Edward guy didn't come to school today? It can't be because of me right?" asked Bella

"No, he and his sister Edythe are simply on a vacation to their cousins in Alaska" replied Alex

"I see" replied Bella

and for the rest of the road, no conversations were held

arriving at the house and noticing a 1996 Chevy K1500 parked at the front

'Thats billy blacks car if I'm not wrong," Thought Alex

'Time to meet the other side of the supernatural huh.' thinking about it Alex and Bella got out and went towards the door of the house

'Let's see some real werewolves shall we'


End of Chapter 6

More of a filler chapter but I still feel it's essential to have

Characters cant go from not knowing each other to life-and-death companions now, can they?

Either way, I wanted to thank you all for the enormous support that you have been showing this fanfiction, I can't convey how joyful it makes me.

If you're enjoying the fanfiction and want to support me further though please do leave a power stone and a review.

