
Chapter 2 (Edited)

A rusty truck could be seen in the distance, after a minute or so the trucked closed in to the parking lot of Forks Highschool.

As the truck started parking, the sounds of the old engine could be heard roaring by all the highschoolers around as it seemed like all of them had just arrived and were still staying around to greet eachother

Inside the rusty orange truck, the people could be seen while one was blushing furiously and unsightly words comming out of their mouth, the other could be seen smirking.

'This damned truck! I dont want to hear a single word out of you Alex, you hear me!'

'I havn't said anything though' replied the boy in question

'Augh,' grunting in frustration the girl, slammed her fist into the truck, turned it off and got outside the car.

All around them there was a few dozen of highschoolers, all looking in their direction.

With Forks being a small town, everyone knew everybody so it was suprising to see someone new.

The boy turned the handle of the door and got out of the car aswell, closing the door behind him as he turned and looked towards the entrance of the school

looking around he noticed that almost everybody around him seemed dazed, it didn't matter what gender they were as all of them were showing captivated looks.

(From now on when " " these are used then its the characters thoughts)

"Hmm, seems like god truly did grant my wishes and not just send me here, does that mean that im fully vampire now aswell since i cant seem to notice anything different from what a normal human body would be."

After a few moments, the teens stopped staring at what seemed like a god of beauty, his hair black as the night looking as if it was made of waves as it seemed to flow down to the end of his neck, he seemed to be about 6 foot, with a built body and pale white skin almost seeming like it was made of porcelain, his eyes a shade of unnatural black that seemed to engulf your very soul.

Turning back to his sister, the boy noticed that she was staring quite intensly towards a group of people around a silver volvo.

At this moment, his sister turned towards alex though and without any warning grabbed his arm and started draggin him towards the school

'Lets go Alex, seems like your curse of beauty is still as effective as allways' whispered Bella

'Allright! Allright, ill come so stop dragging me, ill fall at this rate' replied alex

The two teens dissapeared behind the doorways of the highschool

Back on the other side of the parking lot

The People around the Volvo mentioned earlier seemed to be in a heated conversation

'Its him, i just know it, its definetly him' said a brown haired girl, her beauty enchanting to all those around, she seemed about 5ft 4, her skin unnaturaly pale but in contrast with the boy earler it seemed almost unhealthy as if no blood was flowing, almost to the shade of a dead corpse, her eyes a shade of amber and gold as if they were the eyes of a Owl.

'Oh my god, im so happy for you Edythe, you and Edward were the only ones left without a mate' replied another girl, that while not as beautiful as the other seemed to posses a certain kind of charm that no other possesed, she was of short height with short black hair and golden hued eyes.

'As if anyone would want to be with us' replied what could be assumed to be Edward,a boy of medium height with uncomparable beauty, his face looked like it was chiseld and made specificlly to seduce by god himself, he also like the other two had golden hued eyes

'Dont ruin the mood now, will you' said a towering giant of a man.

'I agree with Edward, theres too much risk to get involved for both sides, i dont think you should approach him, and dont talk so loudly Emmet' spoke a blonde haired beauty, while the other girls were unnaturally beautifull, this one seemed uncomparable even to them, her face looked as if she was aphrodeity the god of beauty herself

'We will just have to see' said the last person, a man with wavy blonde hair and like all the others he too had the unnatural amber eyes.

(At School after getting our scheduals and map)

'Hey you two are Alex and Isabella Swan right?, Im Erik the eyes and ears of this place. Anything you need, Tour Guide, Lunch Date , shoulder to cry on. '

"This guy, he sure seems like he's trying to get under my sisters pant and right infront of me at that" thought alex with a mild glare starting to show on his face

'Hey Erik, nice too meet you aswell and since you were nice enough to offer us some help then im not going to be humble' said alex as he landed a hand on Eriks shoulder and started gripping it with force.

Eriks eyes seemed to fluctuate as they started trembling.

'Ah, yes of course, no need to be humble at all since ill do my best to take you to where you want to go' sttuterd Erik with sweat going down the side of his face.

A while later, alex could be seen standing infront of the english classroom door.

'Seems like im late, looks like everyone is already inside, just my luck'

Standing before the door for a few more moments, alext raised his hand and knocked a few times and after a few more moments a voice could be heard from the other side telling him to come in.

Going inside the classroom, all noise that was heard previously quieted down as he went to the professors desk.

'Hello pleasure to meet you im Alex Swan, im the new transfer student , could you please sign this sheet, it was given to me by the secretary of the school'said Alex

'Oh yes the new student its also a pleasure to meet souch a good mannered student and here give me it so i can sign it.' replied the professor

Alex gave him the sheet, after he signed it, the professor turned back towards alex

'You can go sit next to mrs Cullen. If you may please raise your hand Mrs Cullen.'

Alex turns towards the class and sees a hand raised up at the end of the room, walking with fast steps there and sitting.

He then turns around for the first time lays eyes on his classmate

As if an explosion was occurring on his mind, all thoughts that he had previously dissapeared in an instant.

Before him sat a girl that he couldn't take his eyes away from, with her brown hair that seemed as soft as cotton and as shiny as silk, eyes a shade of black that he had never seen before, they seemed black but if one looked close enough they could see shades of golden aswell.

Deciding that he had done enough staring, he started introducing himself

'Hello my name is Alex Swan, nice to meet you!'

The young woman looks at alex and then grabs his hand and shakes it while saying

'Nice to meet you too Alex! My name is Edythe Cullen'

"Cullen!!" And just like that another shock went through alex's mind but just as he was reigning his baring back from the shocking infromation he just heard another explosion had started happening inside of his body, this one a physical one as his bloody started flowing at unnaturaly high speeds sending much more oxygen than was needed to every part of his body, his very cells were vibrating as they seemed on the verg of collapsing.

Detecting that something was going horribly with his body, alex stood up and said hurriedly

'Sorry Edythe, i have got to go to the bathroom real quick.'

His face had already scrunched up in pain and was forming beads of sweat

'Are you ok?' asked Edythe

'Yeah ill be back.' says alex,

Alex turned went towards the professors desk and asked to go to the bathroom, not even staying long enough to hear a reply he started going to the bathroom with hurried steps.

Getting inside a stall and sitting down on the floor as his body could'nt support him any longer.

He started convulsing on there as if he was having a seizure, his hair was loosing its color, his eyes were unfocused and turning towards a dark shade of crimson, his pupil had already become slit as if he was some sort of reptile.

His teeth were enlarging and so were his nails, becoming as sharp as a knife,

A rumbling growl was heard from his throat, and in seconds he wasn't on the floor any longer.

A few meters away outside the stall but still inside the bathroom lay a crouched alex.

The door of the stall already destroyed beyond recognition.

He stood there for a few more minutes and thankfully no one came to the bathroom at that time or they would not have met a desireable ending.

Standing up fully, and going towards the mirror in less than a second.

"I transformed. That wasn't a experience that i ever want to go through again though, my mind seemed to crumble and some sort of primal instinct taking over, thankfully i didnt go anywhere outside or this might just have been a bloodbath" Though alex as he looked at his reflection.

The mirror showed alex but his hair had gone silver, his eys had turned the color of blood and seemed to almost shine while 4 of his teeth seemed to have grown unnaturally large, his ears had grown pointy and his nails had grown longer and looked almost as if they were claws of a beast and not of a human.

"How do i turn back though, can i even turn back? This is a problem" Though alex as he tried to think of how he could hide his appearnce.

After a few moment his body started to shift again as it turned back to its human-like appearance.

"Seems like i simply need to think about reeling it back and making it dissapear doesnt work, its more like hiding something under a rug than its making it invisible"

While this process might have looked short in actuallity it had taken a few hours with most of those him being unconcious while his body convulsed in the stall.

'Its already lunch huh, well i better get going'


-To Be Continued

(Ill be rewriting every chapter, so look forward to it and thanks for all the support since i honestly didnt expect it at all)
