
reincarnator survival in DC

quick note befor the synopsis. this is a test fic for myself to practice writing romance and intimate incounters, so it’s basically going to be porn with plot but I’m still going to do my best to write a great story. ——————————————————— the story is about a young man who has been reincarnated into the dc universe. one day, after a certain incident, he is invited to an experience like any other…. let me know what everyone thinks.

Kyroru · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

(ch 6) preparations

For the past few weeks Anthony has been busy. Getting the permits required in order to start construction on the arc reactors that will be going under his companies weren't easy. After getting all the  necessary paperwork in order, Anthony found out it would take over two months in order to complete them both. He has also called Lois Lane a few times as well. She wanted to go on a date as soon as possible but Anthony told her it would have to wait till everything cooled down. Lois accepted this but told Anthony that he would have to make it up to her. It has also been noted that Superman has been seen taking more caution with his heroic attempts. He actually broke through doors more often rather than walls, lessening property damage, and could also be seen talking to police on their procedures. 

During this time Anthony has also made preparations for the reincarnator survival thing. Anthony wanted to make a full iron man suit but sadly that would take too much time so instead he made two gloves, almost like the infinity glove Tony made in the movies. They both had a slot in the forearm that a miniature arc reactor went into that powered them both. They easily adjusted to fit the size of the wearer to be a snug fit, they can shoot repulsor blast out the palms, they can send an electric shock threw contact, and for the fun of it he made it so the pointer finger can shoot out a high intensity beam that can cut threw most material easily except metal to imitate one of his favorite villain characters. 

Anthony also decided to take some other equipment with him as well such as a two by two foot grey steel box filled with construction nano bots. They can be used to make structures, vehicles, or more equipment depending on what's pre programmed and what materials are on hand. The box they come in is there control mechanism and used to direct what the bots are supposed to make. The box has a sling that Anthony can put over his shoulder to help carry it. 

Anthony also packed a hard cased backpack with multiple compartments. One held an assault riffle with a couple of pistols, along with the ammo. A different compartment held water and rations. Then the last compartment held a few other gadgets that Anthony thought might be helpful. Anthony didn't want to take any chances with the system saying he would be going to doomed worlds. 

For additional protection Anthony made a black form fitting long sleeve shirt that was made from a special material that was bullet proof, stab proof, and heat resistant. He also made some black pants that performed the same functions. He decided for comfort he would wear some gloves under the iron man gauntlets he made. A few spares and other useful clothing items were placed in the backpack just in case. 

 After preparing as much as he could with the time he had, the day finally came that he would activate the reincarnator survival. Anthony went over everything making sure he didn't leave anything behind. He also made sure to clear out his entire schedule for the day just in case. 

 After finishing his last check and seeing he was all ready to go, he first mentally prepared himself. 'Ok Anthony, you got this.' He then mentally summoned the system making a tex screen appear. 

[it has been acknowledged that the host would like to activate the reincarnator survival.] 



Mentally pressing yes the tex continued. 

[starting reincarnator survival. Scanning suitable world…..scanning…..scan complete, world found. Establishing connection.] 

Then a portal appeared in front of Anthony that looked like it was a tunnel in space. Before Anthony could think of something the tex box continued again. 

[connection established. Host current goal in the new world: survive for six months. Don't worry host about losing time. The time you spend in the other world flows differently than your original. For every month you spend in other world, only one hour will pass in real time. Once you arrive in a new world, with help from the system you will be granted an ability from the world itself to help you survive your trial. When you're ready simply jump through.] 

After reading the text and understanding its instructions, he turned his attention to the portal. "Jarvis, what readings are you getting off this?" Anthony asked his AI companion. 

Jarvis replied, {sir, other than visual scans showing that there's some sort of tunnel in space, there are no readings coming from it that I can detect.} 

Humming at that Anthony pondered for a bit before shrugging. "Oh well I didn't expect much anyway. Jarvis I want you to monitor how long I'm gone. If this thing is correct, I should be back in about 6 hours." After getting Jarvis's confirmation, Anthony turned his full attention to the portal. Gathering his things he took a deep breath, prayed to god he knew what he was doing, then promptly jumped through the portal as it then closed up making it seem like it was never there. 

After jumping in, Anthony was met with a tunnel of different color lights passing by him as he went through. As he was admiring the lights the tex screen came back in front of him. 

[granting ability by the worlds will now] 

Then a tingly sensation enveloped Anthony's entire body. Before Anthony could question it the tex changed. 

[ability granted. Wolverines healing factor has been applied to the host.] 

Anthony was surprised and happy at the same time. 'Wolverines healing factor? That's some bullshit regen right there. I wonder if I'll only get marvel abilities every time I go to a new world.' Anthony thought to himself till he could see that he was nearing the end of the tunnel. He got ready and right before he was enveloped in a bright light he could see the last text on the screen. 

[good luck host] 


Author note: ok guys here comes the first world. A little spoiler the first world I highschool of the dead. I haven't decided on who the harem mebers from that world will be yet. I was thinking rei and her mother along with Shizuku and her friend Rika. You might ask why not saya or seko well for seko I think that's a little to crazy and pluse I don't think she would be able to readjust to a normal Society after everything and saya I feel the mc wouldn't feel the effort worth it to deal with the tsundere.

Let me know your guises opinions. Leav comments and reviews plz.