
Power boost

For the next month I stayed in the forest outside the capital hunting the training my magic, gaining exp to level up. sense my exp gauge restarted I might as well as take advantage of it. I also have been teleporting to the castle and training the princess on magic. I taught her the correct way to use it, by communicating with the elements and get there permission to use there power. this way you can use more of there power and there power be stronger than just trying to control the element.

Currently im sitting within the highest tree in the kingdom. its within the castle grounds and is taller than the castle itself. its beautiful and also has a strong nature spirit guarding it. I have talked with it and asked its permission of course or else i might have gotten my ass kicked.

"system exchange all my monster cores for system points." shiro

[ Received 5,500,250 system points ]

'damn thats alot, i guess i have been hunting alot this past month tho.' shiro thought.

"system how many attribute points do i have" shiro

[Host currently has 750 attribute points to allocate]

"ok system put 200 on strength, 215 on defense, and put 335 on agility. then show me my status." shiro

Name: Kaneshiro Katsuki

Title: Elf Prince, Elemental Master.

Age: 15

Level: 45

Exp: 368/1450

HP: 3000/3000

STR: 500

DEF: 600

AGI: 735

MANA: 71,000

LUCK: 100

SP: 5,550,250

AB: 0

SKILLS: No mana, Magical senses, Time body, Wind magic, Lightning magic, Fire magic, Water magic, Earth Magic, Ice magic, Darkness magic, Light magic, Rainbow magic, Strength magic, Metal magic, Illusion magic, Transformation magic, Druid magic, Holy magic, Dimensional magic, Void magic, Barrier magic, Solar magic, Lunar magic, Sound magic, Gravity magic, spacial magic, Time magic, Healing magic, nullification magic, magic to seals, reflect, Combination, Mana scythe, Mana creation.

"ok i think ill save some of my system points unless theres something i want to buy, but system what is that title thing added on the status screen." shiro

[the title function gives you a title with added benefits, sense you made the royal family of this country believe you were the prince of the elf's you got the title elf prince and because you mastered using the 5 basic elemental magic's then you gained the elemental master title.

Elf Prince - talk to and socialize with elf's 30% easier

Elemental master - talk to and control the 5 basic elements 50% easier ]

"ok so system i want to save some system points but is there anything you recommend." shiro

[yes host currently with your points for magic I recommend. Memory manipulation magic, Crystallization magic, Plasma creation magic, Density magic, Hypnosis magic, Cosmic magic, Reality magic, Lava magic, Crush magic.]

[ As for skills i recommend. Copy, flash step, phasing, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Language understanding, Enhanced agility , Enhanced strength, Enhanced defense, Aura vision, Life vision, Fear inducement, Astral imprisonment, Boundary manipulation, Super Regeneration]

"ok system buy them all, show me my status then explain them." shiro said excited without hesitation

'so far what ever the system had recommended has come in handy.' thought shiro

[ Receiving ]

Received skill - Memory manipulation magic

Received skill - Crystallization magic

Received skill - Plasma creation magic

Received skill - Density magic

Received skill - Hypnosis magic

Received skill - Cosmic magic

Received skill - Reality magic

Received skill - Lava magic

Received skill - Crush magic

Received skill - Copy

Received skill - Flash step

Received skill - Phasing

Received skill - Telekinesis

Received skill - Telepathy

Received skill - Language understanding

Received skill - Enhanced agility

Received skill - Enhanced strength

Received skill - Enhanced defense

Received skill - Aura vision

Received skill - Life vision

Received skill - Fear inducement

Received skill - Astral imprisonment

Received skill - Boundary manipulation

Received skill - Super Regeneration

Name: Kaneshiro Katsuki

Title: Elf Prince, Elemental Master.

Age: 15

Level: 45

Exp: 368/1450

HP: 3000/3000

STR: 500

DEF: 600

AGI: 735

MANA: 71,000

LUCK: 100

SP: 2,000,250

AB: 0

SKILLS: No mana, Magical senses, Time body, Wind magic, Lightning magic, Fire magic, Water magic, Earth Magic, Ice magic, Lava magic, Darkness magic, Light magic, Rainbow magic, Strength magic, Metal magic, Illusion magic, Reality magic, Crush magic, Transformation magic, Druid magic, Holy magic, Dimensional magic, Void magic, Memory manipulation magic, Density magic, Cosmic magic, Crystallization magic, Hypnosis magic, Barrier magic, Plasma creation magic, Solar magic, Lunar magic, Sound magic, Gravity magic, spacial magic, Time magic, Healing magic, nullification magic, magic to seals, reflect, Combination, Mana scythe, Mana creation, Copy, Flash step, Phasing, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Language understanding, Enhanced agility, Enhanced strength, Enhanced defense, Aura vision, Life vision, Fear inducement, Astral imprisonment, Boundary manipulation, Super Regeneration.

"ok system explain" shiro

[ ok host. Memory manipulation magic allows the caster to alter or erase the memory of anyone as long as the caster is touching him/her. Crystallization magic allows the caster to turn anything your touching into crystal making it either strong type crystal or weak type crystal. good for making defenses or breaking through walls. Plasma creation magic allows the caster to create and control plasma. Density magic allows caster to change a items or persons density, weight or mass. has to be touching item/person. if making something more dense then it will shrink. Hypnosis magic isn't useful to host because you already have illusion magic but you can use it with your combination skill. Cosmic magic can only be used if combining with other magic. caster uses the energy of the stars and cosmos to strengthen magic.]

[ Reality magic is an advanced form of illusion magic. by using advanced illusions the caster can warp and shape reality itself. Lava magic allows the caster to create and control lava. Crush magic allows caster to crush or dismantle anything you touch. once it is dismantled or something is broken it can be put back together too. its good for both attack and defense. allows caster to also crush any magic the caster comes into contact with.]

"ok those sound both cool and really helpful. ok now explain the regular skills." shiro

[Copy allows user to copy anyone's techniques and fighting styles including some skills. flash step is an active skill that the user has to use. allows the user to have a 20% speed increase. Phasing allows the user to become intangible. can walk through walls and attacks cant hit user. active skill, can be turned off and on. Telekinesis allows user to use mental energy to pick objects up. sense host is originally from another world, hosts mental energy is immense.]

[Telepathy allows user to use his mental energy to open a mind pathway to allow you talk to anyone in your mind. Language understanding allows user to understand any language the user hears. Enhanced agility is a passive skill. give the user a 20% speed boost. Enhanced strength is a passive skill. gives the user a 20% strength boost. Enhanced defense is a passive skill. gives the user a 20% defense boost. Aura vision allows user to see peoples aura, see there personality. Life vision allows user to see anything with a life pulse within 50 meters of user.]

[Fear inducement uses the aura of the user to press down on opponent and make them afraid. only works on opponents with the same or lower stats than the user, Astral imprisonment allows the user to use his mental energy to invade a persons mind and make them trapped in there. the opponent that astral imprisonment is used on will go into a coma until the user brings him back. the user can also set a time limit for the opponent to be imprisoned. Boundary manipulation uses barrier magic to create a boundary with you in the center then anything that enters your boundary you have full control over such as ending there lives, switching there bodies, make a new arm grow from there heads or even raise or lower there mana capacity. Super Regeneration speeds up the humans natural healing speed.]

"ok thats cool now i guess i should try some out and figure out my new powers too." shiro

"SHIRROOO" asuna

I look down from the tree to see asuna looking up at me. I jump down from the top of the tree and slowly float down to her.

"yes princess what do you need." shiro

"How did you just do that." asuna asked amazed.

"oh the floating, im using wind magic. with it i can even fly." shiro

"YOU CAN FLY??? thats not fair" asuna said with an upset grumpy face

"what you can fly too" shiro

"wait i can fly" asuna

" well you have 3 choices do you want to hear them." shiro

"YESS" asuna

"option number 1, learn wind magic." shiro

"no that will take too long." asuna

"option number 2 learn transformation magic so that you can change yourself into a bird." shiro

" nah, wait you can do that.??" asuna

"yeah i can , I personally like to be a white tiger cub tho." shiro

"awe i wanna see later. now next." asuna

"option number 3, use your light or darkness magic to create a huge set of wings on your back to fly." shiro

"ah thats the one yess." asuna

"ok ill teach you how to do that later why don't you tell me about what you came to." shiro

"ah i almost forgot. tomorrow there will be a tournament for anyone in the adventurers guild held in the arena. your super strong in magic so why dont you join." asuna

" Sure why not, i can test a few new things i been wanting to try out." shiro

"now why dont i show you how to fly." shiro

for the rest of the day we spent our time in the training ground and i showed her how to create the wings. sense there not made from the wind element you have to flap them to fly like a bird and she kept forgetting that so i had to catch her. by they end of they day we were flying above the city. after that we went to bed in preparation for the tournament the next day.
