
Chapter 18: Alistair

R:VCP | Chapter 18: Alistair

"I'm... so..rry..." She whispered.

Breathing with difficulty, eyes full of pained and sorrowful tears.

"... I, wasn't... strong... enough."

As she breathed her last.

As her tears have fallen.

As her eyes have finally closed.

"I'm, Sorry..."


*Buzz... Buzz...*


*Buzz... Buzz...*


*Buzz... Buzz...*


With a sudden jolt he woke up. Panting and sweating he sat up and looked at his buzzing alarm clock.

*Buzz... Buzz...*

He turned it off.

His hands on his forehead, frowning he muttered in pain.

"It was that... dream again."

Still on the state trying on remembering more about that dream, he persist. Till a knock on the door was heard.

*Knock. Knock*

"Your Highness?"

He paused and stared at the door, his expression back to its aloof and cold state.,

"I'm awake. Come in."

After that a middle aged man entered his room with a respectful bow and greeted him.

"What do you need Butler Drew?"

Butler Drew respectfully answered.,

"It's time for breakfast Your Highness."

With a nod, he asked.

"Hmm... What else?" 

"Also, Your Highness' Father his Majesty wants to talk to Your Highness in his study after breakfast."

"Okay. Thank you, you may go now."

With a respectful bow Butler Drew then retreated.

'Sigh... '

Alistair let out a sigh.

Staring at nothing he thought.,

'Another day again in this world, with this life of mine... and still l couldn't find any sense of belonging.'

'I, better get going.'

Alistair lifted his blanket and gotten out from his bed, did his daily life routines and gotten ready then went out of his room. Step by step walking and heading out to the dining hall. Arriving there Alistair saw his younger sister along with his parents.

With a respectful nod he greeted.,

"Good morning."

With a glance at him  the man with serious face which was his father greeted back., "Un. Good morning."

His Majesty, Aztec William Clust II,father of Aztec William 'Alistair' III.Has pair of pitch black eyes, paired with his red hair. He and Alistair kinda look alike, that is if Alistair close his right eye; lift his hair that's covering his pitch black ones.

"Good morning honey~" Alistair's mother also greeted back.

Alistair's mother, Her Majesty Lillian Rose Clust I, has gentle and serene countenance... but don't be tricked by that gentle facade of hers. Because the truth is she's quite a schemer and a playful lady. She has a sky blue hair paired with a red like flame eyes, just like Alistair's right eyes.

"Good morning Alistair ni-san!!~" Alistair's sister greeted Alistair back too.

Lillian Cassandra 'Daisy' Clust I, Alistair's sister has a sky blue hair like their mother's and a pair of sky blue eyes said to be inherited from their mother's ancestors. Lillian is playful like their mother, Her Majesty; Also can be serious sometimes like father, His Majesty.

They ate breakfast as usual.

After eating, Alistair's father, His Majesty then asked for Alistair to come with him. They walked silently throughout until they reached the study. After entering Alistair's father, His Majesty, gestured Alistair to take a seat and on his mahogany desk His Majesty also took his seat.

"I think you already know the reason why I called you out here, don't you, Alistair?" With a serious face Alistair's father asked.

"Yes father." Alistair answered him.

"Good." Alistair's father then stood up and breathed. Looking outside the window he asked Alistair again. "Alistair-- No, Aztec William Clust III,my son. Time and time again you have always been known as 'Alistair' in this house of ours..."

Alistair's father paused then he looked at Alistair and squinted. "Do you know the reason why you are called like that?" His father was certainly serious in asking this, it was like he was making sure of something by asking Alistair that question. Alistair was a little bewildered.

Alistair knows that his father was always have been a serious man. With a big responsibility weighing on his shoulders as the King of the nation, a Husband, a Father and the head of the household.

Everything was a challenge for him... But no matter how serious and strict his father king is. It never changed the fact that he is a great King, a great husband, an amazing father and a dependable, strong head and pillar of the family.

He is that person that everyone respects.

He is that person that everyone adores.

He, is that great man who is wise, brave and all...

He is Alistair's father who cares and loves his family the most.

"Yes, father." Alistair's father, the King, seemingly raised his brow and signals Alistair to continue.

"Crown Prince Alistair Clust I. The great Prince who conquered the neighboring enemy country, leading hundreds and thousands of soldiers in that great war at such young age... The Eldest brother of Prince Aztec William I, who is known as King Aztec I and the former ruler of this land, in other words they are our Royal Ancestors." Alistair paused for a moment, seemingly remembered something, and continued.

"And he is also the same Alistair in the Fountain's Legend. The ethereal fountain spirit's lover..."

Silence then ensued.

Letting out a sigh, Alistair's father spoke.

"Aztec, my son... Crown Prince of this land. Even though everything has already changed. That did not change the fact that we are Royalties. We are the descendants of King Aztec I.

Yes, it's true that everything is already changing, even the ruling traditions has changed too. We now have a President leading this land.

Yes, he is powerful, but that doesn't change the fact that we, the remaining Royal Family are still in power and are still influential in this country; Even the great president still needs to show his utmost respect to us.

The great President is influential and powerful and that is true. But we, the Royal family are times more greater than what the current President is."

With a sigh the King continued.

"What I'm saying is... You, Aztec William Clust III, was named after your great, great King Grandfather. Deceased King Aztec William Clust I.But you being called as 'Alistair'. Who is the older brother of the deceased King Aztec I. It is because--"

"---I looked exactly like him." Alistair stated. His father looked at him for a moment then nod.

"How did you know?" His father asked suspiciously. His father know that his son, Aztec, didn't just know this because of just a common knowledge. That if someone is keep calling you by someone else's name that only means that he thought that you are that person or maybe you really look alike that person.

Because his son, Alistair/Aztec was certainly certain about this. Which is clearly impossible especially because there aren't any paintings left of the Crown Prince Alistair's face after that Great War after all.

Well, that is if you make an exemption of the painting inside of the Great Hall of the Royal Family. Which is clearly impossible to be found, because it is hidden in a secret chamber.

Every Royal family member's paintings and special items are there, and this place was only also known by the head of the Royal Family and for a fact that place is also difficult to find. Alistair's father only found this when he became the King, the new head of the house. When he read the Royal Family's History Book. So how did Alistair know?

Hearing his father's question Alistair answered.

"I have seen a painting..."

Hiding his surprised his father asked. "Where, have you seen it?"

Thinking no much of it Alistair answered honestly. "In a secret room, behind my room's old shelves. Upon entering it I saw the generations of Royalties. Their paintings, their items, and even their stories." Looking at his father for a moment, he continued.

"When I ventured and walked further and further, I finally found the exit and when I was out. I discovered that I was already inside the throne room. So, if I have to make a guess, it seems that place was the rumored Great Hall of the Royal Family then. Am I right father?"


Well... That was something.

By the time I was let out of the room. It was already an hour later.

Walking down the hall that I have known and familiarize for many years already. I've realized that my life seems really... Dull.

And lonely?

I don't really get it. It's just that even though I have this great status, loving family, and all... But it's still seems like that somehow my heart feels...


So empty that I don't even know what to do anymore. This heart of mine which seems to be missing something. Beating with a dull tone looking and longing for something. But, I myself don't even know what that thing my heart longed so much for is. Is it even a thing? Or a, someone?

Now I seem to recall my father's words again.


' "Alistair, my son... I am not young anymore, and you know that. By the time I retire you will be the new owner of this place... In other words the new King. And as my son, I know you are capable of that responsibility." He said with a relief and assured smile.

"Father..." Alistair didn't know what his father getting into. When he was about to say something he was cut by his father.

"That is why I decided that in order for you to be truly become a capable King. Your mother and I have decided to send you to experience the outside world and how to communicate with others." He smiled

"And, that is by sending you to a high-end aristocratic University, to socialize and to get familiar with different kinds of people. Well... Even though you don't really need it." The King mumbled the last sentence.

"So, you're saying that I..." Looking at his father with slight frown Alistair made sure that he didn't heard wrong.

His father seeing Alistair like that couldn't help his serious face cracking with a mischievous smile.'

That old man... Why do I got that feeling that he's playing with me? Sigh... Do I really need to go and attend that University? Besides even if I do attend. Would it change something? Anything?

Sigh... Fine, I'll just let it be...


I finally arrived to the place I was supposed to be sent. Sigh... 

The University's Opening Ceremony.

This noisy place... *frowning* actually, I really don't like any noisy places... but now because I was helplessly forced here.

I now have no choice but to finish this and for my own sake, I have to finish this early and fast; and graduate fast!

But before that I guess I need to find my own designated seat or else don't even talk about finishing the school year and graduating, even finishing the Opening Ceremony will be nearly impossible if I can't still find my designated seat...


'Really hassle.'

And so I ventured the waves of students just to look for my designated chair.


With many students going in and out inside the grand hall, typical accident like bumping, pushing, and falling into someone can't really be help.

For example, just like now with many students near me, I was accidentally pushed and in return I ended up bumping into someone's...



The girl unsurprisingly fell from her chair, and everyone snickered and laughed. But the surprising thing is that girl wasn't angered nor even cry. She, was just there... Silent and motionless with her long white silverish hair with a tingy of pink covering the expression on her face.

Without even noticing it my hand was  already on a move and a moment later, to my surprise, I saw my hand in a gesture as if seemingly asking her, this girl, to grab hold of my hand.

But again to Alistair's surprise, the fallen girl didn't follow his thought process. She only eyed Alistair for a moment then stood up by herself.,

"You don't need to help me. I can manage myself..." She stood up and dusted herself; ignoring the snickers and scoffs thrown at her.

"So... you don't need to let yourself be lowed, just to... help me." And so with that mumble she walked back to her seat. Seeing her retreating back which shows her aloofness and coldness I watch her go. But that didn't stop me, from seeing the loneliness she tries to hide. Yes, loneliness... that familiar loneliness that I know too well.

The time I finally found my designated seat was also the time the Opening Ceremony started. I don't even know why but, I found myself still looking at her and  unwaveringly; feeling that.,

'This, seems familiar...'

Alistair kept looking at her even until when the girl went up the stage. His gaze didn't left her even for a moment; mind conflicted and somehow a little confused from the vague familiarity that girl gives off.

It continues on and on; even when a big ruckus happened behind him, behind Alistair. He didn't even looked back, his gaze was still steadily focused on her.

Every bits of her actions was seen and witnessed by him, and only by him... By Alistair himself.

Starting from her aloof speech... to her sudden determined gaze, and even until that certain flicker of sadness that passed through her eyes; even the words she thought the no one heard was heard by him, by Alistair alone.

"It's, finally starting..." I heard her say. I don't even know why myself. Why am I so bent on knowing everything about her, when the truth is I only met her once, and that was just a moment ago. I can't help but observe her more.

Her fierce mocking facade which she shows to everyone, the sarcastic words she says; every haughty gestures she made. When everyone believe this, I on the other hand didn't for every time she did those things... Contradictions were everywhere.

...and her eyes held the most of it.

She shows everyone her so called 'perfect' facade, which is so stupid. Especially since when everyone hides their real self in a facade, they will always laid their perfect good sides in that facade of theirs.

But, she on the other hand is a clear example of an anomaly.

When everything ended, when everyone went out. But she, was still here... alone; so I decided to accompany her. I stayed behind along with her and watch everyone disappears through the door.

'This, isn't bad...' I couldn't help but thought.

Alistair stayed and calmly waited for everyone to leave. If one saw him in that moment one might say that he was casually waiting for everyone to leave but the truth is Alistair unconsciously just wanted to stay longer with her; in the corner of his eyes Alistair only had his eyesight full of her, and her alone.

Then when the girl finally moved and was about to go... For a moment there both of their eyes inexplicably met and a vague spark of familiarity appeared, but both anonymously decided not to dwell on it because they didn't noticed it.

She silently go and with every step she took was with a determination, of what? No one but herself knows.

I saw her being stopped by the most famous male students in this University, she was scolded, mocked, ridiculed, and threatened... But her cold aloof smile never wavered, she was still wearing the emotionless detached aloof mask that everyone gotten used to and knows.

She shows to everyone that it was as if nothing can move nor even touch her... She smiles in front of everyone as if telling them "I'm not hurt... I'm not hurting.....".

She was able to train herself not to show any even a bit of he real emotions in her actions, but sadly she forgotten... that our eyes never lies.

She was able to finally pass through them but only after receiving their verbal insults and attacks, and as the receiving end of it she only showed them her indifferent smile.

She walked out of the hall; didn't even care about the murderous glares that was directed to her. And so I also went along my way.

I must say she was really the best definition of the word 'contradiction'. For how fast she wore her mask, that was also how fast she discarded it... And because of what I am witnessing at this moment...


' I'm quite sure I won't forget this....'

Walking ahead of him, walking ahead of Alistair was a girl who was known by everyone as the girl who can't be move; the girl who is aloof and indifferent in everything, was now silently muttering sass and mocking sarcasm.

"I do not know what you mean Sky, I was just stating the fact that it wasn't the time that moment to flirt on a door and making everyone her audience… you know? Was it wrong?" The girl muttered in a low voice and acted out.

Alistair smilingly mused, 'Hmmm... I think she's regretting that she wasn't able to say these words to them...'

*Chuckles* This girl she is really something...

With that, I don't know if I was spellbound or what. All I know is I found myself so fond of her, that I can't even take my eyes off her...

Hmmm... I wonder what kind of a girl would she be without her mask  *Chuckles* Well Miss Moonpuff, you finally got me...

So be prepared. 


'Cause I,

will never let you go...

•Chapter 18 Ends•


Mysterious Ancient Sword in the Royal Palace: ....

Mysterious Beast in the Forest: ....

Mysterious Person in the God Realm:...

Mysterious **** Spirit in an Unknown Location: ....

WhiteSunflowerS2: Hehehe. (*•̀ᴗ•́*) New characters~~

Alistair: ...

Spade: .....

Damon: .....

Liam: .....

WhiteSunflowerS2: Hohoho. *Knowingly laughs* My, my~ Capture Targets~~~ Tell me, you know them don't you? 



Other Upcoming Three Future Characters & Dezu: ...

Main Villainess & other Villainess: ...

WhiteSunflowerS2: Ohhh~ and you girls knows the other three and little Dezu too don't you~ *scheminglylaughs* Hohoho. Hmmm... I think, I smell new ships coming~~ Don't you think so guys~?


Please do vote~~




Hello moonpuffs~ yeah... I'm back!

did yah miss meh~~ ^-^

I'm officially back!

mwuah! ^3^

thanks for waiting for me for so looongggg~~

I really appreciated it!

I recommend you guys to reread the story if possible~ or just go back and look at the end of each chapter~


well... it's because I add some short skits and info there...~ that might be helpful for all of you to understand the upcoming chapters more~

thanks again for your utmost support moonpuffs!



WhiteSunflower_S2creators' thoughts