
Chapter 11: Coincidence or Fate?

A girl with blue haired and blue eyes, opened her eyes... The first thing she saw was the blinding light, which in return, she shut her eyes back.

Nurse, Mia saw the girl, finally gained consciousness.

"Hi, I'm Nurse Mia... Are you okay? Does your body hurts?" She asked the girl questions, but the girl only looked at her confusedly and uttered.


Nurse Mia, stunned for a moment then immediately smiled.

"You are in the Hospital... You were involve in an accident, so.---"

Not even letting Nurse Mia finished, the girl straighten up, and just remembered what happened.

'A goddess!!! A goddess saved me! But, where is she??' She was looking back and forth anxiously, Nurse Mia then realized what was the girl doing, and she smiled.

"You're looking for her, aren't you?" Hearing Nurse Mia, the girl immediately looked at her and nods her head vigorously.

"Yes!! Do you know where she is!!?" Not even trying to hide her excitement and at the same time her anxiousness, she immediately asked Nurse Mia about the girl who saved her.

Nurse Mia, smiled but then sighed.

"You're really one lucky girl, If Rue didn't come that time you could've really be~ *sigh*" Not finishing her word, Nurse Mia just ruffled the girl's hair.

But, the girl knows, even if Nurse Mia didn't mentioned this. She, will still somehow end up thinking this kinds of things.

Remembering what Nurse Mia just said. She couldn't help but smile...

'Rue, so my Goddess's name is Rue!!! Such beautiful name~~'

Thinking about this, she couldn't help but look and smiled at Nurse Mia and asked once again.

"Nurse Mia~~ Where is my beautiful saviour right now?" Hearing the girl's chosen name for Rue ( is Luna). Nurse Mia, couldn't help but chuckled.

"You~ you are really something~~" Nurse Mia said with amusement and interest in her eyes. Of course! She's interested.

Which patient, who just actually almost died, but then was saved and finally woken up, but only ended up acting, just like, nothing happened.

'This girl, it was as if she's already used to this...' Nurse Mia scrutinizingly looked at the girl.

The girl saw Nurse Mia, staring at her, and in return she just smiled more brightly and once again asked...

Eyes sparkling, voice excited.

"Nurse Mia, please~~ Where is my beloved saviour~~?"

Nurse Mia looked at her again and end up helplessly smiling and answered.

"And, I guess... You are also unlucky too~~" Seeing the girl's slightly frowning confused face, Nurse Mia smiled and continued.

"She just went home..." Hearing this, the girl who was just in cheerful mood a moment ago, deflated.

Seeing the girl's pitiful look, Nurse Mia then rubbed the girl's head.

"What's with that long face?? *Sigh* You, know... That person who saved you, was here almost in a whole quarter half of the day just to make sure you are alright, and this was even the only time she was finally able to go home and rest..." Looking at the girl who was slightly frowning and concern.

"Is she alright?" The girl asked.

"Hmm... Well, she was a little pale, and also had some minor injuries, but she is alright... So you do not need to worry, she just needed rest. That was why I let her gone home after all."

Seeing the girl nodding in understanding, Nurse Mia smiles.

She stood up, and stretched, and said.

"Don't worry I already called your brother, he's already coming..."

Hearing Nurse Mia, the girl suddenly looked tense.

"Brother?? Brother is coming!!?" She was panicked and flustered, and unknowingly started rambling.

"Oh no!! He told me not to go run around, but I did not listen!!! And I even ran away from my body guards, and even let myself almost get killed by truck-san!!! Just even barely survived and now, I'm going to be forced to face my scary but handsome demon like, black-bellied Big Brother!!! God, why!!?? Why are you so cruel!!?"

Nurse Mia who was looking at the girl and was listening to her unknowingly voiced out inner rambling monologue. Couldn't helped but let loose a sudden short laugh.


"Mother~~ Are you here??" A young boy's mischievous voice was heard, along with his handsome head that suddenly appeared, at the slightly open room's door.

Looking inside the room, the hazel brown haired boy, with green eyes then, saw his mother... And he smiled. Calling out.

"Mother you're here!!" He immediately, went towards his mother, when suddenly his mother scolded him, again.

"This kid! How many times do I have to tell you already, huh~ When you are in the hospital, you should knock every hospital room's door first, before even entering, do not enter directly!! How many times did I tell you that huh!?"

Grabbing his son's ears, Nurse Mia helplessly scolded his mischievous son over and over again. The curly Hazel brown haired, with green eyes youth couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Mother!!! It hurts~~ Ahh-- !!" Seeing his mother didn't even stop.

He was flustered, and immediately used the reason why he was here looking for his mother in the first place.

"Mother! Father was looking for you~" Nurse Mia, paused for a moment, and so the mischievous boy, used this opportunity to escape her mother's grasp.

Seeing this, Nurse Mia stared pointedly to her son, and asked.

"Really?" The boy answered, with a vigorous nod.

Nurse Mia sighed and said.

"Then, I should go for a moment then..." She muttered, then looking at the silent girl, who was forgotten, she smiled.

"Little girl~~ I'm going for a moment okay? Don't worry I'll be back a little while~ Okay?" The girl nods and says...

"Okay~" Nurse Mia, smiled and then looked at her son, and said.

"Zero, you look after her for a moment, okay? Can I trust you with this task?" Seeing his mother, giving him a task, he proudly nod his head,

"Of course!! Don't worry mother~" Nurse, Mia nods and then immediately walked out the door.

Silent descended them...

The boy awkwardly scratched his head and sneaked a looked at the girl, who, was actually observing him just a moment ago.

Seeing her observing him, he unconsciously blushed, Clearing his voice.

"*Cough* Ermm... Hi," looking at the boy who was, clearly blushing, the girl who was observing him, suddenly grinned and cheerfully introduced herself.

"Hi!! I'm Daisy~ What's your name?" Looking at the girl who was just passive, a moment ago... Was now suddenly giddy and cheerful.

He couldn't help but wryly smile, and cheerfully answered in return.

" I'm Aster Zero Xu. Nurse Mia's son... Nice to meet you, Daisy." Daisy, hummed in response. Zero, seeing Daisy was actually easy to talk to...

He decided to start a conversation with her.

"I heard, from the nurses outside, that you were almost ran by a truck?" Looking at Daisy, for confirmation he questioned.

Nodding, Daisy answered. "Yup. Luckily, a goddess saved me~~"

"A goddess~?" Zero asked confused. "But, I heard the one who saved you was a woman, and certainly a human." He said with certainty.

Daisy snorted. "I know~~ " smiling she continued. "But for me, she is my saviour and my goddess."

"Owww~~ okay~" Zero shrugged.


Two young kids, both still twelve years of age. Continued on chatting, talking, joking ,when suddenly a sudden roar echoed throughout the sky...

Both of them jump, and hid inside the bed's blanket, seeing each other's ridiculous faces...

Both of them eventually couldn't help themselves but laugh.

The scene was peaceful and harmonious...

But on the outside of the Hospital...

It was the opposite...

When that was just going on, that was also the time, Luna broke.

"What!!? No! No... This, is it really??" Nurse Mia, couldn't believe it.

Inside her husband's office, in front of her husband. She found out about the cruel truth. She found out that Rue(Luna) might be dying...

"It isn't even sure yet. I still need to do some tests, to make sure..." He held her hand and calmed her. He hesitated for a moment but continued.

"That girl, *sigh* She, she doesn't seemed to be planning on telling anyone..." Looking on her husband's face, she saw him frowned a bit, she sighed.

"That girl... *sigh* she's really stubborn." She said. In return his husband, Dr. Sian nods.

On, the other hand awhile ago...

A guy was walking towards the elevator, entered the floor's number and waited.

Arriving at his destined floor, he immediately went out, and walk to a certain hospital room's door.

But, before even opening it, he felt a sudden tug from his heart. Telling him to look back.

Turning around. He saw...

A vague silhouette of a girl...

He was about to follow it, when he remembered the reason why his here. So, he shakes his urge to follow that person and immediately turned back and opened the room's door.

After it was open, with a serious look he immediately asked the doctor.

"Where is she?"

The doctor, immediately told him about the events, while leading him to the private rooms.

"Your sister, is now fine... She just got a minor cuts and a little blood transfusion. But she's stable..." the doctor explained.

The guy, was talking to the doctor who had conducted his sister's transfusion. listening to him, he slightly frowned, the doctor seeing this continued.

"Your sister, was almost ran by a truck, but luckily a nice young lady was able to push her out of the way just in time"

"A nice young lady?" He was curious.

The doctor nods.

"Ms. Rue, she's just 14 and still young, but didn't even hesitated to jump in front and save someone..." The doctor chuckled.

"Hmmm..." The guy just hummed in response, and just continued to follow the doctor.

Arriving in front of a hospital to, the doctor leaves and he was left alone standing, in front of the room.

He was about to open the door when...


A sudden roaring of the sky, made him stop from his movement.

It wasn't only the sky which roared, but...

Also his heart...

It ached, and his breathing became abnormal, it was painful...


He didn't no why...

When his heart finally calmed down, he took a heavy breath, and when he was about to open the door.

A Nurse, suddenly came... With a sullen look, Nurse Mia, was about to go back to the patient's room when she saw a young man outside.

Seeing the young man's destination, she smiled and greeted.

"Hello~ are you perhaps, Mr. Alistair? Daisy's older brother?"

Seeing the Nurse, Alistair smiled slightly and nods.

"Yes, I am..."


If your asking, how was I able to come home, without being questioned by my parents...?

My answer is...

I didn't go home that night...

I didn't dare to go home that night...

I, was scared...

To go home that night...

I was drenched, my clothes were all wet.

And I,

Was cold...

Not only my body...

But even my heart...

Was painfully cold...

I drenched, myself in the rain...

Thinking the pain might go away...

But, it never did.

So, I just decided to fade away...

With the rain as my array...

I went to my studio...

*Slightly smiled*

This is the first you have heard, about me having a studio haven't you?

It's true...

...I have one...

Entering the password, I opened the door.

Looking inside...

"What a waste, when I just recently even bought this..."

Luna, can't help but muttered with bitterness lacing within her tone.

Luna, went to the bathroom, she stripped herself from those drenched clothes.

Laying herself on her tub, she dazedly played with the bubbles.




She was just like a child, playing, poking and popping the bubbles, not caring of anything...

Not even caring... That a tear has actually slipped, and dropped.

Helping her popped...

A single bubble of air...

Drying her hair, and dressing up.

Her feet led her to a seemingly empty room.

The room was red...

The room was dark...

The room was...


Yes, it was...

The only thing Inside was a hundreds of negative black and white filmed photos, and a single camera placed on the table.

The photos varies,

From colorful ones...

To colorless...

Just like her emotions,

From her highest and positive brightest smiles..


To her lowest and negative darkest cries...

She wished and hoped...

That maybe,

Just maybe...

After her downfall...

Maybe, she could be free?

Maybe, she could go?

Maybe, she could live once more?

A normal life,

With happy smiles...

With endless pleasant memories, with the ones she loves...

She once hoped, holding her camera...

Capturing every memories, that'll pass...

Capturing everyone's smiles...

But, now...

It seems like she can clearly hear her heart breaks, into pieces...

And turns into tiny, edged shards...

That, if someone dared tries to touch it...

They will bleed...

Bleed until they,

Will feel the same excruciating pain she felt...

Walking towards the balcony,

Holding her camera...

She ones dreamt on becoming a photographer...

If that is, after the supposed to be downfall...

But, now?

It's no use...

Because after the downfall...

Her, downfall...

It was also her deadline...

It was also the time when her time will stop ticking...

It was also the time when fate isn't the one who's in control anymore...

It was also the time when death, will come knocking on her door...




She fiddled with the shutters,

It flickered with the flashes...

And photos were then captured.

"I just wanted to capture smiles...

Save memories...

Develop the moments...

But, is it to much to ask?

Because, you know?

My feeling right now, is really difficult..."

She tried to even her breathing, but every word she spoked off, her voice wavers and choking sobs keeps interrupting.

"I'm *choke* try--- *sob* ----ing!!!"

Clutching the camera tightly, she fell to her knees and cried endlessly...

She kept, crying, sobbing, and screaming.

"You know what hurts!!!?

It is that,

I'm still hanging...


I'm still holding!!!

Holding onto this fake and unreliable hopes!!!

Holding onto this illusions that I made for myself!!!

Holding onto the thoughts, that I keep forcing myself to believe, that still...





...will save me...


this fate...."

"Holding on to this camera, is already a big task for me...

For it was once my dream...

It was supposed to be my lifetime companion...

Wherever may I go, it was supposed to and will always...

Accompany me...

But, now??

Just a simple touch, even just a one small touch...

Now, I would now never dare...

For I am scared, that once I dare to touch it once again...

It will once again bring me that cruel hope...

That'll whisper that,

'You can...'

When actually the cruel truth, that you have always known, says that...

'You can't'

Enough, already please...

For I am already so tired...

Surprises was meant to be given and was supposed to bring endless happiness to the receiver...

But, once Fate is the giver, and you are the receiver...

I think it's better just to say...


A girl who was kneeling on the balcony,

Held her camera...

It was raining heavily...

But, still she raised her hand

Aiming to capture, the drizzling rain...

A lonely, desperate, desolate smile, was hanging on the corner of her lips.

And paired with the fall of the tears coming down from her eyes...

And a shaking hands...




Shutters, and flashes was heard and seen...

She started capturing...





For she knows...

That this, is, her last...

If one may look, it wasn't the photos she took that touched everyone's heart...

But it was actually instead, her, herself...

A girl in a desolate rain, and a cold night, held her camera and earnestly and passionately captured the memories...

With endless tears in her eyes...

Whispered to herself...

"I should remember...













Caption: A girl on a desolate rain, desperately capturing this hopelessly cruel moment...

Photo's name:

[A desperate attempt,

Of a pained...

...'Main Villainess']

•Chapter 11 Ends•


The day they lost the God of War...

The worlds started to change...

The day they lost the tenth God,

The world's started to become restless...

It was a first for them,

To see ten Gods to consecutively disappear...

But this wasn't the reason why they dread.

T'was when the 3000 worlds started showing signs of collapsing...

And the prophecy appeared before them.





