
Reincarnation of the Reformation Man

As I embark on a long,long journey for the cause of saving.  As I spilled blood with my own two hands to save the world.  I killed...No! I Murdered every Protagonist in the world for their sins.  I reform every world with their own life, I kill the Protagonist, I reform it. My life was filled with nothing but killing for saving the many I later grew tired of.  I want a peaceful life, I want to escape this hellish path I take but to my despair my life was not my control anymore. The God who's watching me for entertainment restricted me to become a God watching me with popcorn. I really want to kill them! Someday,the freedom and peaceful life I wanted. I will but surely gain it. No matter what!

DaoistZeKGbP · 映画
15 Chs

Chapter 4

Agnarr heard the name given by his wife. He smiled lovingly and said " Anna, it's an excellent name!"

Agnarr was amazed by his wife's naming sense; he really can't compare his naming sense to his wife even though he was a king. 

"Hmm…? Elsa, you need to calm down! That's right. Like that..." Agnarr then noticed something on Elsa and prevented it from continuing further. 

Elsa who was lively jumping on the floor heard her father's words and looked at her surroundings. A snow falling on the floor emits some cold warmth to it. As she calmed down like her father told her. The snow glittering beside her suddenly stops and melts. 

Hearing this, Iduna looked at her husband strictly speaking to her daughter and consoled them, " Elsa, you don't need to be quite like that and husband you don't need to be  strict to her just let her. And It's not her voluntary will; she just can't control her powers yet. But someday she will~ Right, dear?" 

Hearing her mother's positive words towards her. Elsa said" Yes, mother!

I'll try to control my powers and be a good girl" while smiling happily. 

As she heard her cute little girl answer, that made her heart warm. She beckoned her daughter to come and Elsa saw that and happily went to her mother's arm. 

Iduna looks at her husband staring right in front of her. She smiled and gestured for him to come in too. 

Agnarr can't deny his loving wife 's beckoning and went for a loving hug. 

Meanwhile, Aster immediately cancels his link and activation of assistant when he sees those families together.

A sudden burning sensation coming from his chest while staring at the window feeling the breeze and the sunlight grazing his face.

It feels similar… 

But it's not like that. 

``It feels nice… to have a family like that too. Right, Arden?" 

As he questioned himself. He then thought. 

The past and the present have had similar life situations like right now. 

Maybe his present life will still be… 

As he no longer desires to think about it. He stares at the blue sky, and a worn out breath leaves from his mouth. At the end, his resting and stamina from earlier was completely drained as he slept like an utterly dead log in the bed. 

<One year later>

Sleeping soundly on the bed and suddenly the door opened. A poof sound into the bed. Next a boy's sound was both pain and surprise" Argh, what the f-" as he wanted to curse who disturb his sleep. But he stops midway when he sees a girl with white blond hair and blue dress next to his side. Looking at him while smiling with her cute face. 

Awkwardly, he almost cursed a girl out of habit. He coughed and said to the girl." Elsa , why did you do that? It's still early to be awake tonight. Go to sleep...ha~" he yawned. 

In the past year. 

Anna was born and when Anna's birthday came they celebrated it wholeheartedly. At that time, Aster was asking the queen and the king of what he would do to repay the help given to him. He thought of something he then requested that he wanted to be Elsa's personal guard. 

The king and the queen were quite shocked at how this child was talking wisely, knowing, and how to repay what's done. His manners are excellent and they almost mistook him as a grown up. 

As the king and Queen talk and conclude that he will not be Elsa's guard and no one will guard her and the crucial to that was due to her magic will have accidents and will be known by others. Gossiping about her as a witch. 

As they said that, Aster came with another idea that he will not be Elsa's personal guard but a personal butler!

The king and Queen were shocked again at this child genius' idea but their answer was still no. They said that he was still too young to be a butler at his age. A four year old boy wanting to be a guard and a butler? That is an insane idea that the boy thought of.

Aster was willing to do those jobs because he was trying to repay their kindness to him and there's another reason why he's doing it because he saw that this family is quite special. 

He wants to see this through with peace and he wants this normal life to go on. 

Aster talked to the queen and the king again. That he wanted to be given a chance at the long discussion. The king and Queen finally gave him a chance to demonstrate his skill in time of three months to Kai, the Head of the butler. And as time passed by, Aster finally demonstrated his learning about how to become a butler. 

At the later time the butler Kai, gave his reports to the queen and the king on Aster's possibility of being a butler at the three month's time. 

As an emotionless Kai from time to time but now he's face looks amazed. 

Although, the given qualification on Aster was not simple but not too hard. It is remarkable how a child passed the qualification. 

{Report} >The report says that he was a knowledgeable kid, a trustworthy kid, and a hard worker but most of all he understood a lot of Etiquette. He completed those things at the age of four. 

Who would believe that? 

But the king and queen trusted Kai very much because he was a loyal servant that served their family for almost his entire life. 

The queen and the king finally give their final evaluation and decision when they read the report and announce. 

Aster was dumbstruck at the king and Queen for their sudden announcement of his job. But It is not a butler nor a guard. 

But to be her personal friend! 

As they give him his job, the queen and the king talk to Aster about Elsa's power. That he can't reveal them to anyone and don't let Elsa use her powers everywhere just prevent it. And the Most of all, Don't let Elsa find out that he knew about her power. 

Aster then thought, isn't this more like a guards duty? Why did they  change it to be her personal friend instead? 



They told him to be her personal friend at his age. Although he looks like this, his life experience is almost a million years in the past. And to be friends with a kid in his new life. 

Remembering those days he had a headache for an entire year because of that. 

The girl heard what Aster said and she tilted her head And replied . "But, I can't sleep right now. and I can't disturb Anna while she's sleeping. Because mama, papa will get mad"

"Then, what about me? Can't I get mad because you disturb me while I'm sleeping?" Aster tried to lecture this girl by words. 

Unfortunately, the girl only said that while asking." But mother said, ``You're my confidant. My father also said that my confidant will not go mad. Are you mad? "

" No, I'm not, " Aster immediately said with no further headache.

Talking to a kid really requires a lot of mental persistence. Aster thought. 

"Then what do you want to do this early at night, Elsa?" Aster then asked Elsa while yawning. 

" I want to sleep together! " Elsa said. 

"You what?! No, why do you want to sleep together with me if you have a room to sleep in?" Aster was baffled by this girl's way of thinking. He really can't understand kids. Now he really regrets the job he kept insisting was cursed from the start.

"But mother said that confidants can  sleep together-" the girl wanted to continue but was cut off by his voice. 

"you know what? just forget it. Yawn, just get in the bed" aster don't care anymore he wanted to sleep more and relax his mind before waking up. 

Hearing what Aster says Elsa happily slides right in the side to sleep together. 

A boy and a girl sleeping together may sound vulgar but Aster doesn't care about it anymore. 

As he slept, his mind was mixing with relaxation and peace. This is what he wants the most. 

But a girl's laughter on the side made him can't sleep. 

"Hah… What I'm I going to do with this girl? Do I really have to repay them for saving my life? but I'm the one who keeps insisting and I don't really know why I did it either. I guess I'll just go to sleep. I had a long day ahead of me. " he asked himself what he thought about this situation. Thinking about it makes him tired and tries to sleep in the bed that's so comfortable to sleep in. 

But as he keeps thinking and planning to sleep, the girl on his side suddenly hugs him while making a sound that she's asleep. 

Aster:" .… "

That night, Aster was having a hard time sleeping but he slowly fell asleep because of drowsiness.