
reincarnation of a demon god

Arth is a writer who continues to write about the history of the world, and it deals with the story of himself. He continues to tell about it in books that are difficult for ordinary people to understand. From time to time, archaeologists are surprised to see one of Arth's books because it is very precise with the history and findings of archaeologists. Eventually, archaeologists became interested in him, and became interested in the stories that Arth told. But Arth's goal is to find his past lover (Erina). And it turns out that Arth is the last of the people in the World Of Darkness Light (name before Earth). Arth is the only one still alive because he is the real killer. Arth used to be a God nicknamed The God of magic, but he disobeyed his own people until he turned into a demon. Over time something happens that makes Arth turn into a human and start his new life experience until the moment of murder arrives. ************** there are so many prophecies that prevent the destruction of the world. however, if fate says so then no one can get out of it. however, that life can be repeated again by looking for its history. ************* "the world will be destroyed by someone who disobeys his own people because he has a purpose". that is the dialogue made by a diviner God (Zabtaruk). and those who defied their own people were Silvanus, Siestina, and Arth. the gods continue to try to prevent the three oracles with their tactics so that there is a lot of conflict. however, it was from that conflict that the World Of Darkness Light was destroyed. the name Darkness Light is a pre-earth name used by Totem (ancient) tribes. they believed that the Earth was dark, and that it was full of light.

ARKIMARA08 · ファンタジー
21 Chs

gifts from the spirits

We were really stuck at that moment. The strange head kept approaching us and all the spirits prostrated themselves and shouted something strange.

"What should we do?"Ginny and Erina said.

"Graaa, I'm hungry" said the chief as he opened his jaw.


"Bruggh" Arth suddenly hit him so hard that the head bounced back into the door.

"Eh, how could Arth escape" they said surprised.

Then Arth immediately let go of all his friends.

"Are you guys okay?"

"Sure, we're fine" they replied.

"Now we kill them," Arth said viciously.

Arth immediately ran inside the door, where the head had bounced. suddenly the head attacks Arth with its fangs and eats him, but Arth restrains his jaw from being eaten by him.

"Do you want to feel the hot fire?"

Arth suddenly unleashed his fire magic all over his body, so that the spirit's head was burning and in pain, and in the end burned to death.

Arth immediately walked out the door, but what he saw was something strange. All spirits bow to Arth.

"What happened?"Arth was astonished. But Ginny and the others didn't know either.

"they didn't attack us," Ginny said.

Suddenly one of the spirits approached us, and it seemed that it was their leader. Then the spirit saluted us. And say:

"Thank you sir! since you have killed the evil spirit, that is (the hungry head), we cannot do anything for fear of being eaten by it, so forgive us that we have brought you here, we will give you a reward" said one of the spirits.

"What is it?"

Then the Spirit led us to the door where the spirit of the dead head.

"Follow me here" The Spirit shows the secret room to the basement and we continue to follow it.

"Should we trust him Arth?"he said.

"I don't feel any malice from him, maybe he's a really good spirit" I replied As I continued to follow the spirit.

At the end there was a room whose walls were made of Earth, and in the middle of the room there was a shiny silver stone and there was also a spear stuck in the silver.

"That is your gift. You can choose between silver and spear, but you have to choose one of them. You can't take both" said the spirit wisely.

I thought clearly for a moment so that I wouldn't make the wrong choice, maybe this time it was a trap.

"Already, I've thought about it, I chose a spear stuck in silver instead of silver" I said confidently.

"But the spear cannot be pulled out of the silver, so you automatically have to pick the silver over the spear," replied the spirit.

"No. I will still choose the spear that is on the silver"

I went straight to the spear and held it. I used all my strength to pull the spear out of the silver. the silver "bruggh" was split into two pieces and the spear was in my grasp.

"I finally got a good spear"

"But how can it be?"The spirit is confused to see that.

Then I asked the spirit: "do you know where the Turtle Island is?"But the spirit only replied that it was in the West.

We walked out of the temple, but something strange happened, all the fog that was there suddenly disappeared, and all the spirits that were there also wandered around as if freed from something.


Sunlight shone on us as the fog simply disappeared.

"Now we go West," said Ginny excitedly.

We go to the western part and begin to go down the stairs. On the way down I asked Erina about communication magic because I was curious about it, it might be beneficial if something happened.

"It's easy, just pour your magic into the ear, and you press your ear, then concentrate your thoughts and who you want to communicate with" Erina explained that in detail and easy to understand.

Then I tried what Erina showed me.

"Now listen I will communicate with you through this magic" Erina said as she distanced herself.

I poured my magic into the ear and pressed it. Suddenly there was a voice so clear as if someone was whispering to me and it was Erina's voice she said: "I like you" suddenly the magic was cut off.

I was surprised to hear that "what does that mean" I wondered to myself. And without realizing it, it was getting dark and it seemed like I had to find a place to rest before it got dark.

They all agreed and found a rather cozy place near the fountain. The fountain was right on the edge of the stairs.

I want to know about the spear I carry on my back. I tried to apply it to the tree. I pierced the tree until I was sure it was an ordinary spear. "Brahh"

"It turned out to be just an ordinary spear, I thought it was a legendary spear" suddenly I remembered that there were only four of us and Hiuga didn't follow us, I was worried about him and asked Ginny about it. Ginny replied:

"He said he had business, he said Don't worry about him, you guys go, as he said. after that he just left."

I began to suspect him. Suddenly I realized that my book was also gone. I was confused and there was no way I could tell them I had a secret book with me.