
Reincarnating in Fanfic as a Side Character (Hiatus)

The Fanfic and Anime Characters are not mine only the OC. I'm just a new writer not fluent in English so sorry for the inconvenience. The fanfic I use is Start by Becoming a Mangaka from Akikan40 And the anime characters are from their respective creators -------------------------------------------------------- (╯︵╰,)

Just_Change · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs


I was now watching Koneko practicing, she was improving so fast it only took two days to adapt in 2x gravity, she was now in 4x gravity, and the Hand-to-Hand Combat, she already masters it.

I call her to give her a gauntlet called Ifrit from Devil May Cry

"Koneko" I call her

Koneko stops her training and goes to me. When she was in front of me, I give her that gauntlet.

"It's for you, it was a powerful gauntlet called Ifrit it can produce a powerful magical hellfire," I said all of the information about Ifrit to Koneko

"Thank You, Sora-senpai" Koneko was happy because I have her another gift

"Don't worry about it, go practice it now, and I soulbond it to you so you can only use it and you can make it disappear and appear if you want" I explain

She tries it and it works, then she starts her training again.

When the time of going to school we say goodbye to each other and go back home for school.


I was now in Fujiyama High School the school of both Raku and Yuuki. I was not going to meet the flaming chicken. I'm just gonna watch if Riser will still win in the rating game or not. If Riser im not gonna do anything I know Issei will defeat him.

I was wearing my mask and wearing ordinary clothes. I was now walking to find Raku because I know that Yuuki will have a problem.

Some student is talking about me while I was still finding the classroom. Raku was the first year and Yuuki was a second year.

I was now where the first year is, I only know in this school was Raku, Yuuki, and Koizumi. I finally find Raku with his friend, I was now slowly walking in his back to scare him.

I was now on his back and still didn't feel me. Some of his friends saw me, so I just sign them to be silenced they just nodded. I saw them nervous because they didn't know about me.

"Hey!!" I scream in his ear

"ARGHH!!" Raku screams too loud then he realizes that I was on his back "Aniki what are you doing here?" Raku asked

"Why I can't be here" faking sound sad

"It's not that" Raku can't say anything

"It's a joke I was here to visit, so who is your friend... and crush?" I ask while whispering the last

Raku blushed at what I asked

"I was right it was one of them" I'm trying to tease Raku

"This is my friend Shuu, Ruri, and Onodera" Raku introduced his friend, all of them bow to me

I see him looking away at me when he says the name of one of his friends Onodera, I know that she was Raku crush.

"Hello, you can call me Night" I bow at them "I'm Raku brother but we are not blood-related" I explain to them

"So why are you wearing masks?" Shuu asked

"Well it looked cool right" I posed like a chunibyo

'Raku brother was weird' They thinking while watching me posing

I was now looking at Onodera because he knows that she has a crush on Raku but she didn't say anything.

Before they go back to their class I whisper something to Raku. Raku blushes at what I whisper to him but he was gonna do it or not.

So I was now just touring the school, I met Koizumi I just say hi to her and see Hinako and Kuina but I didn't bother to talk to them


(3rd POV)

Sora is now in the back of the school, where Yuuki will stop the confession for Yukana. He turns invisible because he doesn't want them to see him, Sora saw them arguing about threatening the guy who gonna confess to Yukana.

Yuuki comes out of hiding because Ranko forces him.

We are waiting for a while until we heard a girl's voice "It's you!!" We could feel the anger in her voice.

Yuuki was confused about what's happening and why she was angry.

Yukana thought that Yuuki was the one who gonna confess and she was angry because she thought that Yuuki already dating Ranko.

"I think you misunderstand about something," Yuuki said with a tired sigh.

"Misunderstand?" Yukana look confused

"We're not dating" Yuuki simply said

'This is a good drama but I know what's gonna happen so I just go first" Sora was walking back to the school gate where Raku was waiting.


Sora saw Raku standing at the school gate looking annoyed.

"Hey! Raku" Sora yell

"Sora-aniki do you know where is Yuuki-aniki? I'm waiting here for so long" Raku was angry because of waiting

"Just wait he was having a problem right now and call me Night if he was here" Sora was now waiting with him.

"So did you do what I tell you?" Sora asked

Raku was blushing but he shook his head "No I didn't do it" Sora tells him to confess to Onodera but he didn't do it.

"Well, that's your choice" Sora didn't say anything and just wait for Yuuki.


Raku is now yelling at Yuuki because letting us wait for him.

"Hey Yuuki did your confession is successful?" Sora askes

Yuuki flinched because of what I say and Raki was shocked to know that his Aniki was confessing.

"So you were in there and I didn't confess it was a misunderstanding" Yuuki was tired right now

They didn't say anything anymore because we are already here, and this was the start of Nisekoi.