10 JGnvhWPmc

(Extra chapter)

Somewhere unknown in a dark space was a circular screen. This screen was displaying multiple scenes, each depicting different people, along with jumbled sound.. A figure could be seen watching these scenes with what appeared to be great joy. No, rather than joy it would be more correct to call it entertainment.

The figure was sitting on what appeared to be a couch. If you looked closely you could see a pair of individuals talking in the top right corner of the circle. One appeared to be quite agitated.

"Why did I just hear something talking in my head?"

"What you just recieved is known as a system. I have one too. This is the best proof i can give you. By the way, has your system started remodelling itself?"

"System? What the hell?"

The figure appeared quite intrigued with this particular scene.

"I see. He already gifted a system, huh? I'm feeling generous so lets give him something nice"

Congratulations for being the first to gift a system with the skill -sharing is caring-. You have recieved 100 merits- aaaand finished.

Looking at the scene you could see the other person appear flustered.

"Hahaha! The look on his face!"

Another silhouette appeared next to the laughing figure and started speaking.

"Mother, Chronos has finished his task." It said in a deep and majestic voice.

The woman stopped laughing.

"Kronos, my dear, why did you enter without my permission?"

The silhouette looked apologetic.

"I very sorry."

"If you've finished reporting leave immediately."

"Yes, mother!"

Kronos then vanished, as if he was never there in the first place.

The figure looked back at the screen. The smile returning to her face.
