
Reincarnated With Mount & Blade Universal System

A 23 year old guy is reincarnated with his memories of his life intact. Remembering his death made him sad but stopped once he heard a deep voice Knowing he had a system of the game he cherished with his life made him cheer up on the only thing he cared about. His whole life was a sad story that one wished to change but now that he died and has a way to change his fate from being the same to a new one. The multiverse shall know his name as he rises to the top without stop, with his army conquering everything in his way and shall become the true ruler of the multiverse. In his path there will lay pain, death, and suffering but it shall make him stronger and better than he ever was. This is the story of a man who will change the world in it's entirety and build an Empire that shall stand tall for the years to come. A/N: This system will have both the First Mount & Blade System and Bannerlord II System but the Bannerlord II System will come later on the story. The story itself will be realistic with mentions of rape, cursing, gore so be warned. P.S: Cover art is not mine so if author doesn't want it Ill take it down A/N: To make the mods that will be added realistic, I will be adding more lore for them or make new types of units. [WARNING] A/N: As this is realistic, there will be dark tones such as rape, torture, and mass bloodshed due to the innate nature of some races and basic need

Joaquin_Bonilla_2031 · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

Arena & New Companions (2/2)

(A/N: I'm glad to be back and here's 2 Chapters in one! I will be rewriting the chapter soon so don't worry about some mistakes being seen but do help me in my writing!)


I jumped over the stone half-wall and into the arena before I walked towards the kanabo warrior who had flames surging from his katana and looked at him in the eyes.

???: "I....won this fight for the Tetsujin Clan...and the...old man..."

Alexis: "You did great, but it seems your wounds haven't stabilized yet. You made the Tetsujin Clan and your guardian Proud!"

The kanabo warrior smiled gratefully before the flames around him receded back into the kanji carved into the blade.

The kanabo warrior then closed off his eyes before falling forwards, with me quickly grabbing him by his shoulders before he fell to the ground.

I sighed before smiling somewhat as I picked up the kanabo warrior to my shoulders and walked back to the Tetsujin side with the conscious Kanabo warriors grabbing the unconscious kanabo warrior from my shoulder.

I grabbed Aoi's hand who swiftly picked me up from the arena into the stands. Being lifted up 4 meters high was interesting but I rolled and looked at Aoi with a surprised expression on.

Alexis: "Hmm, guess I need to train more"

Aoi: "One needs to always strive to be strong..."

Quickly getting up I looked at Aoi's reminiscing face before I looked towards the other side of the arena to see Zephyr's sad expression on his face that he hid before sighing softly.

Zephyr: "Alexis! It seems only the leaders are left! Do who shall go first...?"

I looked at Katsuyori who had a grin on his face and his club ready to strike. Looking at Teth who kept looking at Aoi warily I shouted that my commander will fight before our inevitable fight as the two leaders of two different sides.

Zephyr: "So it is your turn Teth, this is a good time as never to have your revenge for your subordinates"

Teth: "So it seems, and looks like we won't be able to go too far otherwise that woman will attack us.

Zephyr: "Hmm, I won't mind going all out if their young Leader goes all out."

Teth snorted before jumping over the stone half-wall and into the arena which Katsuyori did the same brandishing his Kanabo.

Teth had both hands on the handle of his greatsword while getting in an striking stance. Katsuyori had both hands on his Kanabos handle with a grin on his face and an attacking stance.

After a few seconds, both had quickly sprinted to one another before they clashed and a large shockwave came out from their first clash.



Both backed off before Teth had placed both hands on his Longsword and Katsuyori did the same as both started to release an intense aura that expanded around the massive cavern and clashed in the middle.

Soon both Teth and Katsuyori charged once again but this time Teth had headbutted Katsuyori who took it and roared before pushing Teth backwards and kicking his gut breaking his guard for a second.

Katsuyori swung horizontally at Teth who tanked the hit with his heavy armor and taking a hand off the greatsword before golden flames were lit in Teth's hand as he punched Katsuyori in the face.


As the fist made contact with Katsuyori's face, it blew up in golden flames sending Katsuyori flying backwards before he spun and landed on his feet. Katsuyori sprinted toward Teth once again reeling his Kanabo backwards for a heavy strike.

As Katsuyori neared Teth, sparks started to form on his Kanabos before it turned into a full blown fire that kept growing.

Teth was surprised but he had chanted quietly before his body was lit in a golden light along with his greatsword that shined brightly. Soon Teth started sprinting towards Katsuyori who had his Kanabos raised.

As both neared one another the flames on the Kanabo kept growing and a faint skull could be seen within the flames. Teth's golden light kept getting brighter until it transformed into a relentless flame that illuminated the entire cover making everyone in the stone slabs cover their eyes.

Katsuyori POV

Looking at the bright flames that kept growing brighter, my grin grew more and the flames on the Kanabo had increased with my excitement.

As Teth and myself raised our weapons high in the air both our flames clashed against one another in the air.

Once both of our weapons came crashing down the flames interwined for control and a large shockwave spread out from our clash.



As his golden flames started to burn my hands I smiled before slowly pushing Teth backwards as the flames seemed to grow stronger.

I roared before making Teth take a step back as I quickly slammed the kanabo to his waist as he grunted before he took a step back and taking this slight opportunity I hit his waist sending him flying towards one of the remaining pillars.

Unknown to me at the time, the skull that formed from the flames had multiplied into 2 as it seemed to be fueled from my excitement to fight as it's jaws started to move slowly.

I touched my stomach and felt liquid coming out as I looked down I saw blood coming out with golden flames burning my insides surprising me before I coughed up blood.

Katsuyori: "Ha..Haha, this is the first time I've been injured and my organs burned by flames"

From the dust cloud came the voice of Teth who was also just as surprised as me when we hit one another.

Teth: "Even if you don't kill, your strength is commendable and your annoying flames seem to be on par with Greshelle's golden flames"

I was confused on who Greshelle was but before I could ask I moved my entire body to the left avoiding a large golden ball similar to that Dark mages fireball.

Teth: "Let's see if you can keep up with the constant attacks of mine!"

I grinned and got into position as countless golden fireballs flew out the cloud of dust showing Teth who had a few pieces of his armor broken.

Looking at the incoming fireballs I closed my eyes before focusing on the flames around me and slowly moving them in the direction of the fireballs and thinking of a way to either destroy or having to catch the...fireballs.

Thinking about a net I opened my eyes before waving my Kanabo around as the flames whirled around me and I pointed the whirling flames at the incoming fireballs.




As the golden fireballs made contact with the tornado of flames I quickly coated the fireballs before pulling back the kanabo as I felt my arm burning in pain and I thrusted forwards.

All three fireballs were suddenly blasted back to Teth who was surprised before he had raised up his burning fist as a wall of golden flames rose up from the ground.




As all three fireballs flew across the arena to Teth, I covered myself in a layer of flames preparing myself to sprint. As all three fireballs hit the flame wall it made the flame wall tremble, I sprinted towards the flame wall with my newly enhanced speed.

With the fireballs exploding on the fire wall, it should create a shockwave within each explosion and it will try to merge the flames making me break through the wall without being burned by Teth's golden flames.

As I neared, I raised the kanabo up high before I passed through one of the fireballs that was being merged back into the wall.

Looking at the face of Teth with his sword pointed at me I grinned before I sucked in the golden flames and the Red flames into my mouth and forcefully controlled the golden flames.


Teth had enhanced his sword with few symbols glowing from his blade before he had thrusted his Longsword into my gut as it tore through my iron armor and one of my organs like butter.


I held in the pain before I struck down the burning kanabo onto Teth's head but he had made a shield out of golden flames that blocked my strike.

Katsuyori: "One doesn't stop fighting *cough* even in the *cough* face of destined death"

Teth: "What?"

I opened my mouth before I spewed out the red flames I had sucked in my mouth into Teth's face. He was surprised and before he could do something else the red flames had spread throughout his entire face as he screamed in agony.



Teth: "You..."

The sounds of flames sizzling could be heard along with the smell of charred flesh. Before I could free myself from the Longsword, Teth had suddenly raised his Longsword with me with up high.

Not long after, he swung the longsword down and I quickly crashed into the rough stone and felt my bones be crushed from the impact of his swing. I didn't have to wait long before Teth raised his Longsword again and slammed me into the floor breaking my bones and denting my armor.

Teth had swiftly lifted his Longsword and my body unstuck itself from the Longsword and before I could fall onto the rough save floor I felt the bones on the left side of my body be crushed.

Looking at the object that hit me, I was surprised before I crashed on the ground and rolled around until I was stopped by a pillar.

I had painfully grinned as I called out to the red flames that gathered itself upon my right hand and quickly stuffed the flames into my mouth and consumed the entirety of the flames.

I coughed up blood as I felt the flames run amok throughout my entire body and slowly I focused the flames to go towards my broken bones and temporary hold them up.

With difficulty I got up while holding onto the pillar for support and felt my left side warm up and to my surprise I could feel the red flames coat around my bones before it started to layer itself around all my broken bones.

Katsuyori: "Ahh, to believe something *cough* as magical as this exists...."

I coughed up more blood before looking at Teth who had his skin torn off and everyone could see the layer underneath making many onlookers turn away.

???: "AHHH!!!"

???: "W-what happened to his f-face, mom?"

???: "Don't look dear!"

I kept breathing in and out constantly before the 10th breath had turned into steams and I started breathing out a few sparks of fire. Looking at Teth and his hand covering his one-sided skinless face, I charged forwards again. I started breathing out embers of red flames that slowly started to engulf my face.

KW: "You can do it Katsuyori!!!"

Seeing Teth cover his body in golden flames flames I covered my body in my own Red flames before I coated both my fist and the Kanabo in red flames that became intense.

Teth had coated both his longsword and his body in golden flames but instead of his collected self he showed earlier he had an enraged expression on his face.

As I was nearing Teth's location, we both had simultaneously raised our weapons high ready for the finishing move as we focused most of our flames in our weapons.

Alexis: "Don't die Katsuyori!"

Before thinking about finishing Teth with one strike and trading a fatal blow from him with my injured my body, I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Alexis-Sama's words.

How can I be such a fool? I can't sacrifice my desire with my life before seeing the Tetsujin empire be Founded. In that case, I shall use this strange power within me to kill Teth with a fatal blow.

As Teth roared out while swinging down his longsword I had abruptly stopped before I swiftly brought back my Kanabo as a spiral cone of red flames gathered and quickly forming a red flaming spear in the center of the spiral.

I felt the longsword cut the skin of my forehead diagonally and drag itself across my cheek with a blood trail and golden flames in it's path that clashed with my red flames.

The longsword tore through my armor and cut my flesh as I grunted in pain and seeing the look of confusion on his face I grinned.

Once he looked up at my face and was about to roar out with the golden flames gathered in his chest I thrusted the kanabo with the spiral cone of flames as the spiral launched the red flaming spear into his chest as it tore right through the enhanced white plating of his armor.

Teth: "W-what..You are still able to st-"

Before he could finish his last words the spear tore through his flesh and his entire torso was gone instantly as the spear crashed into the cave ceiling as the entire cave shook and rumbled before stopping.

I kept taking deep breaths before my cheeks puffed up as I kneeled and coughed up blood along with wisps of red flames. Looking at the cracked Kanabo I grimaced and sighed before I felt the flames come back into my body and focus itself in my damaged ribs.

Thinking about how I should tell Alexis-Sama I felt a hand wrap under my arm and pick me up. Looking at who it is I smiled before I felt my consciousness slip away and I drifted into darkness.

Alexis POV

Looking at the Red flames on Katsuyori's back recede back into his body along with the skull disappearing slowly I approached him before wrapping my arm around his back and seeing him smile I grinned at him.

I carried him back into the stands and gave him to the Tetsujin footmen who carefully placed him down to rest. I sighed before I quickly spun around and slammed the cracked Kanabo into Zephyrs swinging Long axe that was about to cut me down in a strike.


Zephyr: "Remarkable! To think your strength befits such a small body, even your reaction time is admirable"

Zephyr: "Guess you truly are worth fighting with, young Clan Leader. Hope you don't disappoint me with your performance"

I looked at Zephyr seriously before I took a deep breath and red flames burst out of the cracked Kanabo before they wrapped around my arm.

I suddenly isappeared from Zephyrs view before appearing beside him as I gripped the kanabo tightly with both hands before swinging and hitting Zephyrs right side and sending him flying off into an wall.


Alexis: "See ya!"

The kanabo had exploded in my hands and feeling them tremble somewhat, I chuckled before I took out the Nagamaki from the inventory in the form of a vortex appearing out of thin air.

I looked directly at the cloud of dust that lingered for a moment before 4 projectiles were thrown out from the smoke. I focused the red flames into coating the Nagamaki before I had swatted the four projectiles to the side with my Nagamaki.

Seeing the lingering frost that melted from the red flames I looked at the glowing lights within the dust cloud before I pointed the blade of my Nagamaki towards the dust cloud and gathered the flames around the blade.

I took deep breaths that kept getting hotter with each breath I exhaled as I felt my body burning entirely but I kept focusing the red flames before I moved the Nagamaki above my head.



As I saw the flying figure approach me with an unbelievable speed similar to Frode I composed my self before I suddenly lunged forwards and feeling both our weapons clash I grit my teeth before grinning.

Although Zephyr managed to block the lunge with his Long Axe I felt my blood boil as Zephyr was about to push me off I had stepped backwards before swiftly thrusting the Nagamaki forward.

The flames from the blade flew out and pierced Zephyr's right shoulder flinging it upwards in the sky.

Taking this opportunity I swiftly planted my right foot down before I lifted my left leg and twisted my waist before kicking Zephyrs liver with the tip of my geta and sending him flying into the last remaining pillar but as he was sent flying, a projectile had pierced my armor and tore through my chest

As I looked down at the projectile, I coughed up blood and took a step back before looking at the projectile stuck within my chest before grinning.

Coating my right fist in red flames, I took a deep breath before I placed my fingers into the Icicle of ice and slowly started to pull it out as I grunted in pain.

As I was pulling it out I felt the frost start to spread but it was stopped with flames forming around the Icicle and helping me push the Icicle out of my body.

As my body kept getting hotter it was starting to effect the icicle itself and slowly melt it down. Hearing the sound of crackling my danger senses went off and I quickly ducked and felt a fast projectile whizz past my back and I felt my back be numb somewhat.

I rolled to the left avoiding an axe made of ice be hurled at me from afar. Once it touched the ground Ice spread from the axe itself. I lit up my entire right arm in flames before thinking about Katsuyori's flame spear and seeing Zephyr walk out while slowly forming another axe made of Ice.

I pulled out the Icicle from my body before it melted down into water from my burning flames. I started to form a spear made from my flames and focused on its form and shape and slowly started to make it into a solid form.

Zephyr: "Hmm, interesting let's see how long you can keep this up young Lord"

Zephyr then threw the Ice axe straight at my chest but I grabbed the flaming spear and slowly turned it's edges jagged and seeing the Ice axe close in, I thrusted the flame spear into the ice axe's shoulder splitting the head and handle off from one another.

Looking at Zephyr making another axe and the head of the axe still coming for me I spun around and kicked the butt of the axe head back towards Zephyr who threw the axe.


As both axe's clashed with one another, they both had exploded into a cloud of blue mist that blocked Zephyr's vision.

Taking this opportunity, I grabbed the flame spear before rushing towards Zephyr who was hidden behind the Blue mist.

Once I was near the blue mist, I suddenly rolled and avoided a horizontal swing from Zephyrs Long axe.

As I rolled out of the way I turned around before stabbing the spear on Zephyrs back who gave a small grunt before a yellow rune lit up on his back and I jumped to the left, avoiding a strike of lightning from the rune.


I swiftly moved back, avoiding another horizontal swing before thrusting the flame spear into Zephyrs back once again.

A blue rune lit up before a wall of Ice blocked the thrust of the Flaming spear. I moved backwards avoiding the ice spikes from the Ice wall and slowly started backing away from Zephyr who started to slowly change his skin color from a pink color to a blue color.

As he slowly changed, countless ice spikes came out of the blue lit runes making me move my body move quickly to the right or left.

Seeing a few spikes following me closely behind I turned around my waist before I jumped and thrusted the flaming spear and focused on the spikes nearest to me I hit the ice spikes accurately in the middle creating multiple small explosions with each ice spike breaking.






I immediately landed on the ground before I ducked and rolled to the right and thrusting the flaming spear straight at the towering figure who disappeared in a purple light.

Feeling cold on my back I grinned before turning around and stabbing the flaming spear into Zephyrs stomach who had blocked with his left hand and grabbed the flaming spear who resisted his cold touch.

Zephyr: "Is this all Lord Alexis..? If it i-"

Before he could finish his sentence, I jumped up and looked at him eye to eye before I transformed myself into my Oni Form and twisted my waist as I lifted my left foot and kicked him to the left as I held my foot behind his head as It dragged his face head down to the ground.


As Zephyr had his face head down into the ground I brought back my right leg before kicking Zephyr as his body flew to the arena wall like a cannonball.

Feeling the heat become uncontrollable I took off my common plate armor and threw it inside the inventory.

Mist started to form around my body as it slowly spread out to block the onlookers view of my body changing itself.

My body started growing bigger and stronger with each passing second, my hair grew longer than before as it changed from black to silver white. Feeling my body grow hotter, I started pulling something out of thin air.

With mist clouding the view of everyone, I slowly pulled on empty space that rippled slowly before it cracked and Flames came out of it.


I pulled out the Nagamaki slowly out of the purple swirling vortex and firmly grasped the Nagamaki before I focused the flames into the nagamaki that started to vibrate strongly.

I slowly started to copy Aoi's technique while I started to chant a name for the Nagamaki who kept vibrating within my hand.

Alexis: "Show your true self, let them fear your true name, Kokū no honō...."

As I moved my right hand over the blade the intensity of the flames compacted itself as more mist spread outwards.

I saw the compacted flames turn into Kanji that started to engrave itself into blade as it slowly stopped vibrating and a hum could be heard reverberating across the large cave.


As it hummed I materialize the flame spear into a solid state before sensing Zephyr who had created a giant ice hammer before slamming it onto the cloudy mist with both hands.

I took a deep breath before sucking in all the mist into my body and jumping up at the falling hammer.

Seeing me, all of the onlookers were shocked at seeing my new appearance change and even Zephyr had a surprised look on his face.

I was now 2.5 meters tall and was two times smaller than Zephyr who had grown bigger with his transformation.

As the hammer neared, I brought back my left arm that held the flame spear before I made more flames compact together within the flame spear.

With the hammer being five meters above my head, I put most of my strength into this thrust. I thrusted the flame spear into the Ice hammer that made both the hammer and spear explode and recoil from the shock.


Vandrad: "Blodsørn! Hvit Ulv! Aid me!"

Before I could strike once more onto the cracked hammer I heard howling and the flapping of a large Bird. Looking behind me a huge white wolf jumped up towards me with it's mouth wide open showing it's sharp teeth.

As I was about to swing Kokū no honō at the wolf I heard the screeching of an Eagle and saw a Red Eagle flying at me at high speeds making me stop and turn to the eagle.

I swung Kokū no honō at the Red Eagle as it shot out a flaming crescent-shaped projectile at the Red Eagle who tried to attack me but he dodged to the side and flew to Zephyrs side.

The Red Eagle completed his objective as I felt the Giant White Wolves teeth sink into my lower body's flesh making me grit my teeth in pain.

Seeing Zephyr make another giant Ice Hammer and jumping in the air slamming it towards me made me chuckle.

Seeing the white wolf not letting go even as the Ice hammer was about to crush us both I laughed somewhat before grinning as we were falling back to the ground.

I brought back the flaming spear before I thrust it at the falling ice hammer and instead of it recoiling back It tore through the Ice hammer entirely.




Seeing the shock in Zephyrs face I grasped Kokū no honō tightly before I threw it straight at Zephyrs chest who made a wall of Ice to block it with multiple runes lit up in a gray, yellow, and blue light before attaching themselves to the wall.

Zephyr: "Hellig, Fell, Skold!"

Although Kokū no honō broke the sound barrier, will it be able to break through the weird runes that are attached to the ice wall?



As Kokū no honō had contact with the wall it made the wall shake and seeing the runes lights dim somewhat I sighed, wanting to learn those runes.

Alexis: "Oh well, time for the climax huh? Art of


Seeing Kokū no honō stopped at the wall, Zephyr wanted to talk but before he even could. Kokū no honō had suddenly burst into flames that covered the entire Ice wall and it destroyed the Ice wall and Runes as they shattered.


Zephyr was sent flying like a cannonball into another Arena wall, making this the second time he was sent flying to a wall.

Remembering that that we were both still falling I looked at my heavily bleeding waist and the giant wolf that kept it's jaws on my waist tightly.

I took a deep breath before I started to room flames on both my hands and started to experiment on how much I can compress my flames.

As I compressed the flames, beads of sweat appeared on my face as I focused more on the flames than me free falling to the ground.

After compressing the flames to my current limit It had a strand of white flowing freely within the flames. I grabbed both of the white wolf's jaws before I started to slowly take it's fangs out of my crushed lower body.

As I pushed both sides away, I suddenly formed a flame spear and compressed the flames within it before throwing it down as it lodged itself in the ground.

I made another flame spear before lodging it into the wolf's mouth jaws before it tore through my lower body's flesh. Using the flame spear to hold onto I grinned as I saw Zephyr sent flying to another wall.

I created a flame spear before a I threw it to the ground where it lodged itself into the ground. I did the same thing over and over again until there were countless spears lodged deep into the ground all pointing upwards.

I focused my flames into my mind before looking at Kokū no honō who started to float slowly before it flew towards me. I grabbed Kokū no honō before I thrusted my blade into its eyes as it tried to close it's eyelids but it was far too late as Kokū no honō pierced through it's right eye.


Hearing it whimper made my soul shake and I lit up Kokū no honō in flames as it kept spreading flames inside the white wolf's body.


Hearing it's howls I increased the intensity of the flames and focused it to the brain as It stopped howling after a few seconds. Once it had stopped we were already near the ground where flame spears waited it.


When we landed, a cloud of dust spread from the impact of our long fall and countless spears tore through the wolf's flesh and lodged itself into the wolf.

As the dust cloud slowly dissipated everyone laid their eyes upon the cruel scene of a man and wolf both impaled with flame spears coming out their chest.

Tetsujin Side POV

Katsuyori: "L-LORD!!! DAMMIT, GET OFF M-"

Jayson: "LORD!?"

Aoi: "Katsuyori, Our Lord is not dead...He seems to be recovering slowly from his wound. I'm stopping you from interfering with my Lord's first fight against a strong opponent"

Katsuyori: "That..., I was just worrying over our lord!"

Aoi: "You aren't the only one, the others were worried as well over the health of our Lord!"

Alexis POV

I took a deep breath before looking at the three flame spears impaled within my stomach, left leg, and right shoulder.

I groaned in pain before I slowly loosed the flames within the flame spear as they dissipated.

As I fell and hit the cold floor I grunted in pain still feeling the recoil from our harsh landing.

I saw the giant wolf white fur dyed red in blood from countless spears impaling it with it's head charred black.

After looking around I rose slowly with staggering steps and used the Kokū no honō as my cane to help me up. Seeing my waist filled with large holes made from the wolf's fangs I groaned in pain.

Hearing the sound of steps coming from the front I looked up and saw Zephyrs bloody figure walking over to me in staggering steps with runes covering his fists.

Seeing the glint within his eyes I grinned before I put away Kokū no honō and covered my fists in red flames. As we both neared one another, we raised our fists before charging forwards and punched out.


Both our fists hit one another and we both brought back our fists before punching once again.


As our fists met I pushed forwards before headbutting Zephyr who took it head on and punched me in the gut.



I brought back my right fist before compacting more flames into it as I punched Zephyr square on his face.

As Zephyr stepped back with his left fist reeled back with blue mist coating his entire fist with runes as I prepped myself before I reeled back my right fist and coated it in flames that I compacted together.

Zephyr: "It was an interesting fight Alexis, I hope you can withstand this fist of mine. A fist that holds the Weight of the Svart beistfjell in it's entirety"

Alexis: "Well isn't that interesting, Ill be knocked unconscious if what you say is true. Then I hope you can take on an explosion that will explode your entire body"

Zephyr: "Hahaha, then as a word of advice. This will end up badly for your men and everyone in the stands so it's best to evacuate them"

I turned and looked around the arena seeing countless people and I sighed before shouting at the top of my voice.


Hearing my shout, everyone quickly got up with the Tetsujin footmen and warriors help move everyone out.

Katsuyori was reluctant to leave but Aoi lifted her right hand and chopped Katsuyori's neck leaving him unconscious.

Soon everyone was gone and just before Aoi left through the gate entrance I yelled out to help the people from being injured.

She looked back before nodding and left with Katsuyori over her shoulder. I looked back at Zephyr who had blue mist swirling on his left fist with five runes lit up in glowing lights.

Zephyr: "If I am to die, look through my stash and you'll find my Journal with a few runes I've comprehended"

Seeing me look surprised at his words he suddenly smiled before telling me his reason in a jovial tone.

Zephyr: "When we both fought, you seemed curious and interested in my runes. I'd rather have someone learn my runes than letting it be forgotten in time"


Suddenly the large Red Eagle landed on Zephyrs left fist and zephyr looked at the Red Eagle warmly. The Red eagle suddenly turned into red mist before it wrapped itself on Zephyr's fist as the aura on his fist grew by another later.

Zephyr: "So be it, let's enjoy our final battle one last time. Let us die a glorious death and go to Valhalla at long last...Blodsørn"

I looked at Zephyr with respect and sighed thinking if I will ever become like him after fighting for so long.

[Alexis, the time limit is nearing its end, there only 6 minutes left. Once it's done you will suffer the after effects of using all your points on the STR stat]

Alexis: 'I know, I hope we can end it in one punch, but from the looks of it I'm afraid not'

[His fist has a lot power being condensed into it to the point that the entire underground cavern will cave in. Even those outside will be injured from just the shockwaves of the radius of his punch]

Alexis: 'Don't worry, I'm trying to condense the flames into that streak of white flames from earlier. Do you know what it is?'

[Although I don't know what it might be, I can see that you are learning something new and it's progressing quickly]

Alexis: 'So I might gain something from trying to compress the flames altogether? What an interesting battle this has been for the two lives I've lived through'

I kept compressing the flames in my fist as they started to turn white slowly and it's heat increased to a new level. Even more than Katsuyori's intense Red flames he gained from whatever that skull was.

Zephyr: "Let it be known to all, I now fight as the Warrior Vandrad of the Red Wolf Legion. I shall fully give my all in this death match of ours Warrior Alexis"

Vandrad had suddenly took a deep breath as the air around him changed into snowflakes and Ice spread from where he is standing. Large Ice spikes came out of the ground as Vandrad was now emitting a blue mist around his body.

Runes formed themselves in the air as the runes were now bigger than before and emitting a dangerous feeling from each one.

Vandrad raised his left fist and slowly called out the name of the white wolf, Blodsørn and the White wolf's body glowed before it slowly turned into tiny white lights that flew to Vandrad's left fist as it slowly built a small axe.

Vandrad: "I fight here with Hvit Ulv and Blodsørn as my trusted weapons who have been with me since the beginning of my journey"

After he finished speaking, he looked straight at my eyes waiting for me to announce myself fully as this has now become a duel to the death with the victor being the sole survivor.

Alexis: "My name is Alexis, The proud Clan leader of the Tetsujin Clan. Today I fight as Arekushisu the Red Oni as my full self"

As a vortex formed to my right, I moved my left hand through the vortex before grabbing the hilt of Kokū no honō and slowly pull it out and a burst of flames come out the vortex that constantly spreads and try to engulf everything in burning flames.

I held Kokū no honō in an iron grip and kept feeding it neverending flames from within my torn body as it rampaged around me.

The flames rose and fell yet it's burning intensity increased and with it's hot flames, it scorched the walls, ceilings, and ground around me.

Arekushisu: "Although I have recently created my weapon, I shall show all my enemies my blade whom I fight with, Kokū no honō...."

As I said it's name, the flames erupt in a frenzy as they try to engulf Vandrad but the cold Ice stops its raging flames.

Arekushisu: "Let us fight a worthy duel of both our lives, Vandrad!"

Vandrad: "Give it your all Arekushisu!"

I quietly told Alice to place three attribute points in my AGI stat and to hold it off for 5 minutes and to give command to Aoi.

With a silent yes, Alice accepts my command and I felt the last three Attribute Points I had condense and pour into my body as I felt lighter than before.

I looked straight at Vandrad's eyes and we both briefly disappeared from our positions before reappearing in the middle of the half-destroyed arena with both our fists brought back before we both punched forwards at each other.


Vandrad POV

As we both punched at one another, I felt my skin burn and the runes crack with their light dimming. Before I knew it, there was a flare of light and the bones of my left arm broke and my entire torso felt unprecedented heat unlike anything I've ever felt before.

After the Flare of blinding light I saw that the entirety of my left torso was gone along with left side of my face is charred black with blood coming out of all my orifices.

I slowly looked at Arekushisu, but he had it worse yet he stood standing, he had half of his right torso blown to pieces and lower right leg blown off. I'm astonished he didn't have his entire body obliterated with my fist but the impacts did destroy both our dominant arms.

He had a few icicles stuck in his body with blood dripping out of the end of the Icicles along with some frost covering a third of his body.

Looking around the newly made crater with the underground river being blown up I sighed and looked at the other end of the flowing river.

Looking up I saw the moon in the clear night sky in all it's glory, I saw countless people peering over the top of the crater along with the Tetsujin Clan.

Seeing the familiar people who fought with my men with bloodshot eyes, I sighed knowing this is where my journey stops. A few of them suddenly lit up in raging flames that illuminated the entire crater and showed their burning rage.

Vandrad: "Heh, what a way to go down huh? If you were to live longer, we could hav-"

Arekushisu: "No need, let's continue where we left off.…"

In a state of shock I didn't know what to say before I turned back to look at Arekushisu who had flames coming out his torn off leg and right arms.

Vandrad: "Wha- what in Odin's name are you? How do you not feel pain from the Impact of our collision!?"

Vandrad: "How are you able to form temporary limbs with flames? Even to the point of it perfectly adjusting to your nerves to be able to move it naturally..."

Arekushisu: "I myself don't understand how or why this happened but I welcome it wholeheartedly"

Arekushisu: "So let's start round two, Our weapons will decide the victor"

Vandrad: "Hah, then what are you waiting for!"

I got into a defensive stance with Hvit ulv raised to protect my upper body. I think over Arekushisu current state and his ability to make limbs with his flames.

Even If I were to try it, the theory behind it will take a few months, even more so if I am to attach it to my nerves. So I can only guess he has flames that are of his bloodline or an unprecedented genius capable of using magic like no one has.

Vandrad: 'What a dangerous thought'

I stomped my leg to the ground as the scorched ground below me broke into a spiderweb and sprinted at Arekushisu with Hvit Ulv raised.


Seeing Arekushisu raise Kokū no honō I focused myself before using Ice runes on Hvit Ulv before I brought Hvit Ulv down onto Arekushisu who had swung his weapon horizontally and a wave of flames was sent out of the blade.


I grinned before I focused more frost within Hvit Ulv as it clashed with the wave of flames and won in the clash. I stepped backwards just in time to evade Arekushisu's downward strike at my neck which made me sweat.

Looking at Arekushisu once more, he used the heel of his foot that exploded and propelled him forwards to be faster than before.

I swung Hvit Ulv horizontally only for Arekushisu to jump and stab Kokū no honō into my left shoulder making me groan in pain.

Before I could punch him away with a swing of my fist, the blade suddenly lit up in orange flames and I felt the entirety of my left charred torso inflate with flames.

I suddenly let out a roar and ice spikes came out my body and tore through Arekushisu's flesh and curled themselves as hooks.

Seeing Arekushisu about to light himself up in flames I casted the rune of krig, and uvar in quick succession before Arekushisu was sent flying with four big holes in his chest along with the previous icicles stuck in his chest.





With a surprised expression on his face, he coughed up blood as he landed roughly on the ground and rolled as he laid face down with his arms spread out.

Looking at my left torso, I coughed up blood and forcefully froze my Left torso trying to contain the raging flames within it.

I slowly closed my left eye and felt a splitting headache along with my vision becoming dizzy making me groan in pain and look at Arekushisu's condition with his temporary limbs dissipating slowly.

Vandrad: "Well, I don't have enough time to live. So let's finish this quickly.

Vandrad: "With the left side of my brain charred and your flames going out for your limbs, give me your best sword technique you have and clash with me one last time!"

I saw him clench his fist and raise his fist as he looked straight at my eyes and I felt goosebumps seeing him look at me with burning eyes.

Before I knew it Arekushisu appeared in front of me prompting me to swing downward at him but he simply raised the Kokū no honō and as our weapons clashed he tilted his blade making me miss and hit the hard stone.




Arekushisu had raised his leg before he kneed my stomach and with an unknown increase in strength he wrapped his right arm around my head putting me in a headlock.

I quickly started punching his ribs on the left as blood trickled down my shoulder with the bloody holes I made with the icicles. As I kept hitting him over and over again, on the 6th punch he let go giving me enough time to tackle him on the ground with all my heavy weight.

As I grabbed Hvit Ulv tightly and swung it down onto Arekushisu, I gasped as I felt Kokū no honō pierce through my hardenrd skin and my right lungs making me stop breathing.

I brought down down Hvit Ulv and saw it cut through his left shoulder and could even see his bones that were cracked with my heavy swing.


Arekushisu: "I will be feeling it later..but it's not enough"

All of a sudden I was sent flying upwards in the sky and looked at Arekushisu confused at what just happened but I didn't have enough time to think about it when I saw Arekushisu jumping towards me.

I used the remaining runic power I had left to use the gravity rune, ice rune, light rune, and lightning rune altogether and slowly changed Hvit Ulv's form to that of a spear.

As I condensed all the runes together, they rampaged within Hvit Ulv as they released a colorful light ready to destroy mountains.

I bit my finger before I dragged my finger from the handle to the the tip of the spear as the spear's color changed from blue to red and I felt drained of my blood.

While Hvit Ulv changed, Arekushisu had started using the same flames he blew my torso up with and started spreading the white flames over his blade that kept giving off a murderous Aura.

Vandrad: "It was a fun fight, but wether this is my end or yours will be decided with this strike..."

Arekushisu: "So let's finish this once and for all..."

We both brought back our weapons preparing for a swing that will annihilate one of us and leave the victor standing.

At least I finally found my match within the lower continent, I hope to see you all in Valhalla my brothers...


Hvit Ulv let out a loud roar that could be heard in a three mile radius as a torrent of raging flames appeared behind Arekushisu who locked eyes with me before we both roared out and swung our weapons the hardest we could muster.



My vision was covered in a flash of white light that blinded me yet I smiled gently as I felt the remainder of my body disintegrating and looking at Arekushisu who had a grinning expression on his face even as his lower torso was torn apart made me close my eyes to rest.

Arekushisu POV

As I faintly saw Vandrad close his eyes with a smile on his face I grinned at fulfilling his wish and having the best fight of my life.

This life sure is more exiting than my previous life where you were punished for everything. Who knows If I will make it out alive after I wake up from my fleeting consciousness. Wasn't there those knights I had to rescue for the mission?

With what remained of my mental state, I called out Alice, and told her to have Aoi or Katsuyori be in charge of the Tetsujin Clan before I blacked out due to the intense pain I felt as the timer reached zero.


As I saw Alexis-Sama clash with that fellow Vandrad, I worried about him but remembering his last he said to me I swiped my hands as a wall of flames blocked out the massive explosion from their clash yet Alexis-Sama's flames towered over the wall making me focus and create a dome of flames protecting everyone inside.


As there was a white flash I couldn't see through my flames but I had clearly saw Vandrad slowly disintegrate to nothing and the spear he wielded struck Alexis-Sama in his chest as he now had 2/3rds of his body missing.

The white flames had slowly dissipated yet left everything around it lying in destruction once it strikes fully.

I had stopped breathing seeing him without a few limbs and worried gravely.

Before I could remove the dome I saw Katsuyori with his face gone leaving only a skeleton head as he made a lance with his red flames before thrusting the lance forward as it cracked the dome and he had sprinted before he jumped and catched alexis-Sama's falling body.


The other Tetsujin Kanabo Warriors ran out towards Katsuyori who had tears in his face while holding the Lord's body while madly shouting.


As I walked over I heard the voice of a woman within my mind who said she is Alexis-Sama's system and friend making me think back on the voice I heard in the dark void.

Aoi: "You,...are that voice heard in the void, right?"

[Indeed, I had called out for you as Alexis had gained a powerful companion to join him. He told me to let you be in command until he recovers from his shock of pain]

Hearing the voice say Lord Alexis is recovering made the heavy weight within my soul loosen and let out a deep breath I didn't know I had stuck in my throat.

[With his current condition, he will be knocked out for approximately 2 months unless you find or gain any healing supplies]

Aoi: "Then I shall tell the news to the others, I can only hope Katsuyori is able to come back to himself"

I walked towards Katsuyori who had red flaming tears falling down his cheeks and seeing me he was about to get up but I stopped him with a sentence.

Aoi: "Within 2 months he shall recover fully, yet he can awaken earlier with healings items"

Katsuyori had stopped dead in his tracks before he smiled and looked at the east where Oda came back with new creatures following behind him.

Oda: "What the hell happened here! Did I miss a part-"

Katsuyori: "Enough with your nonsense Oda, our lord has just defeated a great enemy and is heavily injured"

Oda had jumped off the Demon Wolf King before sprinting and stopping seeing Lord Alexi's torn body.

Aoi: "Within 2 months he will recover fully, time can be shortened if we find healing items that restore limbs or speed up his recovery.

Oda: "What a respectable warrior, fighting with a great enemy.... huh? 2 Months, an injury of this can never be healed or recovered...unless..."

Aoi: "We have a blessed Lord who has summoned us to this world, he cares about our well being as his subordinates"


Oda: "Hmm, healing items no? Hey Katsuyori, you have an idea on why we are here in the first place?"

Looking at Katsuyori who had a puzzled expression on his face turn to realization before looking at me.

Katsuyori: "Lady Alice, can I have temporary control of the system to help the Lord"

[I have given access to miss Aoi and will help her know the system functions or do you wish to explain it to her?]

Katsuyori: "I will help her in knowing the system functions and about the missions"

[Alright, be careful and move out of here before people come wandering around]

Katsuyori: "Will do Lady Alice"

As Katsuyori's red flames receded back into his body so did his flesh and he started teaching me how to call on the system, what is each "tab" and other functions I am surprised about.

15 minutes later

Once Katsuyori finished, he told me to check the time on the quest Alexis-sama had accepted and I checked before it was displayed in front of me.


Type: Saving/Raid/Collecting Info/Interrogation

Time Limit: 8 Hours

Remaining Time: 2 Hours

Difficulty: B+


1.Kill the Dark Mage Ardel and his followers who wants to sacrifice elves for magic experiments

2.Save the heiress and her guards of the Hidden Elf Clan of the Province

3. Kill the Bandits who have terrorized the nearby provinces of the Kingdom of Barsil

4.Kill the Bandit Leader who was once known as as Zephyr the Giant.

5.Find evidence of the Corrupt Nobles who funded the Bandit Town and made illegal dealings

Mission List:

-Kill Dark Mage Adel 1/1

-Save heiress Eriae 1/1

-Save the heiress Eriae's Guards 17/17

- kill Caravan Master Joseph 1/1

-kill Caravan Guards 35/35

-Kill Zephyr the Giant 1/1

-Kill Rogue knight Vice-Leader Victor 1/1

-Kill trained Bandits 40/40

-Kill Captain of the Rogue Knights 1/1

-Kill/Capture Rogue Knights 15/15

-Find and take documents of corrupt Nobles illegal dealings 0/10

Find/Release 2 Knights of Cecilia0/2

Rewards: 15x Tetsujin Recruits, 15x traveling supplies, 10x Trained Tetsujin Archers, 10x Tetsujin Recruits Musako, 6340x Gold coins, 1x Companion Summoning Card, 8x AP, 10x SP, 15x Honor Points




Looking the crater, I looked around and saw the trembling knights who were with the rogue knight Teth.

As I walked towards them they scurried back and the young girl hid behind the 2 knights. I sighed eternally before I used my aura to make them kneel as I neared the girl.

Roselle: "Don't approach Lady Euphemia!"

As she tried to move I unsheathed my weapon and held it across Euphemia's neck and I saw dread and worry in the female knight.

Aoi: "Tell me, where did your Knight Captain hide the 2 Knights of the Royal Cecilia Empire"

Roselle: "The river going downstream is where the two knights are kept in"

I moved my blade away and push Euphemia back to the female knight. I released my aura on all three of them and left with Katsuyori following right behind me.

Katsuyori: "Downstream,...let's hurry up Lady Aoi"

Katsuyori thought of something before speaking up as we went further down the underground river with Katsuyori flames heating the water.

Katsuyori: "Lady Aoi, are you able to spin to try to get Lord Alexis a healing item?"

Hearing Katsuyori's words I stopped before saying status in my mind and looking at the big red wheel with lights circling around the wheel and items inside each section I thought hard.

I switched the wheel to healing items and choosing five spins out of ten I spun it and waiting ten seconds per spin I managed to get 20x minor healing potions, 5x High Healing potions, 1x Orb of Nature(Fragmented), 1x Book of Hetresh, 25x medicinal herbs.

Seeing the words healing I smiled gently before taking out the High-grade Healing Potion and giving it to Katsuyori who had a happy expression before giving it to one of the kizoku warriors to take back up and feed it to the Lord.

As we ventured even further down we saw a door to the right side and the river becoming a waterfall and beyond it was another opened space where there lay 2 men in plate armor tied to a pole.

We went through the door and walked down the stairs and took a left before walking down the eerie hallway. I raised my blade and cut down the arrow coming from straight ahead.

Before I could summon my flames Katsuyori had made a red spear before throwing it the end of the hallway that exploded, making the entire cave tremble loudly.

As we went down the corridor we saw a gate instead of a door to which Katsuyori kicked it open and what lay before us is a bridge to the small island in the middle where the 2 men lay.

Looking at the deep dark under the surface of the water, Katsuyori had created a multitude of red spears that appeared out of thin air.

I walked across the bridge and looked at the two knights who had black cloth covering their eyes yet I felt the pressure they gave off was the same as Aruguren's when he trained under me as my disciple.


Thinking about him I sighed mentally, thinking back to the past I miss all my students along with my family but now I have something to protect.

Aoi: "Are you both knights under the banner of the Royal Cecilian Empire?"

Hearing my question the composed knights flinched somewhat, and the one on the right suddenly spoke out in a cautious manner.

???: "Who are you people? We heard explosion on the surface and now you people have arrived, which means...Zephyr is dead...?"

Aoi: "Our Leaders had killed him along with his group of bandits and with the Rogue Knight Teth"

???: "That's.... impossible, Zephyr was a renowned

Jarl who fought in the War of Ikehr and fought with Constable William single-handedly!"

Aoi: "Well accept it, we are to rescue you from this place. Do you have anywhere you could return back to?"

???: "After our defeat at Gerencia Plains, what remains of the expeditionary army is unknown but the Knight Commander Joseph, of our Knight Order had bought enough time for us to retreat"

???: "Unfortunately for us and fortunately for those who escaped and went into hiding we were captured by one of the enemy lords and sold to a wealthy merchant of Talon City, but Zephyr came by to collect debts and we were sold instead"

Aoi: "What a rather... misfortune turn of events for the two of you. Then I believe you would be within our care until you meet up with your Knight Order"

After saying that, they both looked at me before looking back at Katsuyori before sighing and both accepting my offer to join us.

I cut off both the cloth that covered their eyes and looking at the ropes that seem to be sucking something from their wrists I was surprised before smiling.

I focused on the ropes before I decisively cut the rope into two parts cleanly. Seeing both their shocked expressions made me chuckle before I asked them if Zephyr had a place of residence.

The one on the right pointed up were large stone steps carved into the cliffs could be scene. I moved towards the other side of the small island before looking down into the water where I saw flickering light.

I chuckled before I jumped up from the island to the steps and as I was over the warrior I felt water trickling down and the sound of something large jumping up from the water.

Before the creature could close it's jaws on me, flame spears flew across the room and tore through the fishes flesh and pinned it onto the stairs.

I landed on top of the fish and climbed up the large stone steps until I found a room full of papers filled with the strange runic symbols I saw before, a large bed fitting for a giant, a carved wooden desk with a stack of papers laying on top.

A bookshelf filled with covers in a different language and jewelry lying around the room. As I looked around I felt a disturbance with one of the walls and focusing more on the wall there was a small crack around the wall.

I used my aura to move freely within the room and check everything within this room to see if there's a hidden mechanism.

Looking back at the bookshelf, I made my aura pull on one of the book and the wall opened up into what I can only say is the treasury.

[Congratulations on finding the treasury!]

Seeing that there was a glowing Gold rune floating in the middle of the room I walked over before stopping before it and asking Alice if she can store all the Gold in the rune.

[Sure can do!]

Seeing a swirling vortex appear on top of the room I had a surprised look on my face only to see the gold be sucked into the Vortex as it emptied everything out.

Seeing the vortex disappear, I walked over to the rune before I carefully enveloped the rune with my Aura before placing it within the Vortex and closed the heavy book gently before moving it inside the small vortex.

I walked back out the room before looking over his desk and grabbing the stacked documents on the desk and placing them within the Vortex before leaving Zephyrs room.

Seeing countless large skewered fish on the wall I thought about trying the type of meat these fish would have.

This should also help with our food issue instead of using our supply for the meantime. Time for us to leave this place and head to the surface with the Lord and quickly made the countless fish enter the purple swirling vortex.

Aoi: "Make sure to follow me and you can be on your merry way"

???: "Yes! Lady Aoi!"

Katsuyori: "Their names are Knight Frederick, and Knight Iseldis whom are part of the Tenth Expeditionary Army under Knight Commander Joseph"

Aoi: "Thank you Katsuyori, do you both have weapons you are able to use?"

Frederick: "No, it was taken from us when they took us prisoners...tsk...I can't believe we fell to slavery as Royal knights"

I simply nodded before we headed up the river with the two knights following right behind us. It was also at this time that I heard Alice's voice again, this time it was about the mission being completed.


Type: Saving/Raid/Collecting Info/Interrogation

Time Limit: 8 Hours

Remaining Time: 2 Hours

Difficulty: B+ -> A+

Quest Grade: S+


1.Kill the Dark Mage Ardel and his followers who wants to sacrifice elves for magic experiments

2.Save the heiress and her guards of the Hidden Elf Clan of the Province

3. Kill the Bandits who have terrorized the nearby provinces of the Kingdom of Barsil

4.Kill the Bandit Leader who was once known as as Zephyr the Giant.

5.Find evidence of the Corrupt Nobles who funded the Bandit Town and made illegal dealings

Mission List:

-Kill Dark Mage Adel 1/1

-Save heiress Eriae 1/1

-Save the heiress Eriae's Guards 17/17

- kill Caravan Master Joseph 1/1

-kill Caravan Guards 35/35

-Kill Zephyr the Giant 1/1

-Kill Rogue knight Vice-Leader Victor 1/1

-Kill trained Bandits 40/40

-Kill Captain of the Rogue Knights 1/1

-Kill/Capture Rogue Knights 15/15

-Find and take documents of corrupt Nobles illegal dealings 10/10

-Find/Release Knights of Cecilia 2/2

Rewards: 15x Tetsujin Recruits, 15x traveling supplies, 10x Trained Tetsujin Archers, 10x Tetsujin Recruits Musako, 6340x Gold coins, 1x Companion Summoning Card, 8x AP, 12x SP, 15 Honor Points

Special Reward: 3x Tetsujin Kanabo Master, 8x Kizoku warriors, 5x Tetsujin Yumi Kihei, 10x Tetsujin Trained Spearmen, 8x Tetsujin Shield Warrior, 5x Tetsujin Longbowmen, 1x Random Hero Summon, 15,000x Gold


Seeing the rewards I was surprised, especially seeing the Tetsujin Kanabo Masters who seemed to appeared.

Great honorable Warriors who cherish their close ones and kill anything they are ordered to, just like crazed hounds that cleave through enemy formations singlehandedly.

As I thought about the Random Hero Summon, we reached the top where there was countless of our soldiers giarding Lord Alexis.

As soon as we arrived we were let in and seeing Lord Alexi's condition, I took out a High-grade potion of Healing before letting him gulp it down slowly.

With the expected gaze of so many, Alexis-Sama's body turned a shade of green before his slightly pale limbs recovered making everyone take a breath of relief.

I whistled before a white horse appeared out of the remaining trees and I picked the Lord up from

the ground before telling the rest to follow me back to our base camp.

Luckily enough, Oda had managed to get new beasts for some of the walking soldiers. I should use the Summon now in order to provide the Lord with more security to protect himself.

I asked Alice if she could summon the Hero from the random hero summon to which she accepted and a bright lit up in front of her to which a man in a blue colored shozoku appeared with a fox mask covering his face.

Hanzō: "I greet the young Lord, I am Hanzō Hattori of the Iga Ninja. I have received your call and am here to swear fealty to you my lord"

The man was surprised before he had knelt down on one knee and swore an oath to Alexis-Sama before looking up at Alexis-Sama's critical condition.

[Congratulations on getting Hanzō Hattori as your new Hero Summon!]

I was surprised before I told him to follow along back to our camp to talk more about alexis-Sama's condition. Hopefully we are able to heal back the Lord's limbs with these healing potions....Wake up soon Lord Alexis...

To be continued