Aden Hermel, (his name will change to Adam if that matters to anyone), is our MC for this fanfic and we will see him reincarnate in a single world with no multiverse travel and no crossovers. He’s a good guy by the way. He will have some unique powers/cheats/gifts and will try to survive and thrive. I won’t spoil what world he is going to, that will be stated clearly at the end of the first chapter. He will try and change certain plot points, keyword is try. I will attempt to make some romance that could lead to a harem of sorts or something. There will be puns involved if I think of them. Also will try my hand in some action scenes. Things may get dark at certain points, and I’m not sure how far romance will go either. I haven’t written for fun since high school. I am gonna have to get the rust off the gears. Criticism is appreciated as long as it is helpful. I have been reading on Webnovel for a year and then-some, but haven’t written til now because I was busy reading I don’t own anything that is mentioned about the anime’s or anything. And the pics are definitely not mine, I can barely draw a stick figure. OC is my idea and should be unique but who knows
It's just another night in a random town near Detroit Michigan. There is a young man, barely older than 18, laying on a bed above the blankets just staring at the ceiling with his headphones in. His mind is racing about how much fun he could have in a different world where anyone can have powers. He thinks of the powers he would want.
'ability to fly, super speed, advanced breathing techniques, the ability to manifest your soul in various ways, and even eye powers like sharingan. But the last one has been overdone so maybe not, but it's also super awesome.'
He also knows that he wants a different body. He is a relatively healthy guy, but he has let himself go a bit after high school finally ended. but not too much. He lost some of the muscle he gained from the sports he played when he was younger, yet his height and weight stayed relatively the same. He's around 6'2" and 200lbs. He did his best to be normal, but that is to say if he had even ever felt normal that is. He had a lot to deal with but he made it and he even survived a pandemic to the point of getting a vaccine so his worries of that lessened. There are other reasons why he wants a better body as well but it's the same as everyone else that wants the same thing.
He loves his mom and dad, and he will continue to. It's just that he didn't particularly like his name, Aden Hermel. He knows that others have it way worse, but it didn't feel right to him. So he decided a while back that if he ever got the chance he would change it to mark a new chapter in his life.
At some point Aden fell asleep without realizing it. [probably like some of you reading this]
Aden- 'Damn. Why does everything hurt? Did I fall off the bed? But it hurts to even think, what the hell happened?'
As Aden starts to stir awake he opens his eyes to see white. And as his eyes adjust he can make out some objects that seem to be arranged like an office would be. There is a giant chair that seems like 4 people can comfortably sit without touching knees. In front of the chair is an equally large desk but lowered a bit. And there is a normal chair in front of the desk facing the giant chair. There also seems to be a door but with everything being white, or various shades of it, that's all he can see.
Aden- 'Let's take a seat and see if I can let my body relax a bit. Hold on, this seems familiar and I am very close to freaking out but at the same time not close at all. Oh god this can't be good. I haven't ever taken a drug, except insulin, but that's something that shouldn't make me hallucinate or whatever this is.'
All of a sudden there is a creaking sound like an old wooden door finally being opened on its rusty hinges. And in the doorway there is someone with facial features that keeps changing. The person goes to the chair and sits down. Now getting the depth of the room a little sorted.
"Cant you just decide on your favorite face already? Or am I broken? But I'm a God now, so that can't be the problem here. I was fine a with the other guy". 'God' continues to talk aloud and pokes his face to try and fix his problem.
Aden sees a face that looked bery similar to Morgan Freeman when he played God in that one movie and all of a sudden the Gods face stays the same and his white and gold drapes change into an actual suit that looks quite spiffy.
'God'- "Ah, there we go. That was weird as hell. Thank you young man. That's the first time that happened and I was starting to get curious, also it seems that you recognize me as some higher being now too. Well that makes this easier" 'God' sits up straight and clears his throat.
'God'- "Aden Hermel, you've been given a chance of a lifetime or a few minutes depending on how long you last after this. You haven't died, but technically you have. Due to this weird situation you are in you have two options. One, you can go back to your Earth and forget this meeting ever happened. Or the more fun second option, you can get sent to a random world from various fictional works. Wait her option you choose you will get something out of this. It's just that it won't be all that exciting if you go back to your original Earth. But I need an answer and you can't ask any questions." 'God' states in a neutral tone
Aden- 'too much, way too much info too fast. Let's just assume that this being is not out to harm me and is trying to look out for me. He doesn't seem rude or angry so let's keep it that way and decide soon. My only concern is my parents and how they will be after I'm gone, but they should be fine so I should decide if I really want to risk this. 'God' said it's random and didn't say how it's decided so I'm gonna assume I'll find out after I answer. At least I won't be bored with the second option, so easy choice I guess'
Aden- "I choose option 2!"
'God'- "Excellent choice. You'd be surprised how many people don't take the offer, even if they have read about situations similar to this. Now moving forward after you decision I will explain the process a bit. Now fate will decide on the world based on your preferences. After the world you will decide appearance and name. Then your gifts that you will receive. There is a reason they are called 'gifts' because as easily as they are given they can be taken away all the same. After those it's where and when you will be sent in said world. That should cover it. Alright, you have one sentence to ask a question.'
Aden is feeling an all time high of and emotions at the moment and excitement is the most prominent one. But he suddenly realizes he doesn't know who he is talking to.
Aden- "I have many questions but to abide by what you stated I will keep a sentence going, so do I keep my memories or is that a gift and who are you?" Aden quickly wraps up his sentence due to his breath escaping his lungs.
The Morgan Freeman looking 'God' face palms lightly.
'God'- "Damn, I knew I forgot something. My bad, I was distracted by not having a face when I sat down and had to wing the intro that I had planned out for these things. Anyway, you can call me Rob, I kinda like that name better than some of the others. And since I sort of messed up I will help you out personally with the process. I'm not normally supposed to but since I messed up I have no choice but to assist you. It's definitely not like I'm bored or excited to see how this goes." Rob winks and at Aden.
Aden- 'I'm sure he is trying to help me now. And he is gonna help me personally! I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth and thinking is just gonna get me more confused' Aden thought while staring at Rob
Aden- "Sweet, so the world is first right?"
Rob smiles and nods his head in appreciation the the mortal in front of him is just rolling with it and isn't acting arrogant or ignorant.
Rob- "Correct, and normally it would be decided by a wheel that you spin that has your favorite worlds on there. But to make it fair depending on your Karma it would have some worlds that you absolutely Loathe. But since I'm here let's tweak it a bit to get rid of those unpleasant ones. You also don't have much bad karma so that helps as well."
To Aden's left and Robs right there is a giant game show wheel that has different worlds names written on it. Some take up more space than others but there are so many the writing is hard to read especially for the longer names. But some easy ones are: Bleach, One Piece, Twilight, Fairy Tail, Halo, RWBY, HxH, Dragonball, MCU, Marvel, DC, etc…
Rob- "Don't think to much and give it a spin, I wouldn't read what's on there because it'll get your hopes up and this is supposed to be a happy moment not a disappointing moment so either spin it as hard as you can and 'pray' or press the button on the left side at the bottom of the stand the wheel is on." Rob gestures with his right hand towards the wheel.
Aden slowly stands up after listening to the advice and steadily makes his way over to the wheel. He looks at the button that is big and surprisingly a very light blue. It's the only other color he's seen in the room so he decides to just press it instead of trying to spin the thing. It's just over double his height and it's less work this way. So he presses the button down for three seconds and releases it. No sound cam from the wheel as it spun but it seemed to be going much faster than he could have ever spun it if he could have spun it at all.
Aden is looking at the wheel, but not at the top where the arrow that decides the world is. He's looking at the bottom to judge the speed and watch it slow down without looking at what it will land on. As it slows down Aden cant stop himself from looking so he turns around to face Rob and try to calm his beating heart and attempt to breath normally. He looks at the small smile on Robs 'Morgan Freeman' face and just stays silent with his fingers crossed.
As the seconds tick away slowly, he can see that Robs smile grow, not enough to show teeth but much bigger. Rob simply points towards the wheel without saying anything. And so Aden turns around to look up at the arrow
——————> RWBY