
Chapter 3

Seiji looks at his parents that was sitting in front of him. Today, he plans to tell them about his desire to play baseball and he's thinking that today is the day that he will tell them.

Inhaling deeply, he started talking, "Mom, Dad can I get your attention please?" He meekly asked.

Seijuro and Kaira look at him questionably. Asking with their eyes on what he want.

Seeing this, Seiji once again asked, "I just want to say that I want to learn how to play baseball, so can I please get your permission?"

Hearing his request, Kaira's eyes immediately watered. 'My baby son is growing up' She thought.

And as if hearing her thoughts, Seijuro's lips twitched upwards. He looked at his son and grinned slyly. "Why so? I mean your such a lazy bum so hearing that you want to play baseball is suprising"

Seiji as if being struck by lightning froze. 'Damn, I forgot about that' He thought.

"Well, I think that I should at least try because I don't have any thing to do here other than playing on my gadgets or just laying around. So, why not try sports?" He said nervously.

Hearing his answer, Seijuro smiled. "I see. Then, I will contact a friend of a mine who's a retired pro baseball player. His name is Jonas Williams. He's also an all rounder so I think that he can help you greatly"

Seiji, upon hearing that, started jumping up and down in joy. 'I can finally start playing baseball! After all those years. Finally' He thought.

Seeing this scene made Kaira and Seijuro smiled widely. Happy that for the first time their son, Seiji, wants to do something productive.

The joyous atmosphere was then broken when a knock on the door interrupted them. And with a loud "Come in" from Kaira the door opened. It came in the head maid, Matilda, who walked with grace and elegance and stop when she nears them.

Matilda gave a curtsey to the three before she started talking. "Madam and Master, there are only 3 hours remaining before your flight to Washington D.C took off. Your luggages have been packed already and you two getting ready is the only thing that is missing"

Hearing that, the couple let out a sigh before looking at their only son.

Seiji upon seeing their concerned and sad faces smile reassuringly before telling them that he's alright and will be fine and also urging them to go.

Leave with no choice, Kaira and Seijuro gave Seiji a long hug and many kisses before they exit the room with Matilda to go and get dressed.

Looking at their backs, Seiji sighed before laying on his bed thinking of the things that happen earlier while also letting out a satisfied laugh.

However, he feels like something is missing. Like, he's forgetting something important that will help him in his path in becoming a Pro Baseball Player.

But, whatever he do, he just can't remember it so he just decided to let it be before closing his eyes to sleep.

What he didn't know is that, the moment he fell asleep completely, a blue light from the sky surrounded his body before entering through his soul.

[System Downloading:

■□□□□□□□□□ 10%

■■■■□□□□□□ 40&

■■■■■■■□□□ 70%

■■■■■■■■■■ 100%

System Downloading Completed]


Seiji woke up feeling better than before. As if something good happened to him but he couldn't put his finger on it.

Shrugging it off, he go to his bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth when suddenly, a floating rectangular transparent blue thing appeared on infront of him that almost give him a heart attack and if weren't for the toothbrush on his mouth, he would've scream like a banshee by now.

Calming down, he looked at the thing infront of him before noticing that there were something written in it.




Seiji then finally remember that he wished for a system. He felt like laughing at himself as he forgot such an important thing.

Shaking his head, he thought, 'Heya System. Can you hear me?'

[Yes. This System can hear Host's thoughts] A monotone voice answered. Its neither the voice of a male or female.

'Do you have a name, System?' He asked

[This System doesn't have a name, Host] It answered

'Can I name you then?'

[Of course. Host can name this System]

Seiji grinned excitedly. 'Then from today onwards, your name is gonna be Navi'

[Then this System is now known as Navi from today onwards. Navi also thanks Host from giving Navi a name]

Seiji mentally release an awkward laugh. 'Can you please not speak in a Third Person's Pov, Navi? Also, call me Seiji or Sei'

[Host order has been followed]

'Thank you'

[Your welcome, Sei]

Without realizing it, Seiji already finished brushing his teeth. He then take a quick shower, dry himself, put clothes on, dry and comb his hair before he once again lay on his bed.

'Navi can you please show my status?' He asked


Name: Akashi Seiji

Age: 14

Luck Points: 0

Charm: 15

System Points: 0


Zone: ○○○○○


•God's Starting Pack

•First Time Host Starting Pack


Seiji whistled. 'Can you please open the Packs, Navi? The God's Starting Pack first then the First Time Host Starting Pack'

[Opening God's Starting Pack:

■■■■□□□□□□ 40%

■■■■■■■□□□ 70%

■■■■■■■■■■ 100%

Opening Completed. Host has gained a random pitch, +10 to all stats, +8 normal lucky draw tickets, +3 deluxe lucky draw tickets and 5,000 system points]

Hearing that, Seiji is surprise but it quickly banished as excitement replaced it. 'Can you please explain to me what's the use of these things?' He asked giddily

[Yes Host. Random Pitch: It is an item that has a baseball as its appearance but smaller in size. All host need to do is crush it and a knowledge of a certain pitch will enter your brain. Similar to its name, the pitch that your going to get is random. But Host still meed to practice in order to improve it.

+10/or so To All Stats: It adds on your speed to throw a ball, how you curve it, how it breaks, where it goes and many other. It also adds on your stamina, intelligence, health and so. Add with the fact that it also include your Lucky Points and Charm.

+8/or so Normal Lucky Draw Tickets: This tickets will get you some useful things and in order to get it, you have to let the mouth like thing in the middle of the silver circular roller eat the ticket. The roller will then start to spin and various rewards can be obtained. For example; system points the highest is 1,000, random pitch, + to all stats or just one the highest is +20, and Tickets too the highest is 5 normal and 2 Deluxe.

+3/or so Deluxe Lucky Draw Tickets: Its the same as the Normal Lucky Draw Tickets. The only change is that the roller is golden in color and the quantity of the rewards. 100,000 as the highest system points. +45 to all stats is the highest, 10 normal lucky draw tickets and 5 deluxe lucky draw tickets]

Seiji's jaw dropped to the ground.

Author: Its more than 1200 words. I forgot to check the word count so I guess that's a gift for you all.
