
Chapter 28

Jiang Chen got 5 Sacred Blood points after eating the meat of the beast.

Now he needs 50 more Sacred Geno points.

Today, he goes towards and Steel Armor Gang and then waits outside while hiding.

After a few hours, Han Sen with his bow comes outside and then goes towards the mountains.

He follows him.

After one hour, when he sees that there are nobody here. He stands in front of him.

"You, what are you doing here." Han Sen asks vigilantly.

"I am here to make a deal with you."

"What type of deal."

"On that day, you wanted to take the beast soul but it was instead taken by me."

"So what?"

"I can give you that beast soul."

Han Sen looked shocked but quickly controls his emotions and thinks 'He must have some ulterior motive.'

"What is the catch?" Han Sen asks.

"It's nothing that serious. That day I saw you practicing in training field, then your skills and judgement while hunting the beast. I think you have potential to become a powerful person.

So I want a favour that you will fullfill in the future when I need it, in exchange of the beast soul." Jiang Chen says.

Han Sen thinks for a long time.

Seeing him thinking for a long time Jiang Chen says "Don't worry, I will not ask for something which harms you or your family and friends. You can fulfill it if you think it's okay."

"Hmm, I don't know why you are so much optimistic about me but I will definitely help you if it's not something wrong." Han Sen says with a smile.

Jiang Chen nods and then gives him the beast soul of Purple Winged Dragon.

After taking it Han Sen says "Please, don't tell anyone about this."

Jiang Chen nods and then they share a handshake.

"Happy cooperation for the future."

"Same to you."

After that Jiang Chen leaves.

"He is very strong. I don't think I can fight him even if I use all of my beast soul. That power he used to deal with that beast, I think he can go toe to toe with a Sacred Blood Beast." Han Sen thinks then he went more deeper into the mountains.

Meanwhile, Jiang Chen arrives in his room after doing the deal.

"Now, I can ask for his help in the future if I am in a pinch. He will have many cheats in the future and the most important one right now is the Nife Life Cat."

"Well, I already have a flying type Sacred Blood beast soul. So, I didn't need that."

After that he eats some mutant beast meat.

The meat is very tasty even if he can't get the Geno points now.

After eating he trains his techniques for about 12 hours and then sleeps after eating his dinner.
