
Reincarnated In Power Rangers

MC gets reincarnated in PowerRangers 2017 version

Just_for_fun1997 · 映画
52 Chs

Chapter 36

Later, Alexander, Kimberly, Billy, Trini,Zack and Jason entered Zordon's control room and walked straight to the chair.

Jason set the sword back into its sheath. "You should keep that," Zordon said from behind him. "You earned it."

"I'll come back for it," Jason said.

At the door, he stopped to wave. Alpha 5 waved back. Jason had a feeling he would be seeing them again fairly soon.

Zordon's gaze fixed on Alexander, a nod of approval evident in his expression. "You led your team well," he remarked, his voice carrying a note of pride.

A fleeting smile graced Alexander's lips, but it quickly faded as his demeanor turned serious. "Zordon, soon this town will be lurking with soldiers and officials. We have to move the Zeo Crystal and change the ship's location, since Putties almost got in," he urged, his tone weighted with urgency.

Zordon's metallic visage remained impassive as he considered the gravity of the situation. "I have already started moving the Zeo Crystal, also I will instruct Alpha to send the neuralizer probe," he declared, noting the confusion in the ranger's eyes. "It is a probe that manipulates the memory of the planet. Only Rangers or people with special abilities are able to fully resist it. We have used it previously to keep people from involving themselves in Ranger affairs."

Alexander nodded in understanding. "That's useful," he acknowledged, the gears in his mind already turning with possibilities.

Zack, ever the inquisitive one, voiced his concern. "Will everyone forget everything?" he questioned, his brow furrowed with worry.

Zordon's response was firm yet reassuring. "No," he assured them. "We will just ensure that authorities are not involved with Ranger business," he explained

While next days in town things slowly returned to normal in Angel Grove. Construction crews worked to rebuild the downtown. The Cascadia mine was gone. The Zeo Crystal had been hidden again. Nobody in Angel Grove suspected that six high-school kids had saved the world . . . especially these kids.

As soldiers and other govt figures descended upon the town, tension hung heavy in the air, threatening to disrupt the fragile peace that had been carefully maintained. However, thanks to the swift deployment of the neuralizer probe, the situation was swiftly diffused. With the memory-altering technology at work, the soldiers departed without incident.

Also, Angel Grove got funds for redevelopment.

In the dimly lit workshop of the ship, Alexander and Zordon engaged in a conversation that would shape their future endeavors. As Alexander shared his proposal to delve into the realm of alien technology, Zordon's nod of agreement served as a tacit endorsement of his idea.

"I will instruct Alpha to provide you with every piece of information we have gathered about the technology," Zordon affirmed, his voice resonating with authority. "You may also explore the archives of the ship. I am confident that Alpha has amassed a wealth of knowledge over the centuries."

A smile of determination graced Alexander's lips as he contemplated the possibilities laid out before him. "Now, I can help Zack," he mused silently, his thoughts drifting to his fellow Ranger. "And nothing like Billy's situation will happen again," he resolved, a renewed sense of purpose igniting within him.

With access to the ship's archives and the guidance of Zordon, Alexander stood ready to unlock the secrets of alien technology, paving the way for new advancements and ensuring the safety of their team.

As Kimberly stood before the mirror, the reflection revealed more than just her own image. A series of photos adorned the edges, capturing moments frozen in time. Among them, she saw herself surrounded by Alex, Billy, Trini, Zack, and Jason, perched atop a cliff, their silhouettes etched against the canvas of a setting sun.

Her fingers traced the edges of the photograph, a smile playing on her lips as memories flooded back.

Her eyes landed on another precious memory. There, captured in a single frame, was herself and Alex, locked in a tender embrace, his lips pressed gently against her forehead.

With a gentle tug, she plucked the photo from its place, holding it close to her chest as if to preserve the warmth of those cherished moments.

Standing there, enveloped in the embrace of the past, Kimberly whispered softly to herself, her voice a tender reassurance. "Everything is great," she affirmed,

Trini's hands deftly worked to repair the broken walls of her room, the sound of her brothers' playful argument drifting in from the hallway. They were debating over which Ranger was the best, their voices rising with excitement.

Enrique Kwan said, 'Jeremy Franklin told everyone at school. The blue was the best one. That's who I wanna be,'" recounted one of Trini's brothers.

But the other brother Jackson Kwan quickly interjected, adamant in his own opinion. "Hey, no, I wanna be the blue one!"

As the argument threatened to escalate, Trini intervened with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Hey, how about one of you guys try to be the yellow one?" she suggested, her tone teasing.

Enrique's eyes lit up with enthusiasm. "Oh, yeah, the yellow one! Oh, he's so cool!" he exclaimed, already envisioning himself as the iconic Ranger.

With a slight smirk, Trini posed a question that gave her brothers pause. "How do you know it's a he?" she teased, challenging their assumptions and breaking the stereotype with a simple yet powerful question.

While on Zack side, in the quiet intimacy of the room, Zack lay beside his mother, their bond deepened by the shared moments spent over a chessboard.

As Fiona Taylor contemplated her next move, her voice carried a sense of reverence as she spoke of the heroes who once graced Angel Grove. "There were six of them, like warriors," she remarked, her gaze flickering with reminiscence. With a strategic maneuver, she shifted a chess piece into place. "They saved Angel Grove," she added, her tone infused with pride and gratitude.

Zack's lips curved into a slight smile as he mirrored his mother's movements, his mind momentarily drifting to the tales of valor and heroism. "Six warriors? Were they good looking?" he quipped playfully, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes.

Fiona chuckled softly, her laughter carrying the warmth of fond memories. With a graceful gesture, she made her final move, tipping the king piece gently. "Checkmate," she declared, her smile radiant with both victory and affection.

With a triumphant grin, Fiona extended her hand towards Zack, the gesture a silent invitation to celebrate their game. Zack met her hand with his own, their palms connecting in a resounding high five.

Laughter bubbled between them, filling the room with a melody of joy and affection. In that fleeting moment, mother and son found solace in each other's company.

As Billy meticulously peeled off each newspaper article and map from the wall of his basement room, a voice echoed from upstairs, breaking the silence.

"Billy! Alex is here, and Kimberly Hart, Zack Taylor, Jason Scott, and some girl named Didi," his mother called out, her tone laced with urgency.

Responding swiftly, Billy's voice rang out in acknowledgment. "Mom, it's Trini! I'm coming! I'm coming!" he shouted back, a mixture of excitement and anticipation evident in his tone.

With a final glance at the now bare walls of his sanctuary, Billy moved quickly, his footsteps echoing up the stairs as he made his way to reunite with his friends.

Alex walked into detention. He smiled at Kimberly and then at Billy. He looked around and saw Trini, who smiled back. He took his seat as Zack strolled in.

Zack gave the room a once-over before taking a seat behind them, next to an empty desk with a green jacket hanging on the chair.

The five Power Rangers all shared a sly smile as they pondered Zordon's words to them: This Ranger team did what my team did not. You will humbly walk amongst your peers, but heroes you all will be. Each of your names will be etched alongside the great Ranger teams before you. I will always owe a debt of gratitude to you all.

"Attention! Attention in detention," the teacher declared, his tone firm and authoritative. Glancing down at his attendance sheet, he paused, a flicker of confusion crossing his features

As Alexander's instincts kicked in, his hand darted out to catch the paper shuriken that sailed through the air, his reflexes honed by years of training. With a quick glance back, he met Kimberly's smile, her eyes twinkling with mischief and camaraderie.

Curiosity piqued, Alexander unfolded the paper shuriken, revealing a hand-drawn picture of the Power Rangers' lightning emblem, sketched by Kimberly. A smile tugged at his lips.

"Oh, we have a new detention student. Tommy Oliver... Tommy Oliver?... Tommy Oliver!" he repeated, his voice rising with each utterance of the name.

Alexander's demeanor shifted, a seriousness settling over him like a cloak. "So he's here," he thought, his mind racing with implications.