
A pink girl with suscpicion

(I'm going to try change up my writing style if you guys don't like it comment and I'll change it.)

It's been two weeks since I've moved in with Finn and Jake Oh BMO too and to be honest..these may have been the best two weeks of my life. We haven't gone on an adventure or anything yet just mostly goofing around in the house it been pretty fun.

Marshal- "Man I could soooo get use to this.." Marshall was resting on a bunch of treasure as Finn walked in.

Finn- "What ya doing over there marsh?"

Marshall did a flip of the treasure in front of Finn "It's actually captain Marshy of the seven seas and this ere be all ma stolen BOOTY."

Finn rolled held his eyes "pfttt sure ya are..oh by the way I forgot to tell ya you remember that princess I've been talking to you about?"

Marshall snorted "You mean the one you have the huge crush on?"

Finn playfully punched his arm while blushing a bit "yeah yeah whatever she wants to talk to you."

Marshall internally sighed. He knew princess bubble gum was smart so she'd be able to catch on quickly..but he was smart too.

Marshall-"All right when do you want me to meet her?."

It was a that moment a female figure entered the room. She was smart,elegant and beautiful. As her pink hair dragged across the room. Her eyes glued on mine making her way ever so closer.

"How about now?" She said

(PBG image)

Marshall shook his head beginning to concentrate. "Princess bubblegum right?" Marshall playfully bowed giving her a smirk "It's a pleasure to meet you."

The princess smiled a little "Oh the pleasure is all mine..now would you mind if we went outside?"

Marshall shrugged "whatever you command of me..." he said in a playful tone.

(The two walk outside)

"Fascinating...so your a vampire but you don't burn in the sun?" The princess stared at Marshall wanting to know more.

Marshall put his hands behind his head while walking "well this may sound like bragging but I'm an extremely rare case..probably the first and only if my kind."

The princess looked at him confused "How so.."

Marshall shrugged "Well that's on a need to know bases and you my dear princess..." Marshall tapped her nose "Don't need to know."

The whole day went on like this until it became night and the princess was getting ready to leave.

"I'm coming back tomorrow alright? I got a couple tests I wanna run by now!" She said before heading of.

'Did this bubblegum bitch just make me her test guinea pig? Oh hell to the no..' he thought internally.

He sighed and thought to himself 'Well whatever I should be able to change her and add her to my small humble harem.. she'll be the desert of the group.'

He slightly began to chuckle at his own bad joke.

Marshall then thought back to what she had said about marceline usually flying. "I should be able to...right?"

Marshall then jumped of into the air and sure enough began to float. "W-Woah alright this is awesome."

He practiced for a few minutes and sure enough he had began to be able to fly as if it was just another way of walking.

"Gotta rest that drinking red thing later..."

He then flee of back into the tree house "Hey guys just wanted to let yall know imma be gone for a few days...wanna do some travelling but I'll keep in touch see ya!"

Without letting the others at the dinner table say a word he had already vanished into the night sky.

"Next stop...vampire queen."
