
Reincarnated In A Galaxy Far Far Away

This story is about a man who dies and ends up in the Star Wars universe.

Carson_Goddard_6628 · 映画
6 Chs

Artificial Intelligence, Ship Upgrades

Coruscant, 33 BBY.

Level 1313 Ban's New Repair Shop.

Waking up from his new bed Ban looked out his bedroom window to see an empty workshop along with the closed hanger door. 

When Ban bought the hanger for his ship he ended up buying many of the properties on level 1313, he made sure he was carful and no one knew who bought the places.

Ban bought the Outlanders Club in the Uscru Entertainment District as well as the 79's cantina, when he is more powerful he will be slowly enforcing his control over the establishments to use to gather information.

While he bought the places he needs someone strong to be his face because he will have lots of trouble if people know a kid is running the place, but with those two places bought already I just have to wait for the clone wars and 79's will become a wealth of information.

The Outlanders Club will be the place bounty hunters go so it will also become a place for me to get lots of information. 

Now I plan to slowly increase my control over the lower levels of Coruscant, now I just have to make this hanger the safest place possible I need to make security droids and other things to keep me safe since I am under staffed at the moment.

I plan to build some kind of underworld empire under the nose of all of Coruscant and I will need someone to lead it, I think I will let Darth Talon lead it if she chooses to stay.

Well enough about the future, one step at a time I pull my new YT-2000 Light Freighter out of the system space and place it in the hanger.

Now with my Essence of the Machine I quickly search the holonet for all kinds of data and schematics on droids, Security droids, Combat/Battle droids, Protocol droids, Medical droids, Assassin droids, Astromech droids, Interrogation/torture droid, Pilot droids, Scout droids, Tactical droids.

With all kinds of droids I start thinking 'I will need someone to lead these droids, who better then an AI' I start using Essence of the Scholar to integrate all the different types of droids into one superior droid body for the artificial intelligence I will soon create.

I started using Essence of the Crafter to summon any and all materials to start creating a synthetic human woman to look like Cortana from Halo, when building the body I made it so she can have all the five senses humans have. 

I used all the strongest metals while keeping it as light as possible, her body will be 112 lbs. 

Then I added anything she needed to keep herself safe while leading other droids, with Essence of the Machine I produce an infinite number of nano droids so I made millions of them so they can repair any and all damage she might take.

Using Essence of the Scholar and Essence of the Machine I begin to make Cortana, after making her I slowly insert the chip that is her core into her new body.

She slowly starts waking up and quickly looking at everything around her, I use Essence of the Machine to slowly teach her everything about me and where we are.

When done sending her all she needs to learn I carry her to the nearby chair and let her rest so she can digest and learn everything which should not take long.

Now I must make security for the hanger, I quickly built four new republic style security droids and sent them to keep the hanger safe.

I made each of them carry a type of shock baton and a DH-17 blaster pistol, I upgraded both weapons so they are better then the original.

With that done I went to an unused section of the apartment and built two offices for me and Cortana, I built two computers that had an impregnable fire wall so no one could slice into them.

I made them stronger then any quantum computer, with them done I walk out of my office and up to Cortana and said "I know your still learning and want to learn more from the holonet, I made an office for you with a very powerful computer that you can use to access the holonet."

Cortana jumped up and hugged me really hard and said "thank you, thank you I must learn everything."

I let out a yell as she squeezed me way to hard and broke some bones, I fell to the ground and Cortana quickly came up to help me but she squeezed my shoulder and it broke.

I quickly said in a loud voice "don't touch me yet you, can't control your strength." she looked scared when I yelled. 

My body quickly healed because I have all of the Seven Deadly Sins, The Fox Sin Of Greed's powers, I looked at my body slowly regenerating.

I thought 'I need to keep upgrading my Immortality and temper my body so it is stronger, maybe I can put myself through augmentations to make me stronger like Spartans from Halo.'

Getting up from the ground Ban looked at Cortana who was scared from my yell and sad/angry at herself for hurting me, I walked up to her and reached out to take he hand but she avoided me and said "stay away or you will get hurt again."

I looked at her and said "I am sorry for raising my voice and scaring you but it just hurt, I will teach you to control your strength, you don't need to worry as I will become stronger soon just try to be gentle when you touch others that your not trying to hurt."

I gently grabbed her hand and said "see gently, now you can go to your new office and try out that new computer, now be careful and use the computer gently and try not to access private stuff I will teach you to slice into that later."

With a smile I started walking her to her office and said "just enjoy the computer and take your time there is no rush to learn everything." She nodded and said "I am very sorry."

Now it is time to learn about this ship then take it apart and upgrade it while rebuilding it, walking over to the ship I go to were the scomp link and use Essence of the Machine to download all the data and schematics for the ship. 

I walk into my office and turn on the holo projector and input the data for the YT-2000 Light Freighter, now I have to upgrade the design.

Then I spent a few hours upgrading everything possible on the ship, it is basically a different ship just looks the same but a different color.