
Reincarnated as the Heroine’s Familiar

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What is Reincarnated as the Heroine’s Familiar

WebNovel で公開されている、Vargr_the_Skald の作者が書いた Reincarnated as the Heroine’s Familiar の小説を読んでください。We all wish for a chance to reincarnate as an overpowered character in our own worlds, sometimes we get that wish… unfortunately we can’t always be the main character. Follow Louis and Amelie, one a f...


We all wish for a chance to reincarnate as an overpowered character in our own worlds, sometimes we get that wish… unfortunately we can’t always be the main character. Follow Louis and Amelie, one a former spy and self proclaimed playboy. The other, a heroine in training and the proud new owner of an orange cat.

6 タグ

One Night in London: Dalton and Edward

No one's ever expected much from Dalton Irving, the reserved, sheltered, and bookish heir to the family fortune. So in order to secure their place in London's society, the Irvings have arranged for Dalton to marry the brother of a viscount. A man who comes from a family with a title and with quite the scandalous reputation. A man Dalton doesn't know. A man who's very publicly announced that he doesn't want to get married, least of all to Dalton, right in the middle of their engagement ball.<br><br>In an attempt to flee whispered words and sudden gossip and unexpected hurt from venomous words, Dalton finds comfort from the very last person he would have expected -- the wry, reclusive, and unsocial Edward Whitman, Duke of Wellingham.<br><br>Edward Whitman doesn't like most people on his best days. They're dull and predictable and care only about money and status. Tonight, however, is the engagement ball for his best friend's brother, so he'll make an appearance to assure the night's success even if the idea of anyone marrying young Dalton Irving puts a strange ache in the pit of his stomach.<br><br>But after Dalton's intended makes a mess of the ball, Edward suddenly finds himself alone with the young man, drawn to his wide-eyed curiosity and kindhearted generosity, his rambling and odd musings. Neither of them can imagine what this evening has in store for anyone, and all it takes is one night in London to change everything.

K.S. Murphy · LGBT+
36 Chs

Cold Ceo's lost warmth

"Han family's young master must not live without a mother's care so you should marry someone for your child's sake" said old master han. Han weisheng the CEO of Han corporation infuriated at his father's word's "I know what is good for my child and you just don't need to teach me how I should rise my child since you didn't rise me by yourself" hearing this old master tang felt a sharp pain in his heart regretting the betrayal that he had done to his wife . On the other side of the world Li ming yue is just enjoying her life as good as possible unable to predict the upcoming dangers in her smooth sailing life journey --------------------------------------****************---------------------------------- "Ah' wait wei what if little ming come inside "mmmm" she moaned loudly. "He won't dare to come unless I tell him to you don't need to worry about him just enjoy your moment honey" saying this weisheng pulled her towerds him even closer than before and started to nibble her soft red ears. ------------------------------------******************--------------------------------- Authors note "Waiting for you guys is a wonderful parenthood novel our little Han ming ( little young master of the han family) is going to shower you with his cuteness and our Han weisheng and Li ming yue is going to feed us dog food and our outrageous Li ming yue will absolutely provide us with lots and lots of face slaps" Hope you all will enjoy reading this

Ayir_palin · 都市
9 Chs

वरदान एक चमत्कार

जैसे ही उसने आखिरी निवाला उस फकीर ने खाया ,वो फकीर एक चमत्कारी देवता के रूप में बदल गया । उसने राजा को आशीर्वाद दिया हे, "राजन मैं तुम्हारे राज्य में तुम्हारे धर्म की परीक्षा लेने आया था ।" "तुम अपने धर्म में खरे उतरे इसलिए मैं तुम्हें आशीर्वाद देता हूं, कि तुम्हें पुत्र प्रदान हो ।" "क्योंकि तुम्हारे भाग्य में संतान का सुख नहीं है , इसलिए पुत्र के जन्म के कुछ समय बाद तुम्हारी मृत्यु हो जाएगी।" " क्योंकि तुम्हारे राज्य की प्रजा ने मुझे देख कर घड़ा की और मुझ पर पत्थरों से बार किया ,इसके परिणाम तुम्हें भुगतना होगा।" "क्योंकि तुम प्रजा के पालनहार हो और इसीलिए तुम्हारी प्रजा जो भी कार्य करेगी उसका उसका फल या अशुभ फल तुम्हें यह तुम्हारे पुत्र को भुगतना पड़ेगा ।" और हां राजन तुम्हारा पुत्र बहुत ही पराक्रमी योद्धा होगा ।" " उसके सामने मनुष्य क्या देव दानव भी नहीं खड़े रहे सकेंगे। इतना बोल कर वह देवता अदृश्य हो गया।" कुछ दिनों बाद रानी के गर्भवती होने की सूचना पूरे राज्य में आप की लपटों की तरह फैल गई। महाराजा राजकुमार के आगमन के लिए बेसब्री से इंतजार करने लगे । धीरे-धीरे समय गुजरता गया और 9 महीने बाद राजकुमार का जन्म हुआ। वह बच्चा सूर्य के समान चमक रहा था, और चंद्रमा के समान उसके मुख पर तेज था। राजकुमार के जन्म पर खुशियों की हर तरफ उत्सव का माहौल था। राजा बहुत खुश था। उन्होंने बड़े बड़े पंडित को राजकुमार के नाम की नामकरण की विधि की। क्योंकि उनको राजकुमार फकीर के वरदान से मिला था, इसीलिए उन्होंने उसका नाम वरदान रखा । उसका नाम राजकुमार वरदान रखा गया गया। और दूसरी तरफ राजा के मंत्री और विद्रोही वरदान के जन्म से खुश नहीं थे। वह बच्चे को मारना चाहते थे। बच्चे को मारने की चालें चलने लगे। जब भी वे लोग राजकुमार के उसके आसपास जाते, कोई अदृश्य शक्ति उनको अपने इरादों में सफल नहीं होने देती थी। वरदान की सुरक्षा कवच बन कर उसकी रक्षा करती थी । वरदान 5 साल का होने वाला था । और राजा उसको युवराज घोषित करना चाहते थे। इससे पहले राजा ऐसा कर पाता, विद्रोहीऔ ने राजा की हत्या कर दी , और वो रानी और वरदान को भी मारने के लिए निकल गए । जैसे ही रानी को यह सब पता चला , रानी ने अपने बच्चे के साथ भेस बदल कर राज्य से भाग गई।

Renu_Chaurasiya_0803 · 歴史
4 Chs

The Lightning Dragon In Harry Potter

A young man named Luke found himself in a peculiar situation, transported to a world far removed from his own. Surprisingly, an unexpected invitation landed in his hands, beckoning him to Hogwarts, the renowned school of witchcraft and wizardry. Unbeknownst to him, his life was on the brink of a profound transformation. Accompanied by a unique and otherworldly traveling companion, a frog with the uncanny ability to traverse the multiverse and procure one-of-a-kind treasures, Luke's odyssey into the realm of magic was just commencing. However, the cascade of surprises did not conclude with his acceptance into the institution. As he unveiled the enigmatic package delivered by his amphibious companion, he stumbled upon a remarkable artifact known as the "Thunder Dragon Slayer Crystal." This enchanted gem possessed unimaginable power, capable of subduing the most tempestuous storms and harnessing the very lightning coursing through the skies. The astonishments persisted as Luke's frog presented an array of astounding treasures, including the mysterious "Eternal Mangekyo Sharinggan," a relic cloaked in legend, believed to bestow its bearer with unparalleled insight into the secrets of the universe. Yet, the most remarkable revelation of all unfolded when Luke's frog introduced an unexpected guest to the hallowed halls of Hogwarts – none other than the renowned "Erza from Fairy Tail."

Midnight_Wonder · 書籍·文学
118 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定

Shameless author review and plug. This is my first attempt at a somewhat serious and original story. Keep in mind that this was a spur of the moment thing for me so I’m building this world as we go along. The story is all in my head though, I just need to get it out in writing. I hope you all enjoy this story. -Vargr



Parental Guidance Suggestedmature rating