
Chapter 1. Meeting and Choosing a God

"Hi the name is John Scot, pretty average name, right? I'm a 5.5 tall guy, skinny with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes with average looks, I'm 19 years old and was born in the 31st of October 2001 in Scotland or to be more precise Aberdeen that's right I'm a Scotsman born and breed. Now standing in front of a bunch of self-proclaimed gods. How did a true born and breed Scotsman end up here you might ask? Well I may be a Scotsman but even a Scotsman has his limits, my limits being a family of druggy's, a bunch of mental health conditions, pretty much no luck what so ever and a Mercedes AMG driven by my drunken old school bully, that last one being the one that ended my life".

"I was minding my own business when I heard the sound of a roaring engine, surprisingly it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would as I was sent spiralling through the air with a BANG! I felt numb as I was sent flying as I came crashing down to the earth with a big THUD! as I heard cracking sound coming from my body".

"It's quite relaxing lying here, cold and a little uncomfortable, but relaxing none the less". I thought to myself as I slowly got colder and colder.

"What is that sound? I can't quite pinpoint it but it sounds like screaming and muffled voices, fuck just let me sleep". I thought as I slowly strain my eyes open just to see the car speeding off into the distance.

"I opened my mouth trying to speak as blood floods my throat and spills out like a £2 battery operated fountain, whelp this is it I don't really have any regrets nor anything or anyone that would miss me". I thought to myself whilst trying to speak.

"Everything's going dark if I would regret anything it would only be 2 things".

1. "Not being able to finish the "Percy Jackson" series".

2. "Not being able to say something cool and badass or witty before I die, got to leave with a bang am I right? HAHA"

"So here I am along with millions of other people, animals and insects of all ages and ethnicities all speaking different languages, but I seem to understand them all, most have confused looks on their faces whilst others mostly the elderly and what looks like people in religious clothes both seem to understand what's going on, some are on their knees crying and some are freaking out".

"So why I'm I so calm?, I'm not freaking out, I'm not crying and I'm certainly not religious, the answer? I've been bullied my entire life and have learned to not show any reactions, it just so happed to become a habit to not react to anything I suppose you could call it a special ability of mine".

"So I'm just standing here with one of thee best poker faces you've ever seen and watching everyone's reactions to what's going on and listening to them muter and talk amongst each other, until a beautiful woman steps forward from the hundreds of other giant people and suddenly everyone becomes quiet".

"Hello, my children I am Hebe the Greek Goddess of eternal youth, prime of life, forgiveness and the Cupbearer to the gods, unfortunately the head gods are in a meeting right now and won't be able to see you, but allow us to welcome you all to the reincarnation festival where a god will grant you 3 wishes and if they like you they might even give you a gift that gift could be anything from a holly item, power or ability or even a peace of their divinity, but we will choose what world you would be reincarnated into". Hebe said with a soft and gentle smile on her face that invocated a sense of security and peace.

"So Greek goddess the fact that she specified being Greek means there are other gods from other religions amongst them, not that I was very religious to begin with, and that god in the corner with a smug and mocking look on her face whilst stepping on a giant black wolf with glowing yellow eyes restrained by golden ropes, what god would that be?" I muttered to myself with a contemplating look on my face.

"Everyone started up talking again to each other about what type of wishes they will ask for and what world they want to go to, when another god stepped forward and spoke as everyone calmed down and listened once again".

"My name is Anubis the god of the dead and the afterlife, now you will each step forward and choose a god or goddess and they will grant your wishes and after that they will send you off too your new world now enough of this hurry up and choose a god or goddess but remember to choose one that has everything you want, now begone mortals". he said with the slightest of arrogance and distain in his tone of voice.

"As everyone started walking towards the gods and goddesses they have chosen and started with their wishes". I took a step back and started thinking about what god I could choose with my thumb and index finger on my chin".

"What do I want? ... I want to be strong, fast, I want to be able to protect those I care about, I want to be able to grow stronger and stronger without limits, but I also don't like to wait so its better to choose a less popular god". I muttered to myself.

"Hmmm a god that has everything I want and isn't very popular who could that be". I thought to myself.

"No… no… nope… no… nope… so many gods and goddesses but none that match want I want, AH! That's it, I suddenly shout out in surprise when I remember the giant black wolf restrained with golden ropes that I've seen before. Lets see… nope, not a single person in line for him". I thought to myself with a smug smile on my face as I walk towards the giant wolf god laying down tucked away in the corner.

"What are you doing mortal, the gods and goddesses are over there". the giant wolf spoke with a deep and rough voice coated in annoyance.

I smile at him as I reply, "aren't you a god as well which means you are also involved in this reincarnation festival, right?".

"Yes, I suppose I am, but you came straight towards me with no hesitation, why?". He spoke with confusion clear in his voice.

"If your size and that golden rope of yours is any indicator your name must be Fenrir, am I right?". I say with a smug smile and with a confident tone of voice.

"Correct, but what do you want with me mortal, why choose me?" Fenrir said with a frown of confusion on his face.

I look up at him and smile as I say, "because you have what I want and what I want only you can give me".

"Fenrir looks at me with a shocked look on his face as the gods and goddesses within ears shot had the same reaction on their face as they look dumbfounded at both of us, Fenrir notices this as a smile slowly but surely grows a pawn his face filled with a smug and arrogant amusement".

(A/N… this is my first time writing anything so if there's any spelling mistakes please go easy on me and tell me if you are interested and enjoying the story so far please comment and send some suggestions about the wishes) P.S. this is not a full time thing and I'm not very good at writing so there will probably be a lot of time between posts.
