
Reincarnated as Emiya in Fate/kaleid [DROPPED]

Some guy was murdered by a truck just to wake up in a white room with just a desk before him. He realise that he have no memory of his life but still have all anime knowledge. ROB spinned the wheel to decide to which world he is gonna reincarnate and it landed on Fate franchise. After a long thought process our protagonist decided to choose Fate/kaleid as his new home and Emiya's powers as his gift only to be reminded that cooking with Emiya was an option. In the new world he trains his powers to be ready for all the danger that will come his way but instead of that he is the one who charges right at them. He is also antagonized by his murder from the previous life which is of course the Truck that killed him. This is my first novel and english is not my first language so don't expect masterpiece.

kurit_kun · アニメ·コミックス
52 Chs


(Shirou's pov)

After Angelica and Beatrice fled I let my Reality Marble disappear. I started walking up to the group protected by Cu-san. They are mostly recovered by now and started stretching to get back feeling in their limbs. Before I could say anything Rin stood up, walked up to me and whisper in my ears.

Rin: "You are Emiya-kun, right?"

It made me sweat a little? fearing that Chloe would be able to hear it so I picked up Rin in a princess carry and before I 'kidnapped' her I said.

Shirou: "I'm borrowing her for a moment."

Cu-san only looked at me with understanding gaze.

Cu: "*Sigh* youth."


I run for a little bit so no one would be able to see us and when I made sure of that I stopped and turned my head to Rin who was still in my arms without saying anything for a while. After the silence started to become awkward I couldn't even scratch my cheek so I was the one start talking.

Shirou: "Soo~ did you want to ask me something or just stare at me while you are in princess carry, not that I mind."

My teasing seemed to wake up Rin and she immediately jumped out of my arms. She took a few breaths in and out to calm herself.

Rin: "You didn't answer my question. Are you Emiya-kun?"

It's not like I can't reveal myself to her. The only one I want to hide it from is Chloe so I don't have any reason to not be truthful at the moment so I took off my mask revealing my face that is darkened in some places. I smiled wryly at her.

Shirou: "What gave it away?"

Rin seemed to be relieved to finally see the face under the mask wasn't someone unfamiliar but in fact her boyfriend but at the same time she felt little conflicted that I kept it a secret even though she had some ideas why.

She took out a notebook and a pen to cross out the first thing written inside.

Shirou: "Glad to finally cross out a question from your notebook?"

Rin: "*Sigh* to be honest it doesn't feel as good as I thought it would, plus I need to change the name of this notebook to Shirou Emiya's secret."

I chuckled a little at her expense with earned me a glare from her.

Rin: "Emiya-kun, can you answer me one question?"

Shirou: "Sure, why not."

Rin: "Why did you hide your identity from us?"

Shirou: "It started when Illya went out at night one day so as responsible older brother I followed her. Fearing that she would recognize me I wore this mask."

Rin looked at me as if I'm crazy.

Rin: "You followed a little girl at night with this mask?"

She pointed at mask in my hand and I nodded. She then pinched her nose bridge.

Rin: "Ok, let's say that I believe you but what about the clothes?"

Shirou: "Look great, don't they?"

I said with a smug face. Rin rolled her eyes.

Rin: "I mean that they don't look like anything I've ever seen and it seems pretty durable too."

Shirou: "Neat, aren't they?"

I feigned ignorance to her question and she understood that I don't plan to reveal anything about them.

Rin: "Ok, then can you explain why you didn't unmasked yourself later on if you understood that it was us."

I avoided eye contact.

Shirou: "At first I thought it was kind of cool to be a mysterious helper but when Chloe appeared and I noticed her instability I decided to keep my identity hidden. You see I'm the only 'normal' variable in our family and Chloe wants to have normal life even more than Illya does so you can imagine what she would do if she knew that I'm also a magus. She could forgive our parents and is capable of being friends with other magus but you and Luvia aren't exactly the definition of the magus. I'm not saying that you are unskilled in magecraft or anything like that but both of you are more emotional and humane than other magus as they would do anything to achieve their goals. At this point I'm worried that she might snap if she finds out that I'm magus as well."

She gulped and nodded her head as she experienced Chloe's scary side even if she didn't do anything but just going of her tone she understood that for her Onii-chan was a very important existence and even saying that would be an understatement.

Shirou: "Now that I answered your questions, it is my time for interrogation."

Rin: "Sure, it's only fair for you to do this. What do you want to know?"

Shirou: "Your three sizes."

I said with the straight face but as I finished my sentence a kick was approaching my face at fast pace. I back stepped a little to avoid any damage catching glimpse of Rin's red face. I raised my hands in surrender.

Shirou: "I was just joking. You seemed really tense because of our talk so I wanted to relax you a bit. Did it work?"

I showed a sincere smile while Rin confused inspected her body.

Rin: "Now that you mention it..."

Shirou: "Great. Now to my question. What gave away my identity? Just curious. I have some ideas but it's always better to be sure."

Rin: "It was Bazett. I don't know how but she immediately recognized you at the beach after seeing you once. It feels as if I lost to her as a woman, huuhh."

Shirou: "I understand how she recognized me as she has abnormal instinct but it still leaves the question why she kissed me."

I placed my hand on my chin and stroked it a little. It's a shame that I don't have a beard but I'm only 16 so it's normal.

Rin: "I think I know why she did that."

(Few hours earlier)

Rin: "Huh? What do you mean Archer is my boyfriend. My boyfriend's name is Shirou Emiya."

Bazett: "I see, so his name is Shirou."

Bazett's mouth curled into a gentle smile.

Rin: "How are you so sure that Archer is Emiya-kun?"

Bazett: "I wouldn't mistake him for any other man."

She said with full confidence.

Rin: "Ok, let's say that I believe. It still doesn't explain why did you kiss him."

Bazett: "Because I love him."

Bazett once again said with a straight face.

Rin: "What?"

Bazett: "After my fight with Shirou I had a strange feeling in my chest. I was sure that it wasn't because of a damage so I went to a library named 'manga cafe'. There I found different books called 'shojou manga' describing similar symptoms to mine. This was according to them feeling of love.

It was the first time I felt like that so I didn't know what should I do. Thankfully these manga also had description how to fulfill love. Unfortunately though most of these tactics are done by man but I don't think it's much different from woman's perspective."

She nodded her head a few times as if she agreed with her own words.

(Present time)

I paled hearing what Rin just told me. If what she said is true I'm in danger. Bazett can be rather stubborn and I don't think she will give up even if I'm taken.

I turned to Rin.

Shirou: "W-what should we do?"

Rin: "For now you don't need to worry. I managed to pacify her for the time being saying stuff like 'now is not the time for things like love' or 'enemy is lurking in the shadows so we need to be alert' so I don't think she'll pursue you for a while but we need to think about potential solution.

We both nodded our heads. As I was about to go back Rin grabbed my shoulder, squeezed it hard and smiled with her eyes closed.

Rin: "But if something like the event on the beach happen once more, Chloe won't be tour only worry, understood."

I hurriedly nodded my head while I was thinking what I got myself into.