
Reincarnated As An OP Paladin

A 19-year-old college student gets summoned to another world after a peaceful nap in the library! He's smart, he's strong, he's sarcastic, and has the potential to be our hero...right? Brice wakes up in a strange place after seemingly taking his regular afternoon nap. After realizing that he has the potential to save the world, he decides to relax and do nothing! But with so many threats and opportunities facing him, can he really just do nothing? Follow this Fantasy Action-Adventure isekai revolving around an arrogant dragon queen and a lazy but overpowered Paladin from another world!

CautiousTitan · ファンタジー
35 Chs

MapleHorn GuildHall

I'm not sure why they ignored Arcana but she obviously didn't like it. I could tell since she made a pouting face all the way to the guildhall. I decided to call this place a town since it seemed too advanced to be a village. It was a nice, cozy town in the Ameran Great Forest that would hopefully make me some money.

We finally got to the guildhall and opened the door. We were greeted with the ground floor and an additional 2 floors in the building. The GuildHall was a medium-sized building, which was what I expected for a town. The way up the three floors was either the regular staircase to our right or the spiral staircase to our left. On the ground floor, was the reception desk and 7 long tables spread in front of it. It looked like a meeting area for adventurers or teammates to plan their next adventure. If I had to put a number on it, I would say that there were around 60 adventurers spread around the Hall. I didn't care about that though. All I cared about is getting my items sold!

I walked up to the counter with my party, still holding Titan in my arms.

"Hey. I need an ID and Rank to buy and trade stuff right? Hook me up with one", I said.

"If you want an ID and Rank, all you have to do is touch this Ameran-Insight Collector! It'll automatically give you your ID based upon important factors!" Caeda said, smiling.

She was holding a white, metal ball the size of a basketball. When I put my hand on it, it began to glow yellow as it processed my information. After around 20 seconds, a bracelet appeared on my left arm. It was inscribed in the local language but thanks to auto-translate, I knew that it said "Brice P. Paladin God" around the bracelet. Arcana, Daera, and Shobe never had a need to get their ID's so they did the same process as me. After they got their respective bracelets and titles, we had to get our ranks.

"Good! Now, since you are new, we have to start you at the lowest rank. From lowest to highest, the ranks are Stone, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, Mithril, and Adamantium. If you can get to the top of the ranking, you will enjoy better quests, better rewards, vendor discounts, free gifts, free housing, premium services, and more! Please try your best to rise up the rankings!" Caeda said.

She gave us the ranking necklaces, which were all stone. She said that we had to talk to the guild master before the ID would activate so we went up to the 2nd floor. Upon reaching her office, I knocked on the door before letting myself in. The guild master was currently...sleeping on the couch?

"Hey", I whispered to Daera. "Is this really the guild master? I was expecting someone...older"

The guild master looked to be around 21 and was one of the gifted humans that Arcana told me about. She was a cute brunette with blue eyes and long hair, probably a C cup. She was wearing some light armor for what looked to be a knight class. She was currently sleeping on the couch in her office with a large smile on her face.

"Guildmaster Arlette, can you wake up please?", Daera asked.

Arlette rubbed her eyes before slowly getting up from her nap. She quickly noticed that she had been drooling and was furiously wiping it off. She tried to change the subject.

"So...what brings the Goddess Of The Hunt to my guildhall?", she said.

We explained to her the situation, which she happily helped us with. As she was activating our IDs, we sat on the couch and had a chat with her. She got one of the guild officers to make us tea.

"I see. So...you are the Paladin Hero from the legends huh? Interesting." she said, vaguely.

I didn't care for that stuff though so I asked her about how the currency system with the IDs work.

"Oh. Don't worry about it. It's too complicated to explain anyway.", she said, smiling.

I was getting tired of hearing that phrase so I changed the subject.

"How is MapleHorn doing? You guys seem pretty happy for a nation who's fighting the 3 Demon Lords."

"Oh. We are doing fine. Trirron has no reason to attack us in the forest. He is a strategist after all. Despite being on the enemy side, I have to give him props on his planning process. We Amerans pride ourselves on being intelligent so it does hurt when you find the enemy is outsmarting you..." she said, gripping her cup tighter.

She finished our ID's and wished us luck on our adventures.

I immediately went to the front desk and asked Caeda where to sell my items.

"If it's monster components, the guild can pay for it. If it's anything else, the shops in the area may be interested. How many components do you have to offer?"

Honestly? Enough to bankrupt the guild most likely...

MapleHorn is fun to write about.

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