
Reincarnated as a Girl?

Man reincarnated as an girl. Medieval world+ arranged marriage, time to run. I'm writing this story on my phone now as I'm on vacation. But once I get back home I'll fixe any issues and make it all sound better. But for now this story is just a idea that I thought of writing down quickly and trying to make it into an interesting story.

Hanine_5618 · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Chapter 6

After taking a bath and drying her hair Lili stood in front of an mirror examining her flawless body.

After being attacked by her older brother she had somehow managed to awaken minor healing powers. Now nowhere on her body could any signs of damage be seen only long patches of flawless and smooth skin.

Her body was toned, her abs visible, her legs were strong, her butt was plump overall she looked like some fitness model. To her this was definitely not what she wanted.

Her goal for 12 years had been to become strong like in her previous life but also agile. But instead she had become an cute girl with exceptional looks and a bit above average strength compared to girls in her previous life.

Despite all her training she never seemed to be able to gain the weight, height or muscle mass she desired. Her body simply seemed to be unable to achieve these goals.

Her height was slowly approaching the 140 cm mark but at this rate she would be lucky to even get to 150 cm I height once fully grown. Also she weighed almost nothing compared to her previous self, at most she was 42 kiligrams in weight.

But most worrying of all was her firm breasts that were already in the D-cup size range. Even if she tried to wrap them up with an bandage and hide them there would still be an significant bulge left behind.

Her plans of escaping and pretending to be an boy now seemed impossible. Only if it was late at night and the person in question was a moron would they then maybe believe her to be a boy.

Her perfect feminine hourglass figure and face completely gave her away. Despite knowing this she decided to still try it out.

Looking to her loyal maid Rose who was doing her hair into the usual pigtail fashion she said.

" Rose, I just had an Idea. Please don't do pigtails this time. Instead could you tie my hair into an ponytail style? "

Curious why Lili would request her to make her hair into a ponytail. Rose pondered on this but seeing it as fitting Lili real way did it without complaints.

Once done Lili grabbed a long piece of white cloth from one of her drawers and say's.

" Ok, now wrap my chest as thing as possible with this. "

Confused Rose says. " But why miss? Why would you want to hide your beautiful breasts? You might be too young to know this miss but the older maids told me that a woman's breasts are her most powerful weapon and they should always be exposed as much as possible. "

Frowning at Rises words Lili spoke up. " Just do it. They are annoying and always get in the way while I'm practicing. What I want is to resemble more of an boy to help me move easier. "

Finding Lilis words amusing Rose giggled lightly and said. " To make you look like an boy is Impossible miss even for the greatest of maids. No matter from what angle your body is seen from it will always look like that of an girls. Even if I cover your chest your butt is simply too big and waist too thin to be that of a boys. Plus there is your cute face. "

Smiling at her maid Lili said. " Just do your best Rose. I want to look as boyish as possible and surprise father. "

Frowning in protest Rose said. " But miss I want to make you look all pretty. It would be a shame not to. "

Crossing her atmrms under her chest Lili spoke firmly. " Just do it. "

Then for the next ten or so minutes Rose dressed Lili up.

Just like she had imagined the cloth around her chest was wrapped up too tight since if it was too tight it would affect her breathing. But the bulge on her chest was significantly reduced.

Then as of her request and to save time no makeup was applied to her. She simply was dressed up in her green leather training outfit. Although this time she wore an leather overshirt over her white shirt underneath.

On her waist was a belt that held her rapiers scabbard. And over this outfit she put on a long black cotton cloak. With this cloak as long as her face wasn't seen she could hide her identity pretty well.

With these preparations done she was now almost ready to escape. Now all she needed was to ditch Rose and grab something that she could maybe barter with.

Looking towards Rose who was happily waiting for her to exit the room first so she could then follow. She then spoke to her. " Mm, Rose you know you don't always need to wait on me first. You can go eat your own dinner with the other maids I'm not stopping you. "

Shaking her head in denial Rose then said. " Absolutely not, that would be extremely rude of me and a insult towards you miss.

Sighing in defeat Lili said. " Fine, you've made your point heard. "

Going to her jewelry box Lili then opened it revealing a small collection of different jewelry.

Commenting on this from the side Rose spoke up. " Miss? What are you doing? If you wear jewelry then it's going to completely ruin the boyish look that you were aiming for. "

Taking out a golden neckless from the box she then turned to Rose saying. " Don't worry Rose it's going to look just fine I'm sure. "

At these words Rose grabbed a hold of Lilis smaller dainty hand and took the neckless away saying. " No miss, you cannot wear something like this with the greenish and black outfit you have on. They just simply don't match. "

Lili felt annoyed by Roses action but inorder not to draw too much suspension said nothing as Rose Turned her attention onto the jewelry box.

From it rose then grabbed an single silver chain necklace and spoke. " This one I think will suit your new boyish look nicely. "

While Rose worked on putting the necklace on her miss, Lili said. " Hmm what else should I wear? Maybe some ring's? "

Shaking her head Rose said. " No miss. That would be way too much. This necklace already seems a bit out of place to me. "

Lili sighed yet again in defeat as she accepted what she got. To her the silver necklace was already good enough. Once she got out she could sell it fore some money and get an small head start like that. Anything he could have gotten from the box would have just been a bonus and not a necessity.

Walking towards the dining hall Lili felt nervous as she struggled to find away to shake Rose off of her before she entered the dining hall. Sure she could have done this later but she just couldn't stand the idea of seeing Ford yet again. No, she needed to escape now.

Stopping in front of the double doors that led to the hall, Rose was about to open them when Lili grabbed her hand and stopped her.

Rose looked questioningly at Lili wondering what her miss was doing.

" Miss? What's wrong? "

Lili looked up into her black haired maids eyes and quickly came up with an lie. " Don't open those doors. This time I want to do it myself. Your always doing everything for me and now I want to do something on my own.

Rose wanted to protest but Lili started to push her away with all her might forcing Rose to move away from the door slightly.

" Stop being so stubborn Rose and just go eat with your friends, ok. Let me do this alone. "

Pouting at Lilis words Rose berugingly then spoke up saying. " Fine if that's what you truly desire miss. But please hurry up the rest of your family are already awaiting your arrival. "

Lili always hearing Rose's caring words for her smiled bitterly and said.

" Yes I know. Now go Rose I can make it on my own from here on out. "

Saying these words she truly meant them. Though Rose had always been good to her she couldn't find it in her heart to tell her what had happened in the training field and what she was now about to do. To her it would probably be better the less Rose knew of the situation. This would probably be the last time the two of them ever saw each other.

Then as Rose disappeared behind the corner Lili looked around to make sure no-one saw her and then turned around back towards the direction she had come from.

But instead of heading up into her own room again she continued straight forward and out the inner castles entrance. Stepping outside in the courtyard she spotted her target.

There in front of her were 3 horse drawn food wagons that had just completed their delivery of fresh foodstuffs to the castle. Walking towards the wagons that were about to leave a guard stopped her by asking.

" Oh miss Lili what brings you out here at this time of day? Isn't your family having dinner by now? "

Looking up at the big armoured man she innocently said. " Oh, I'm just looking around and father said we are having dinner a bit later today since his got work to do. "

The guard nodded in understanding not questioning her actions any further and then continued his guard duties.

With the guard's back turned to her and seeing no other eyes on her she then quickly and silently jumped into the back of the closest wagon.

Laing there she listened fir any alarms being raised she then felt relieved as apparently no-one had been allerted.

Then she heard foot steps approaching her as a few empty sacks were tossed to the back of the wagon right on top of her.

Then after a moment she felt the wagons start to move. Her heart pounded like crazy as she wondered had she just made it. Is she now truly free.

Though she felt excited she also felt a bit scared and uncertain of what she was going to do now. Her family while controlling were her only real protection in this world.

Now she as an small 12 year old girl would need to somehow survive on her own in this new world full of unknown factors.