
Reincarnated as a Fish but I can become a Dragon

When I woke up, I was in the shape of a fish in the river. Why did I look like a fish, and who am I in the first place? While leaving only the memory of being human in the previous life and being puzzled by the loss of all memories of himself, the days of hunting for prey to live in the world to live have begun. And it seems that this small fish can become a dragon as it evolves. When I heard that from the skill of the “voice of heaven” and had the purpose of living, I went to enjoy this world. This story is about a small fish aiming to become a dragon.

_novel_Fan · ファンタジー
56 Chs

Chapter 43

As soon as Alena finds out that I understand her words, she asks more question.

However, I can only shake my head vertically or horizontally, so it is a one-sided cross-examination, but Alena seems find it to be fun by herself.

"Do you have a house?"

"Do you have a family?"

"Did you have some friends?"

"What kind of place did you live in? Wait, you can't answer me …"

Uhh- sorry?

At least I tried to answer her question somehow, but … I can't speak.

This is hard.

I wonder if is there anything I can do to answer her?

I mean, I didn't know the characters that are used in this world.

Then how about something like an emoji?

With pictograms, you can express facial expressions and your moods, so conversations may still be established.

Alright, let's try it.

I try to make a shape by using water with [Infinite Water Manipulation].

The place where I lived … Should I make a waterfall, a basin, and my house?

It was my first attempt, so I thought I would fail, but it unexpectedly worked.

I was able to make a simple illustration.

The waterfall part is illustrated with the flowing water.

Since the other party is a child, I drew a picture suitable for young children.

Well … how is it?

"… Waterfall? Oh, your house. Maybe your house in the place where the waterfall is?"

Alright! It seems she understood it!

I express that with nodding while looking at her.

Alena smiled when she saw my reaction.

I'm glad that a two-way conversation was established.

"Wow, awesome! Tell me more about Mr. White Snake!"

That said … I'm a bit afraid if I tell her something, some kind of misunderstading would occur.

I would appreciate it if I could ask a question to Alena.

Hmm, but I have a feeling that Alena is … Waiting for me to ask a question?

Well, what should I do?

Does she understand question marks in this world?

What to do?

Welp. She won't understand letters.

That's it.

What happened at Alena's house?

Why did you become a slave?

I want to know that.

However, I don't think I can write an emoji for 'slave'.

Then, how about if I ask about Alena's house?

I make a finger shape with water and point to Alena.

Then the water is transformed into a house shape.

It means "How about your house?" … Did she get it? I hope she gets it.

"Me? House?"

Yup yup.

How about your house?

"My house?"


I nod again to show her that was my question.

Alena looked happy for a moment, but soon became gloomy.

Did something happen to make her became a slave?

"The people in my village … were kidnapped by people who were hired by the slave traders. I was one of the villagers … Mom and Dad were killed when the tried to let me escape …"

She didn't cry, but she spoke slowly with a very sad expression.

Wait wait wait.

Well, my guess is spot on, huh?

The slave trader hired some adventurers to kidnap her.

Did they want to cover their tracks as much as possible?

That said, it seems that there are no more adventurers around.

I only see the three men from before with my [Haze Maipulation], and one of them is driving this carriage.

There's a total of five carriages.

I've only seen eight people so far.

There are signs of more than a dozen people in each carriage.

These are probably the slaves kidnapped from Alena's village.

After all, it would be difficult to just let Alena escape without the others. This is the best I could do here.

First of all, Arena will not like it.

I don't remember any magical attacks that are powerful enough to defeat people, so it's impossible to rescue them.

I've heard something unpleasant from the first question I asked her.

But don't know how to apologize … Aaaah, this is frustrating!

I'll only use emoticon for the time being!

If you can't communicate with words, then convey your feelings with emoticons!

What kind of emoticon should I draw?

It's decided, I'll use "(´ ・ ω ・ `)"!

When I wrote the emoticon, Alena was shocked when she saw it.

But with just that alone she immediately started laughing.

"Ahahahaha! What's that! It is so cute!"

Cute, right?

Now change the emoticon to "(^ ω ^)".

Arena laughed again when she saw it.

Yes. With this, I think I can express my feelings to Alena.

I regret that there are no other variations, but let's make it one after another.

While laughing back and forth, the heavy air I mentioned earlier just disappeared.

Emoticons are great.

I also have to think about what to ask next time.

The problem is … The slave trader.

She wouldn't be free if I couldn't do something about them, so I'll definitely remember this case.

The people who govern the territory might make a fuss if I do something weird.

"This time I will ask you a question."

Oh, she feesl like asking questions in order.

Thumbs up! Ask me anything!

"Do you have a lover, Mr. Snake?"

*Stab* Buffa!

I wonder why she asked me this kid of question even though she is just a kid!

Isn't she quite something!

Someday, she will be a big shot in the future!

The answer is, I DON'T KNOW!

I don't want my lover to be a snake!!

But I wonder if that is the real problem here.

Should I worry about that if I'm considered an old man?

I don't know if I'm a man or not.

Let's shake my head for the time being.

"Then next is Mr. Snake's turn!"

This is quite fun …

Well, I didn't think I would get the chance to talk to people like this, and I'm glad I met Alena.

So it's my turn …

What should I ask?

Grumble Grumble Grumble

While I was thinking, someone entered the carriage.

I recognized his as one of the men who caught me.

He stared at Alena with a pissed off look.

"Hey! Shut the f̲u̲c̲k̲ up! ​​Keep quiet!"


With that said, he started kicking the cage that where Alena is in roughly.

The cage itself doesn't seem to be very heavy and will move easily if kicked.

Alena's cage is so small that she can't even stay still.

She was shaken off by the kicking and fell, hitting her shoulder against the cage.

"If you make a noise again! I'll feed you to this snake!"

…..Who? Me?

The heck, man.

Alena just stay quiet as soon as the man said that.

I guess it's a given if Alena was afraid of me.

Alena was rubbing her shoulder in pain.

But she didn't cry.

I thought she was a strong child, she just stopped crying because she was used to being treated like that by the slave traders.

Normally, any child would cry out loud in this situation.

After confirming the man left the carriage, I used [Infinite Water Manipulation] to make a big blob of water and put it on Alena's shoulders.

I hope this is going make her injury feel a little bit better.

Alena turned her head to me and laughed, perhaps noticing my concern.

"I'm going to be eaten by Mr. White Snake. That's funny."

She surpresssed her voice and start giggling.

I also create a smiling emoticon next to me to express the same expression.

From now on, I have to be a little more careful whenever I tried to talk with her.

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