
Reincarnated as a Fish but I can become a Dragon

When I woke up, I was in the shape of a fish in the river. Why did I look like a fish, and who am I in the first place? While leaving only the memory of being human in the previous life and being puzzled by the loss of all memories of himself, the days of hunting for prey to live in the world to live have begun. And it seems that this small fish can become a dragon as it evolves. When I heard that from the skill of the “voice of heaven” and had the purpose of living, I went to enjoy this world. This story is about a small fish aiming to become a dragon.

_novel_Fan · ファンタジー
56 Chs

Chapter 40

I manipulate a large amount of water with [infinite water manipulation].

My MP has recovered completely, so I can use it as much as I want!

And if I eat it's meat, I'll completely recovered!

I'll kill this son of goblin right now!

Though the water that come out is like that, but … it was a little strange.

It was a little mixed with impurities.

A small stone or a little mud.

[Infinite water manipulation] should produce clean water, but … well, I'll confirm this later.

I thought I made enough water, but … the amount of water swells up.

I thought it was strange and tried to stop it, but it didn't stop at all.

But my MP didn't even reduced.

Gobokk is also slowly stepped back, perhaps noticing the abnormality.

U-uhm? Why?

Hol 'up, why didn't it stop?

The water is getting more impurities and keep going!

Big stones and solid mud are starting to mix in it!

Even something like hard soil and sand is also in it!

I mean, I don't have any intention to charge it this long, so my bad!

Well, rather than a large ammount of water, it was large amoount of- messy thing, I think?.

Gobokk seems to have tried to escape, but it was swallowed by the soil and sand in no time.

The momentum of the soil and sand created is tremendous, just like a tsunami.

It digs up the surrounding trees and stones, engulfs them in the water, and uses whatever inside it like a weapon and it still getting bigger.

Grumble Grumble Grumble ....

After a few hundred meters, the water finally stopped moving, and it burst into pieces and disappeared.

However, because inside the giant ball of water including soil, sand, trees, stones, mud, and more are messed up in one place.

It seems that my attack instantly wiped out a large part of the forests.

I felt kind of guilty by looking at the mess.

By the way, the Gobbok is at the pile of trees.

When I approached and checked, it seemed this fella is already out.

The terrible wounds on it's body clearly show that it was messed up in the pile of rubbish water.

It was a mixture of stones and trees after all.

I will eat it for the time being.

It's not very tasty because there's mud all over it's body.

But this is my source of evolution.

I have to get it properly.

[You have gained experience points. LV is now MAX. Evolution is possible. Display the current status]

In the end, isn't this Gobokk really strong as individual?

Well, it's said to be a rare species. Should I search this kind of rare species next time?

No, that was dangerous … If I hadn't eaten meat from it's severed arm, I would definitely died that time.

Oh, I didn't see the the status before because I will see it at once later.

Please tell me the evolution path.


―Evolution path―




Wave Snake is still there.

Perhaps the EarthKingSnake is the final evolution of the earth-based snake species.

Let's go how far this species can go!

EarthKingSnake! Hmm, the name sounds amazing!

The evolution was soon over.

There weren't any major changes to my body this time, only the horns.

It used to be a single curve like a demons horn, but it bent twice and transformed into a lightning-shaped corner.

I don't know how to describe it.

Ah, by the way, I didn't ask what kind of snakes the EarthSnake and the EarthKingSnake are.

It's a good opportunity so let's ask here.

I was in battle and couldn't afford to hear it.



Snakes of this species are good at using soil and mud.

Swamps and mud can be created anywhere and wherever this species is standing.

This species really like dirty water, so be careful when approaching dirty ponds and rivers.



The king of snakes that brings together MudSnakes and EarthSnakes.

Although it has a very high ability as a commander, it rarely commands their kin because the number of MudSnakes and EarthSnakes is small.

However, if this species in a danger, this species can summon the MudSnakes and EarthSnakes around it, any individual must be careful whenever they see this species.

And adventurers are obliged to report to the country if they see one.


Oh, the king of snakes!

I guessed it from the name, but it sounds really strong.

I mean, this snake have some skills to command.

But I don't have any follower to command.

Well, there's probably lot of my kin somewhere out there..

What a tough journey …

I has evolved twice, and maybe this is the final evolution of the earth-based snake species … there must be a lot of skills.

And I may have some new strong skills!

Status! Open!


Name: Ouren

Race: EarthKingSnake

LV: 1/45

HP: 150/150

MP: 172/172

Attack power: 124

Defense: 164

Magical power: 172

Agility: 54

-Special skills-

[Voice of Heaven] [Rare Species Benefits]


Offensive: [Herculean Jaw] [Pursuit] [Poison Fang] [Water Spear Volley] [Water Blade] [Reamed Water Spear] [Poison Fang]! [Water Blade]!

Magic: [Create clay], [Haze Manipulation] [Infinite Water Manipulation] [Mud Doll], [Sediment Destruction]!, [Rock Break]!, [Mud Doll]!

Defensive: [Water Barrier] [Water Shield] [Mud Armor]! [Earth Barrier]!

Recovery: [Absorption] [Absorption]!

Trap: [Water Trap] [Swamp Camo]

Peculiarity: [Luminous] [Soil Purification] [Soil Transformation] [Soil Transformation]

Auto: [Strengthening <Bad Weather>] [Swimming]


[Dazzle] [Strong Acid] [Explosive] [Pollution] [Poor visibility] [Blind] [Poison] [Distraction] [Cold]


I got a lot of similar skills.

It's said that the EarthKingSnake have a skill to summon it's kin, but if I think about it again it's just creating an alter ego with a mud doll.

Don't get me wrong-human and heavenly voice.

Ya'll should check the description more often!

Like graduating as Scholar! Then sell ​​a sloppy book!

Well, I don't care about that now … Let's check new skills and synthesize them!

-New skill-


-Sediment Destruction-

A skill that creates earth and sand then releases it all at once. It's impossible to controll this skill, there is a possibility that the whole area will be gone leaving just the earth and sand.


―Rock Break―

A skill that attacks the rocks like object resulting in crushed them away. This skill only lasts for a certain period of time because the stones splitted with each other from the inside.


―Mud Armor―

Skill to put mud into armor. Sensitive to fire.


―Earth Barrier―

A skill that creates barriers using dirty water and soil. The strength of the barrier depend on the amount.


-New resistance-



The user doesn't feel the cold. However, the damage goes through.


[A new skill has been created by synthesize [Water Blade] and [Water Blade], the skill [Great Water Blade] has been added to the skill list. The skill [Water Blade] and [Water Blade] will be discarded]

[A new skill has been created by synthesize [Poison Fang] and [Poison Fang], the skill [Ferocious Poison Fang] has been added to the skill list. The skill [Poison Fang] and [Poison Fang] will be discarded]

[A new skill has been created by synthesize [Mud Doll] and [Mud Doll], the skill [Golem] has been added to the skill list. The skill [Mud Doll] and [Mud Doll] will be discarded]

[A new skill has been created by synthesize [Soil Transformation] and [Soil Transformation], the skill [Soil Transmogrify] has been added to the skill list. The skill [Soil Transformation] and [Soil Transformation] will be discarded]

[A new skill has been created by synthesize [Absorption] and [Absorption], the skill [Recovery] has been added to the skill list. The skill [Absorption] and [Absorption] will be discarded]

[A new skill has been created by synthesize [Create Clay] and [Soil Transmogrify], the skill [Soil Creation] has been added to the skill list. The skill [Create Clay] and [Soil Transmogrify] will be discarded]

[A new skill has been created by synthesize [Water Barrier] and [Earth Barrier], the skill [Fluid Barrier] has been added to the skill list. The skill [Water Barrier] and [Earth Barrier] will be discarded]

-New synthetic skills-


-Great Water Blade-

Skill to create a realy sharp water blade. Attack power changes depending on the amount of MP used


-Ferocious Poison Fang-

Extremely Poisonus. Inflicts deadly poisonous damage on enemies.



A skill that allow user to create golems in any shape the user wanted. It can be moved and the creation speed is fast.



Healing ability that can be used, the MP used for this skill is quite a lot.


-Soil Creation-

A skill that allows you to quickly recreate the terrain. The range is determined by the amount of MP used.


-Fluid barrier-

Develop a liquid-based barrier. Water, mud, swamps, freshwater, seawater.


That's all!

I'm tired … *

*(Me too!)

And here is the clean status column.


Name: Ouren

Race: EarthKingSnake

LV: 1/45

HP: 150/150

MP: 172/172

Attack power: 124

Defense: 164

Magical power: 172

Agility: 54

-Special skills-

[Voice of Heaven] [Rare Species Benefits]


Offensive: [Herculean Jaw] [Pursuit] [Ferocious Poison Fang] [Water Spear Volley] [Reamed Water Spear] [Great Water Blade]

Magic: [Haze Manipulation] [Infinite Water Manipulation] [Golem] [Sediment Destruction] [Rock Break]

Defense: [Fluid Barrier], [Water Shield] [Mud Armor]

Recovery: [Recovery]

Trap: [Water Trap] [Swamp Camo]

Peculiarity: [Luminous] [Soil Purification] [Soil Creation]

Auto: [Strengthening <Bad Weather>] [Swimming]


[Dazzle] [Strong Acid] [Explosive] [Pollution] [Poor visibility] [Blind] [Poison] [Distraction] [Cold]


Yep~ Yep~.

I feel like I've gotten stronger!

I feel that the water blade that I have worked hard on until now has lost its meaning by being synthesized, but … maybe the skill level has been taken over!

Let's do my best!

Speaking of which, that skill that defeated Gobokk is [Sediment Destruction] …?

The same thing happened when I look at the explanation …

It seems better to think about where to use this [Destruction] kind of skill.

That was scary, not gonna lie.

And … finally, a recovery skill is here!

I don't know how much MP it will consume, but I know it's a good skill.

I'm very grateful to be able to regenerate as well as stop the bleeding.

I want more recovery skills!

Please give me more!

But I didn't get another trap.

The trap-type skill has only occured when I was -MudSnake-.

Well, this alone is a pretty good trap, so maybe there is no problem if I have one.

Alright! I'm tired today! However, I don't have a bed, so I'm going to look for it.

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