
Reincarnated as a Fish but I can become a Dragon

When I woke up, I was in the shape of a fish in the river. Why did I look like a fish, and who am I in the first place? While leaving only the memory of being human in the previous life and being puzzled by the loss of all memories of himself, the days of hunting for prey to live in the world to live have begun. And it seems that this small fish can become a dragon as it evolves. When I heard that from the skill of the “voice of heaven” and had the purpose of living, I went to enjoy this world. This story is about a small fish aiming to become a dragon.

_novel_Fan · ファンタジー
56 Chs

Chapter 34


It came again! This time from where!??

I try to check what was that, but before I see it, it is blocked by the water shield.

The opponent seemed to know my location completely, and this time it attacked from behind.

As long as I don't know my oppenent's whereabout, I can't attack from here.

It seems that the other party is attacking me while moving, probably to prevent me from finding it's position.

I feel like I'll be able to do something if I look at it even once, but … I don't think I should say that.

There are three water shields remaining.

MP is still sufficient and it can be reactivated.

It's possible to wait for the enemy's MP to run out as it is, but … I haven't seen it, so I'm sure it would escape.

I don't like being hit by the someone.

I want to be the one who attack them.

So I was wondering what kind of skill the other party was using.

First, let's think about the enemy's skills.

Is it a sensing skill?

Are they sensing it from the body heat or something like sensor? … Or they can grasp the general location, but they can't hit their target without seeing them.

But … I haven't seen the enemy.

Maybe the other party can hit me without seeing their target.

Fwooosh. Bash!

Ahh! Hold your horse down! I'm still thinking you know!??

Hmm, wait a minute?

If they can detect me without fail and they can hit me without seeing me, why did they miss the first strike?

If I could hit it withot missed the target, I should have been able to attack with the first hit.

However, the water shield is activated and it hit the second and the third shield.

It's an auto-activated skill, so if I haven't activated the Water Shield, I can be sure that they are hitting me.

The thing is … is the other party looking at me and relying on whatever thing that make me visible for them to attack me?

My location may be easy to track because the water shield is floating now.

Alright, let's try this!

Let's make the visibility worse … [Haze Manipulation]!

This is the first time I use this skill.

When the skill activated, fog began to set in the surroundings.

It seems that the fog density varies depending on the amount of MP used.

For the time being, it was thick … As the fog became thicker and thicker, the fog became so thick that I couldn't even see in the radius of 3 meter.

Apparently, the "manipulation" in this skill means manipulating the thickness of the fog and the type of fog.

The types are … fog, frost and haze.

I'm not sure what's really the difference.

I understand frost and fog, but … it's like fog at the foot of a distant mountain, isn't it?

I think it's okay to just fog, but … is this okay?

The range of fog is expanding steadily.

I didn't know how wide it was, but … suddenly the terrain was called projected into my mind.

What is this?

Apparently the projected terrain of this place showing where I am now.

I can grasp the position of various things such as the position of grass, the position of trees, the position of stones, my position, etc.

However, since only the shape is known and there is no color and only the silhouette is displayed, I wondered if this was the case, and all of this was converted and projected it in my head.

I can understand the grass and trees somehow.

It seems whatever the object touched by the fog projected to me.

Apparently, this fog acts like a radar, and it seems that it can detect various things within the fog range.

What I mean by everything is, of course, everything.

I can also detect the position of my enemy.

There was a creature moving in the fog.


A human would have a plae face if they heard me.

That's what I'm thinking now.

I was angry at the fact that I was the one who get attacked.

Hmmph … [Multiple Water Spear] …!

Nearly 30 spears have appeared.

I couldn't adjust them to a little number because I drown to my anger, but … oh well.

I'll make a beehive design on it.

First, pierce 20 spears in a circle around the enemy.

Make a simple prison for it.

The enemy didn't expected to be the one who get attacked.

It couldn't notice the spear and was easily caught in a makeshift prison.

I manipulated it and confirmed it with the ability to control the haze, and I got rid of the fog.

It seems to create and thickened the fog take a lot ammount of MP, but no MP is used when I get rid off the fog.

With the remaining 10 spears waiting in front of the makeshift prison, I head to the prison.

There was an elongated four-legged animal like a weasel.

It's very annoying that it's have a smug face in this situation, but … let's see what kind of person he is.



A creature that hunting their prey in a cunning way.

This species is very good at stealth and very difficult to find. Since this species attacks their opponent while hiding, they mostly won one-sidedly in their hunt.


What a bad guy, just from it's name*.

*(racist, lol)

This guy really has a bad personality.

Screw it, let's kill it.

I shoot the remaining 10 spears at Azawarachi.

I was surprised this guy can avoid several shots in a small space, but it seemed that 10 of them could not be avoided, and finally the spear stabbed this fella and not moving.

Sigh … it was pretty dangerous.

If I didn't have [Haze Manipulation], I'm sure that would be a really bad situation.

But … I never thought this skill was a sensory skill.

I really lucky to have such skill … why didn't I try it earlier?

I really meant it.

If I tried to using it earlier, I could have won in less time!

Well … I was able to confirm the performance of the water shield.

I wonder if this is good.

After unraveling the multiple water spear, I finally get this Azawarachi.

This fella's smug face is annoying, so let's finish this.

After that, I used [Herculean Jaw] to chew up until it's bones.

[You have gained experience points. LV is now MAX. Evolution is possible. Display the current status]


Name: Ouren

Race: WaterSnake

LV: 30/30

HP: 155/155

MP: 186/186

Attack power: 102

Defense: 137

Magical power: 132

Agility: 75

-Special skills-

[Voice of Heaven] [Rare Species Benefits]


Offensive: [Herculean Jaw] [Pursuit] [Poison Fang] [Water Spear Volley] [Multiple Water Spear] [Water Blade] [Water Thread]

Magic: [Create clay], [Haze Manipulation] [Infinite Water Manipulation]

Defensive: [Water Barrier] [Water Shield]

Recovery: [Absorption]

Trap: [Water Bind]

Peculiarity: [Luminous] [Soil Purification]

Auto: [Strengthening <Bad Weather>] [Swimming]


[Dazzle] [Strong Acid] [Explosive] [Polution] [Poor visibility] [Blind]


After this far, my skills have increased considerably.

There is a big difference compared to the beginning.

The skill column wasn't so neat either.

There are statuses that used to be single digits, but now there are statuses that are over 100 even if the level is 1.

I did my best ~.

My size when I reincarnated isn't much bigger than my fang's size right now, right?

Thinking that way, I really grow bigger.

Just as planned! I will evolve and become a dragon!

I don't know what will happen in the future, but I wonder I'll think about that later!

[Will you evolve?]


[Choose your evolution path]


―Evolution Path―




Oh, the DaftWorm has disappeared!

Another new snake species has arrived.

Is the MudSnake an earth based snake species?

Speaking of which, I think Reizen was also an earth-based fish species, and I think it's okay to become a MudSnake and increase my defense power.

So what is WaveSnake?

Wave? Is this a snake that live in the wave?

Heavenly voice, please!



A snake species that likes swamps and mud. Contrary to their species name, this species just like mud and swamps, they don't live in there.

This species is relatively mild-mannered and uses its own traps to hunt for prey. This species did not aim for prey larger than themselves.



A violent snake species that uses waves to hunt their prey. This species use shock waves to blow off their enemies' internal organs. Adventurers are obliged to report to the guild if they are found this dangerous creatures due to their large size and fast movement.

Subjugation teams may be needed, but the results never been very good.


Holy snakes!?? New information recieved!

A guild, there is a guild!

There is a guild in this world!

And an adventurer! This world … have a large size of civilization!

The information that I get is royalty, guilds, and aristocrats exist.

I want to be human after all! I want to enjoy this world!

For the time being, my goal now is to become a humanoid figure!

There must be it, the magic must be exist.

There must be magic that will definitely make me a human (appearance)!

Fufufu … Thiz iz goin to be fhuuun!

Uhh? The MudSnake seems to have a trap skill.

It seems that earth-based skills can be used.

Wave Snake looks normal and strong.

However, their existance is targeted by humans … The stronger the species, the easier it is to be targeted … how sad.

But I'm slowly evolving.

This time I'll choose a MudSnake!

I'll be a WaveSnake in the next Race Change Evolution!

Oh, I should go home first before evolving.

Like it ? Add to library!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

_novel_Fancreators' thoughts