
Reincarnated as a Companion Wolf

Vorbuk was once human... One day he opened his eyes in a new world as a companion beast and found himself struggling to adapt to a new world. Not wanting to become a companion to another he set off only to find himself becoming friends with the crown prince, Leo, and others. Can he protect those important to him from the threats that await him on this continent? He must grow fast if he wants to take on the evil god that's lurking with intent to destroy the continent. Traversing the 12 kingdoms they meet all sorts of beings such as elves, demons, gods, werewolves, vampires, and many more beings. I also have a webtoon version of this series being worked on. You can read it at webtoon.

VonirComics · ファンタジー
358 Chs

Chapter 355

Vorbuk started to walk towards the merchant cart that held their captive, Elven Knight Elas of Yiven Kingdom. He was a loyal knight of General Vulen. If anyone knew information on General Vulen it would be him. It was impossible for the one who served the general as closely as him to not know anything about his situation.

Ashley had already questioned him but there was probably information left that the knight had managed keep to himself. Vorbuk felt that the elf would do anything he could to protect his general. His loyalty to General Vulen was one that stemmed deeper then a simple subordinate. It was clear that Elas had more reasons to be loyal to General Vulen besides being under his command.

Climbing into the cart to take a look he held his breath for a second. The sight he saw when he entered the cart was one that made his chest feel heavy. Even if he was use to seeing bloody scenes he could not help but stop breathing. Elas was covered in wounds and could barely manage to maintain his posture while kneeling on the floor of the merchant cart.

How is he conscious in this condition? Vorbuk did not feel sorry for the elf. It was a matter of fact that he could not trust the enemy. Contrary to his distaste for the elves for everything he had gone through, because of General Vulen, it was strange how he found himself admiring Elas's persistence to cling on to life.

Vorbuk muttered to himself, "An average person would have collapsed by now."

"Tch." Elas felt annoyed at the sight of King Vorbuk walking into the cart towards him. Knowing that it was useless to struggle the only thing he could do was gaze up at the king. Dried blood on his face made it difficult to see things clearly but he saw enough. The pain surging throughout his nerves made his body quiver where he knelt.

"Are you still going to continue acting this way?" Vorbuk asked when he saw the elf whip his gaze away from him. The elf did not even offer him the minimum amount of respect.

Elas laughed slightly as he asked in return, "How long are you intending to drag me along as a prisoner? You should be done with me already before I escape and kill you."

Looking into the elf's eyes, Vorbuk felt the words that he spoke were merely what the elf wished for himself, "Should I fear you?"

Elas flinched and answered, "I can not be held like this forever!"

"It seems to be going just fine like this to me." Vorbuk said flatly as he lowered himself down in front of Elas, gazing at him face to face as he continued, "Do you know what General Vulen is trying to do? He tried to take a king hostage to sell like property to the Drethia King. Does this sound like an honorable man to you?"

"... A King?" Elas paused briefly before chuckling and adding on, "If that happened I am sure he has his reasons for doing such a thing."

Vorbuk hesitated before asking, "Where would he have gone after his ship wrecked?"

"You think-!" Elas started to argue but found himself cut off by Vorbuk.

Vorbuk was not interested in listening to Elas argue with him, instead he felt certain that General Vulen had not died in the crash when his flying ship went down, therefore he found himself asking Elas for information on where he may had gone, "He is too stubborn to die in something like that. Do you think I will believe he failed to find a way out of that situation?"

Elas seemed to ponder something before saying, "There is only one place he could turn in this situation if he survived... I hope he did not go back there..."

"Go where?" Vorbuk asked insistently.

Elas did not want to say anymore but he knew that his life was in Vorbuk's hands. His life was something that he did not want to lose. It pained him to consider the idea of betraying the general's trust in him.

However... If he really went back there after doing all this... Elas worried that General Vulen's life could be on the line regardless of what he said in this situation. The king in front of him, Vorbuk, was waiting for the chance that General Vulen was going to do something against him without warning again. That was the opposite of how the elf felt.

"He may have gone home," Elas said while watching Vorbuk's expression carefully, "back to Yiven Kingdom. The queen did not want him to return to her without taking care of you so there is no way he would show up directly in front of her. Yiven Kingdom is the only place left for him to go."

Vorbuk became stiff at the mention of the Yiven Kingdom. If they became a problem before he returned home to Theapan it was uncertain how the others would handle things. Would Chase and the others be able to take care of things well on their own? What if he had other methods to return quickly and inform the Yiven King? How far does his capabilities reach?

Elas hesitated before saying, "I know what you are thinking but why would the king support General Vulen when he returns?"

"What do you mean?" Vorbuk thought the general had the support of his king from the beginning. How else could he have been able to control the knights under him so easily?

Meanwhile, Yiven Kingdom Palace,

General Vulen entered the palace with his steps in haste. He knew he should never have returned to the palace but he had run out of options. The connections he had were all cutting ties with him one by one since the queen had declared him not to return to her side until the beast had been dealt with. There was only one option left for him.


He flung the king's office door wide open as he found him in a meeting with others nobles of Yiven Kingdom. They all whispered to themselves as he entered the room. From the sight of it he knew they were whispering about him as their cold glares kept in his direction.

"General Vulen," The King shouted, "Have you lost your mind to enter in such a manner?"

King Joseph was a beautiful elf with long green hair. He kept his hair braided whenever he left his own room to be in front of others. A pair of deep blue eyes that felt like they could see deep within your very soul stared down General Vulen. They seemed cold but inside the king hated himself for not having another choice. No matter how long they had known each other he could not show favoritism towards he general after what he had done.

"Everyone is dismissed!" King Joseph said sending all the nobles out of the room. Their steps were quick at the sound of their king's cold tone. The king of Yiven was usually a elf with a warm heart. At the sight of him being cold they could not help but flee.

The only two left in the room was General Vulen and King Joseph of Yiven Kingdom. A heavy weighted silence enveloping the two of them. Both trying to come up with the words to begin their conversation.