
Reincarnated as a Companion Wolf

Vorbuk was once human... One day he opened his eyes in a new world as a companion beast and found himself struggling to adapt to a new world. Not wanting to become a companion to another he set off only to find himself becoming friends with the crown prince, Leo, and others. Can he protect those important to him from the threats that await him on this continent? He must grow fast if he wants to take on the evil god that's lurking with intent to destroy the continent. Traversing the 12 kingdoms they meet all sorts of beings such as elves, demons, gods, werewolves, vampires, and many more beings. I also have a webtoon version of this series being worked on. You can read it at webtoon.

VonirComics · ファンタジー
358 Chs

Chapter 332

"Invalid," Sebastian spoke while wielding a sword he had borrowed from the royal palace for the journey, Vorbuk would have never allowed him to come unprepared and he could not use his abilities to create one himself without ruining his cover as a mortal, "I have all the time in the world."

He was not unaware of what the prince was doing. It was impossible for Sebastian to not know that the prince was trying to read his information. That was something impossible for him to not realize. Sebastian was not able to be read by Prince Leo no matter how many times he tried. That was because he could easily keep the prince from doing so.

I am an existence you will never be able to read. Sebastian thought as he kept his gaze away from the prince. He did not want to make it obvious that he was aware of what the prince was trying to do.

"Tch!" Prince Leo clicked his tongue as he raised his sword. Blocking an attack from a hostile vampire. The vampire had tried to take him by surprise. There was no time for him to waste on trying to get more information on Sebastian with his rare ability.

He called out to Sebastian when he realized Ashley had already gone on ahead by himself, "Which way did Ashley go?!"

"He was chased by several vampires." Sebastian replied while cutting down a vampire that he was fighting off on his side.

Leo asked again, "What direction?!"

Sebastian had no expression as he sighed. Pointing his blade in the direction that Ashley had gone. It was true that the vampire had been chased by several others. He also knew that Ashley was not running off on his own because he could not handle them. It was simply because the vampire was desperately seeking out his master's location.

The prince did not care what the reason was for Ashley to move forward without them. He had left them both behind. Knowing that they both would need to fight off the vampires on their own. Ashley was not considering the safety of Leo and Sebastian. Not in the slightest. They were the last thing on his mind right now.

Vorbuk did not know that the others had boarded the ship right away. He was more focused on the blade in his mouth. Tasting his own blood as he refused to release his grip. His wounds could heal but his life could not be easily obtained a third time around.

In fact he did not know if he even died in his old life. Was this even a second life? Or did he come to this world in another way? Whatever the gods did to him he would not loose his life so easily. Nor would he submit to others who wanted to take control over what life he had.

Bam! Thud!

General Vulen slammed his foot into the stomach of the beast. The wolf being knocked backwards. Landing on his side as he growled up at the elf. He tried his hardest to keep the fox steady without letting he be knocked from him. It kept a firm grip on the magic collar around his neck with her sharp fangs.

After sensing that the fox was still tightly gripping onto him, Vorbuk leapt back up to his feet. Rushing at the elf as he raised his sword to block him. The wolf tried to feel his mana as he ran causing sparks from the collar once again that Leah was gripping so tightly onto.

Leah released her grip on the collar and with her paws clung onto the back of the wolf. The little fox squeezed her eyes shut as the sparks got more violent. A cracking noise sounded by the little fox's ears. She could hear it clearly. It was breaking down.

Vorbuk could feel his mana being released. The more he forced it the clearer that feeling became. He could access his mana again. He just needed to push a bit more... Just a bit more.


The god's voice shouted warnings at him.

[ You are putting too much strain on your mana. The soul may become affected. ]

Suddenly something seemed to change within Vorbuk at a glance. The look in his eyes seemed to be going into a trance. All the emotions he once felt seemed to slowly fall away. He was starting to black out. His natural beast instincts were taking control of his mind and body as he pushed himself. Completely aware of this feeling the beast tried to struggle to fight it off.



The collar shattered like shards of broken glass from Vorbuk's neck. His eyes flashing a bright red glow as his body began to envelope in a thick black smoke. General Vulen was startled by the sudden change as the beast was in mid jump. He had no time to react as the only thing he could do was continue his stance to block the incoming attack.

Darkblast. Vorbuk thought of what he wanted instinctively when he felt his mana become freed.

Every shard of the collar that scattered in the air sparkled with different colors of light. It was caused from the built of magic in the collar breaking down. It was like a disco ball light show around them as Vorbuk's body cast down a dark blast of mana. The black ball of mana colliding within mere seconds against General Vulen's sword.

General Vulen stumbled back a few steps as he blocked the attack. His body being forced to cough up a bit of blood. Starting to breath deeply the elf tried to remain focused on the fight. Catching sight of the wolf where it landed in front of him. The beast was staring him down as a heavy black fog was starting to cover the beast up.

General Vulen flinched at what he saw.

The wolf stepped forth from the black fog as he took human form. With one hand Vorbuk steadied the fox, Leah, that was clinging to him desperately. Helping her to steady herself on top of his shoulder. It was the first time General Vulen had realized what Vorbuk looked like as a human. Vorbuk could see that it made the elf feel complicated at first.

"You wanted to see me as a human," Vorbuk spoke while summoning his own black sword from his mana firmly in his hand, "does it please you now?"


General Vulen blocked a swift strike from Vorbuk's blade. Heart racing inside his chest as he felt a bit of pressure from the beast in this form. The beast's mana was no longer blocked and the elf could feel the full pressure. He had grown stronger since they last met.

"Do you think I will let go easily? I must complete my mission." General Vulen declared with determination.

Vorbuk could see how strongly the elf felt about completing his duty to Queen Lyra. He could also see the feint trace in his eyes that showed he was wavering. General Vulen's heart was wavering out of exhaustion. He could not tell if that made General Vulen weaker for being exhausted. Perhaps that made him more difficult to deal with. Because Vulen was determined to push forward regardless of how much his way of life had come to exhaust him.