
Reincarnate to a Villain ( Filipino, English )

I belong to the weird group that doesn't define my things in life.

Jea26 · その他
2 Chs

Reincarnate to a Villain (1)

Nathalie busy feeding strays cat on a street not notice the truck was not in good condition, she was about to walk a side but is to late to run for her life.

"What's happening?" Nathalie busy thinking on what happened on her while ago, because she woke up fine and kicking alive she remember what it was but it give her confusing scenario, " Gladly you are awake I was about to call our personal Dr. for that." tall guy shown up nowhere and spoke to her like they were know each other. " Who are you? " Nathalie ask him, " lost something? I remembered you just past out, your not involved on any accident Chealy bitch. " Chealy? who is that, Nathalie thinking if Im not mistaken I'm ok before but now, I doubted.

Its already dawn and still Nathalie can't accept the fact that she was reincarnate to a someone that has beauty set aside that not just that she was rich and so popular in this city, how can I cop op her posture that I was impostor, they will eliminate me. I will do my best not to happened that I need to act that I was her. but before that I need to know who she is and what she do for a living.

Next day we went for a shopping that Chealy usually do on free day, next day I need to go on school that was I need to be prepare.