
Strange World 1 > Ch 2: Rebirth

Chapter 2: The Crazy Outsider is Reborn


"Do not be afraid, little one," the voice says. "You are safe here. You have been reborn, into a new world and a new life."

The Crazy Outsider looks around, trying to find the source of the voice. He sees a small, winged creature fluttering near him, its eyes shining with wisdom and compassion.

"Reborn?" the Crazy Outsider repeats, still confused. "What do you mean?"

The creature smiles at him, its wings beating softly. "You have died in your previous life, and your soul has been given the chance to start anew. You have been reborn as a baby dragon, in this world of magic and wonder."

The Crazy Outsider is stunned, unable to believe what he is hearing. "But... but I am the Crazy Outsider!" he protests. "I am the greatest martial artist in the Murim world! I cannot be a dragon!"

The creature shakes its head, its expression still kind. "You are no longer the Crazy Outsider, little one. You are a new being, with a new life and a new purpose. But do not worry, for you will not be alone. I will guide you, and help you discover your true potential in this world."

The Crazy Outsider hesitates, still unsure of what to make of this new situation. But then, he feels a spark of curiosity and excitement in his chest.

"What is this world like?" he asks, his voice filled with wonder. "What can I do here?"

The creature smiles, its eyes twinkling. "This world is full of magic and adventure, little one. You can learn to fly, to breathe fire, and to cast spells. You can make friends, and explore the vast lands and oceans. You can discover your true self, and find your own path in life."

The Crazy Outsider feels a rush of excitement and anticipation. He has never felt so alive, so full of possibility.

"I need to see it all." he says nonchalantly hiding his excitement and anticipation.

Filled with excitement, he collapses into a sleep all of a sudden.

𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧

Losing all excitement as I open my eyes, I am greeted by a world of vibrant colours and sounds. The forest around me is alive with the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves in the wind. I am no longer the powerful martial artist I once was, but a small and vulnerable baby dragon.

My body also seems to have set timer for sleeping as I collapsed by earlier with no warning.

I try to move, but my body feels awkward and uncoordinated. I look down at my dark blue scales and see a pair of thin wings protruding from my back. I experiment with flapping them, and to my surprise, I manage to lift myself a few inches off the ground.

I make my way to a nearby pond and catch a glimpse of my reflection. My eyes are a deep shade of purple, and my snout is pointed and sharp. I let out a soft growl, testing the sound of my new voice.

I am filled with a sense of unease. I have no idea how I came to be in this form, or what my purpose is in this new world. I am alone and helpless, with no one to turn to for guidance.

I spend the next few days exploring my surroundings and learning to control my body. I hunt for food and water, and avoid any larger creatures that I come across. I am constantly on guard, wary of the dangers that lurk in the forest.

As I grow stronger and more confident, I begin to venture further from the pond. I discover new sights and sounds, and learn the language of the animals that live in the forest. But despite my newfound abilities, I am still plagued by a sense of emptiness.

I am no longer the Crazy Outsider, the powerful martial artist feared by all. I am just a baby dragon, struggling to survive in a world that is unfamiliar and unforgiving. I long for the days when I was at the peak of my power, but I know that those days are gone forever.

As I continue to wander the forest, I am constantly searching for answers. Who am I, and why was I reborn as a baby dragon? What is my purpose in this new world? These questions haunt me, driving me forward in my quest for answers.

But for now, I must focus on survival. I must learn to adapt to this new world and use my powers to protect myself from the dangers that surround me. Only time will tell what the future holds for me, the reborn Crazy Outsider.
