
When we seek for happiness...

Seeing these kids play carefree about whatever going on in their lives and just enjoying like there's no tomorrow reminds me of my childhood.What's more relieving is that I still have that child in me who is carefree and enjoys moments like there's no tomorrow.

But,there are people who have forgotten that they are humans and still carry a child within them.They work like machines,forgetting to enjoy their life in the meanwhile.Some people are busy setting goals and achieving them.It becomes the soul purpose of their life.Are they really enjoying their lives?

No,because until and unless you start giving time to yourself and care about yourself,you cannot be truly happy.Some people feel lonely in spite of having their family and friends.The reason is they have forgotten what happiness is.Happiness has become a dependable thing which requires major factors and people to be happy.This is a whole wrong concept.Happiness is self seeker.No one can make you happy until and unless you yourself want to be.

People miss their childhoods because as a child happiness comes naturally from within.You are happy because you are 'YOU' !

Welcome to the reality !

No one in the whole world can make you happy.They just can be the reason behind your happiness.Whether you are happy or not,it all depends on 'YOU'.You can't expect people to make you happy.If you are not happy then,thousands actions to make you happy by anyone would simply nullify.

Yes,we do miss our childhood but that shouldn't stop us from enjoying our life further in the same way - carefree like there's no tomorrow.We can't be young again and that's quite obvious but we can relive memories and enjoy our life to the fullest.We can be happy even with no company.When no one's there,you need not feel alone.Rather,just enjoy your own company.

// After all,it's all about living life to the fullest and not regret later ! //