
Reds Reset

The line between life and death is thin. With the numerous religions giving some glimmer of hope, people started hanging onto their thin rope. In an attempt to ease their minds about the unknown. But what if death is not the end? What if Death is only the beginning? Red lives in a vulnerable world, one where Windows to other planes of existence open often. Monsters and dangerous creatures reside in each, and the awakened are humanities only hope. Our story starts with Death and ends with Glory. Follow Red as he breaks through Worlds, practicing and growing stronger with each experience. The chosen Champion of the mysterious God.

Fairn · ファンタジー
197 Chs

Voices! (3)

Link stood there with a look of horror on his face. The figure stood up, slowly changing. Even as Link got so close to it in the fight before, he didn't manage to see it, it was like the thing was pitch black, without any features or even clothes.

As it stood back up, it became a little shorter, what looked like hair was growing out of it's scalp, its body becoming more slender and its chest growing forward.

"What the hell?" Link muttered, freezing in place, even in the short fight they had, Link already used half his Mana. The Blink Skill needed a good chunk of Mana to function, which upset Link but understood the usefulness of it.

As the figure stood back up, it turned around, looking more like a female than a man like it looked like before.

In the darkness Link could see its face moving, the dark skin on its head moved a bit in the mouth area like it was trying to smile without a mouth.

"Come handsome, let's have a good time" The figure spoke in a high feminine voice, the skin moved but there was no gap for the sound to come out from, which sent shivers down Link's spine.

Link took a step back, a bit creeped out with what he had seen.

"Is this thing a male or a female" He thought to himself, looking the creature up and down.

<It looks like a Demon Link, be careful> Said Zero, still analyzing it.

As the figure took a step forward Link stepped back, he needed a bit of time to use the Skill and Stat points he had. After adding the point to Agility and the Skill point to Blink reducing its Mana usage, Link held the Hunting Knife tighter in his hand and dashed towards it.

At this point he didn't care what it was, it was obvious that the creature looked intelligent and above all, it knew where Link lived and it might come after his family if he does not take care of it.

Link swung his hand, aiming at its neck. As the knife was inches away from cutting its throat, The figure disappeared, ducking down at a speed even Link didn't manage to catch.

Link felt something touching his chest and side, as he looked down he saw it. It was not trying to harm him but it looked like the thing was feeling him up.

"Come on, i'll teach you a thing or two." The figure spoke, Link hearing the words he shuddered.

Without hesitation he lifted his leg, kneeing it in the face to let go of him. As it did and stepped back, it slowly lifted its head looking at Link.

"Ok then" It said, no longer using its seductive voice "I guess I'll just have to kill you. What a waste" The feel of the creature changed, the world around them seemed like it got darker and darker, making it harder for Link to see it.


Link flew to the right, falling and quickly trying to get himself back on his feet again, he didn't know when or how he was hit but he couldn't stay down. But before he lifted his head he felt the same impact on his stomach, making him slide a few feet on the ground.

The area was silent. Not even the birds or the insects dared to make a noise.

The moon stood in the middle of the stars, failing to light up the area. Link looked around frantically, seeing nothing.

Suddenly, he head a faint and high voice, it echoed in the spot easily.

"Ring-a-round the rosie," The creature started singing, as Link held his stomach with both his hands in pain.

"A pocket full of posies" It continued, Link stood back up, not seeing it anywhere as he turned left and right.

"Ashes! Ashes!" The female voice came from somewhere Link couldn't find. It sounded like it was near him but he couldn't see it. The place was dark and the sun was not even close to rising.

"We all fall down."

As it finished the rhyme, and spoke the final words, Link felt a powerful hit on his kneecap, bending his leg the wrong way, bones breaking and protruding from the other side. Link wanted to scream, but stopped himself, thinking about his family.

"What if they woke up and came to check out the noise" Link thought "Would it attack them?"

Link didn't know and didn't want to know. As he held in his scream he grabbed his knife, aiming it towards the darkness around him.

"Hum mm" Humming, sounds of humming came from his right, but still didn't see anything.

"What the hell? Where is it?" As Link thought to himself, he heard Zero speaking in his head.

<It's invisible, i don't understand how it did it as no skill was used but the thing is there>

Link nodded as he realized what he missed. He stood up on one leg while hovering the other.

"Two can play that game" He said, activating his Shadow Walk skill, black shadows covered Link, With the creature losing sight of him.

"Does he think i'm stupid" The creature thought "How can he move with that leg without making noise" She said, her skin rising as she tried to smile.

Walking slowly to where Link was, the figure pulled her hand back and with all it had swung it.

Hitting air.

"What the hell?" It thought.

Little did it know. With that attack, Link knew exactly where it was, as he raised his knife and swung at the spot.

A loud shriek came from it, blood filling the ground.

"Got you" Link muttered.

What happened was, when Link went invisible he teleported out of the spot, moving 2 feet to the right, and waiting while hovering one leg. As the creature attacked and Link heard and felt the air shift, he figured out where it was and swung.

The thing fell to the ground, slowly becoming more visible, its head was barely held on by what little was left of its neck.

The shriek kept going, the sound slowly losing its feminine pitch and becoming static like.

"You'll re..gret this," The creature muttered, somehow still able to speak.

"You attacked me first, c*nt" Link said back, crouching down and grabbing it by head, pulling till it tore off.

<Lesser Demon Killed>

<1 000 EXP Has Been Granted>

<1 175/1 600 exp>

Link was surprised, he felt like he got lucky. If the creature took him seriously and killed him when it first went invisible, the fight wouldn't have played this way.

"I need to get stronger" Link thought, squeezing his hand.

<Don't be so harsh on yourself, you did well. Lesser Demons are Level 3 Intermediate Creatures.>

After hearing Zero, Link felt a bit better, grabbing the Demon's Body and putting it in his Inventory. As he asked the system to take care of it and get whatever he can use from it, he was surprised.

<Lesser Demon Eyes. Fresh>

<Lesser Demon Mana Core. Intermediate Level 3>

"Consume it" Said Link without hesitation.

<New Passive Skill: Shadow Eater>

<Shadow Eater: As long as the user is in darkness, he would feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Recovery of both health and Mana by 1 Point per 5 minutes.>

<New Permanent Mana Points: +54>

"54? Not bad" Link said "And the new skill seems quite good"

As he looked down, Link saw the state of his leg, without any other choice he hopped himself to the village's healer's house.


I made an Instagram account and would love it if my readers could follow.

It's still a work in progress but i would like to interact with you if possible :)

Follow me : monopia.wn

See you there..


Currently :


-- Status :

<User: Link>

<Race: Human>

<Level 5>

<1 175/1 600 exp>

<HP: 25/25>

<MP: 110/110>

<Strength: 10>

<Agility: 14>

<Stamina: 10>


-- Skills :

<Rock Skin> <Passive Skill>

<Shadow Walk> <Active Skill>

<Counter Instinct> <Active Skill> <2>

<Blink> <Active Skill> <1>

<Shadow Eater> <Passive Skill>


-- Quests :

<Main Quests :>

<Reach Level 10>


<Daily Quests :>



Thank you for reading...

So Here's another Quest for you.


30+ Stones/Votes = 1 Chapter Release

300 Stones/Votes = 4 Chapters Release

400 Stones/Votes = 5 Chapters Release

500 Stones/Votes = 10 Chapters Release


Keep voting, and i hope i see your comments out there <3

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