
Redemption:Book 1

A Young Boy Named mark was abandoned by his parents and left to stay in an ophanage where he was mistreated bullied and bruised..... But fortunately for this young boy he is gifted with knowledge..... Which help him get a scholarship into a prestigious school.... There he meets a girl he loves Take a look at Marks life as he gets his redemption system

Choolwe_Chosen · 都市
2 Chs

The beginning

(A/N:hey guys this is a wonderful story I thought of sharing it is a great story I hope you like it and feel inspired by it ....FYI this is my first story so please help me if see mistake and am only 17 so am still learning.. your support is very much appreciated)

?? [mwah, mwah!]

a cry of a baby was heard in a white room with 4 people in

?? [ such a cute baby] a women dressed in a white uniform couldn't help but

?? [have you thought of a name?] a man in white asked the couple infront of him

The couple looked at each other

But they didn't seem too happy...they looked terrified

??[Babe, I don't think we can keep. we aren't financially stable for him he is just a waste of money.] A middle aged man whispered to lady beside him...who was have a difficult time breathing

??[Micheal, I know but we can't let the nurses and doctors know, let's pretend to be happy then when I get out of here we get rid of him]

the woman whispered

Micheal [Doctor,this is such a wonderful time, doctor Sarah and I have decided to name him Mark , Mark Smith]

A few days passed

In large hospital Sarah was getting ready to leave

Sarah [Micheal, promise next time you use a condom am tired of dumping babies here and there ] Sarah said with a serious face

Micheal [haha,Babe don't worry next time I will be prepared,I hope u will also be prepared for this machine gun] Micheal said with a smile and winking at her

Sarah couldn't help but blush at the naughty thoughts in head

the doctor soon came in and told Sarah to have enough rest

Sarah said her thanks and immediately left the hospital

a few hours later

a car was cruising through an abandoned road until it to an abrupt stop

the door soon opened

Mark[Mwah,Mwah Mwah]

Sarah [why can't this thing shut its f*cking mouth]

Micheal [don't mind it after all it will soon due of hunger..haha] Micheal laughed

Sarah [it's always fun doing this with you, I love you babe, you are the best]

Micheal [ Love you too, hehe]

Micheal carried a basket carrying Mark and left on the roadside.

and got in the car started the engine

Micheal [ Good riddance! ] Micheal shouted in the car while cruising

Sarah[hahaha] Sarah laughed with a mischievous smile in her

the time was 10pm and the was a sound a child crying in the middle of nowhere

until a pair of light could be seen coming along the road until it suddenly stopped

??[Henry,I told you I heard a baby's cry. who would be so cruel to leave a baby by the roadside in the middle of nowhere]

Henry [Alright Carol, if someone left it here the might come and get it let's go.]

Carol[No! It looks hungry it's probably been here for hours. I want to keep it]

Henry[Come on you gotta be joking]

Carol looked at him with an angry face

Henry[ fine let's go]

Carol [ thanks that's why I love you]


12 years later

Carol[Mark get up]

Mark[huh] Mark slowly gets up rubbing his face

Carol[ aww my baby looks so cute when he is asleep but unfortunately he has so come on get up]

Mark[Mum do I have to go to school,I mean I seriously don't want to]

Carol[Mark Timothy Johnson get up before I come there!]Mark quickly got up afraid of his mum's other side.

in a few minutes

Mark was done and ready for school

he stood by the roadside waiting for the bus

when the bus came the moment he got in people laughed at him

??[Guys Buga boys is here... Hahahaha]

everyone [hahahaha]

a random pupil[can you believe he tried to talk to Jessica with his disgusting face, hahahaha]

Mark just ignored all the laughter and just sat until he reached school

The moment he entered class he was laughed at again but he just ignored them....he satvat his desk waiting for the until suddenly the door Burst open.


Immediately that voice came people couldn't help but feel pity for Mark...the could already see his tombstone being made

After seeing Mark the guy walk towards him and said

??[So last week you had the guts to talk to my girlfriend!]

Mark[She isn't your girlfriend]Mark said in a low to tone

??[huh, what did you say....she ain't my girlfriend...boy you do have courage I give you that .... before I beat the hell out of you.. Tell what the hell you guys where talking about]

Mark[Look Harrison, She just asked me to help her with calculus]

Harrison [so she went to you and not me]

Mark[ well that's because you are a dumbass why would she go to you] Mark immediately regretted his words(shit am dead)

Harrison [ what did you say...why this boy has grown to have the courage to insult me....well boy now you are dead]

Before he could land a punch on him a beautiful voice sounded out of nowhere


Harrison looked behind and was stunned by the beauty but immediately got his composure

Harrison [Jessica,baby girl....am sorry you have to see this but I have to teach this loser a lesson for messing with our relationship]

Jessica [huh, relationship... hahahaha..do u think I would date a dumbass like all u do is bully your way into people lives....and beside since when was I with you....wow Harrison you never ceases to amaze me Hahahaha] Jessica laugh made the whole class laugh at him

Harrison [Jessica after all the love I showed you and all the protection I gave you u embarrass me like this]

What Harrison said made Jessica laugh even more

Harrison (don't worry Jessica u may laugh and embarrass but I know that all this isn't your fault it's this fool buga boy....and I will crush when I get the chance....hope you have health insurance boy...cause u gonna need hehe)

Mark suddenly felt a chill in his spin not knowing what caused

Mark(hmmph life goes on)

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