

After countless months of practice of setting her alarm at AM 5, her body finally woke up before the alarm sounded and though still drowsy, her feet automatically headed to the bathroom sink to splashed cold water on her face. She stares herself in the mirror finally being able to open her eyes and takes a deep breath, closes the bathroom and heads to prayer bench and as she kneels down and closes her eyes, a misty limey forest appears. As she steps onto the soil, her ears are welcomed by an empyrean dawn symphony; the sound of the leaves rustling against her skin, and a figure afar off waiting.

After communing with God, she opened the blinds and stretched to prepare her body for the day ahead. As she is stretching she puts on the armour of God¹ and runs downstairs to prepare her breakfast leaving the linen bread bag open, the refrigerator semi ajar, and the orange juice uncovered.

If you were to ask Violet which part of seeing the sunrise was her favorite, she would not be able to answer you; which would you choose, perceiving the firmament change color from blue to pink to purple, and finally to red meanwhile you sip down your orange juice or the first crepuscular rays of the sun resting on your skin as you bite on your bread or maybe squinting the whole time to find your plate because of the blinding radiant sun?

As she sat there, her thoughts wander off to the words of Levi, "we shall not meet purposely, but divinely seven times by God to discern if it is His will."

The kitchen now sparkling and the dishes washed and put away, she sat down and opened to Psalm 50. One of the best thing and at the same time distracting to have when reading the Word of God is a window; because though her eyes perused the text; one eye would sometimes inadvertently look at the sunshine caressing the canopy trees and those same trees were also being peered at by someone contemplating the beatific vision.


A week passed by and their paths were intentionally crossed at an opening night of a symphony.

For some it was their first time listening to a live symphony and for others it was a recurring event. The majority of the patrons were clad formally wearing gray monochrome colors, except for the children who were dressed in pastel palette, and the two strangers with earth tone habiliment.

It is important to mention that neither Levi nor Violet were behaving differently from their habitual routes to forcefully create an alleged accidental encounter or were being unnecessarily wary of their surroundings as if to scan for the other person. Because if they were to conduct in that manner it would be contradictory to what they said to God.

So when the lights dimmed signaling that the symphony will commence, Levi was not able to recognize the familiar silhouette on the opposite side of the box seat nor Violet when she saw the back of a man handing his ticket and walking to the left side of the auditorium.

It was only after each was fully enthralled by the atmospheric sounds that evoked numinous contemplation throughout the concert hall that when they looked to the audience with sorrowful eyes was when their gazes met.

They both blinked twice causing their teardrops fall on their handkerchief.

As the lights turned back on, the people rose to their feet to applaud meanwhile they mouthed each other's name with a quizzical frown. Now let us not confuse ourselves as to think that the emotion they felt was romantic.

No, not at all.

The reason the corner of their lips rose as their slow and pensive steps echoed throughout the corridor was because this was divinely willed. What greater joy can one delight in when a moment in your life has been determined before the foundation of the earth, all according to God's good pleasure.

This was the reason why they smiled and why their hearts were beating rapid.

As soon as they stepped outside of the concert hall, they saw a galaxy of people which made it difficult to find each other since they didn't inspect what the other was wearing. However, among the swarm of people, there were only two people who stood out the most because of their outfit's colours and those two were Violet and Levi.

Once they found each other, they were smiling at each other though every now and then they would avert their eyes and look at the floor.

"Who would have thought we both would have attended this symphony today, at this hour and at this place considering they had multiple showings? What a συγκυρία!"¹ He said in a sarcastic tone.

She chuckled as she opened her purse and took out something and handed it to Levi.

He looked at the gift and raised his eyebrows at her and guessed, "Is it... a book?"

She nodded.

"1 Thessalonians 5:11," Levi grinned, "may I...?"

"Of course! Though I'm certain you've purchased it and read it before," she glanced at him mischievously.

As he unwrapped carefully and saw the title, "well... it is included in one of the volumes I have at home, but!... I have not reached there yet," he remarked as he was putting it inside his messenger bag; "but... still—," he paused for a moment as she was staring around her and waited for her to lock eyes with him, "thank you, and I also have this pocket sized booklet for you."

Her eyes widened as she scanned the booklet and uttered, "Deuteronomy 11:18."

They both let out a hearty laugh since their spirits leaped with joy as each sought to edify one another.

She held the booklet close to her chest and thanked him.

"If it is The Lord's will to meet again, let's recite it together...?"


They bid each other farewell and continued their paths until the next appointed time.


¹Ephesians 6:10-18

thank you very much if you have read thus far.

FushiginoRedamancycreators' thoughts