
Chapter 4: no mans land pt.1

They have been walking for an hour with no luck of finding a hideout but They keep walking, then They spotted a horde at the end of the road the hid in the bushes.They distracted the horde with a rock, They realize that They couldn't get through the horde so They went on another way but still headed north,They eventually found a abandoned shopping mall.They went inside checked all corner of the mall,They could live There for a few weeks because They have found food.one week later the looked outside to see the snow that had build up for the past week,They couldn't stay There for long as they had ran out of food so They venture north.In the middle of There adventure the look back.to see horde running towards them.They ran the opposite way but the others didn't make it the horde catch up to the others,They lost two people in the group.with no food an low ammunition,they became tired and setup camp in the forest for the night, at the morning They venture north to find a safe house or some form of hide out,They eventually found a community They went up to the gates They we're let in,but hours later the horde came running thought the gates and the climb the gate killing everybody.
